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Word for Today, Mon, 19 Sep 2005: Building Hope

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 19 Sep 2005: Building Hope
Dear friends,

Here is part three of Larry Davies' series about what has been
going on in the hurricane ravaged areas of the deep south.
Larry's church is doing something about it. Are you? If not,
perhaps you can get your own church involved. Failing that,
perhaps you can join the efforts already underway in Larry's

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Sowing Seeds Ministry Website set up a way to donate for Katrina
relief. The money will be transferred to Timberlake United
Methodist Church to be used for supplies. Over the next few
months there will be a need for medical and building materials as
our church will send physicians and nurses as well as
construction crews. No money will be used for overhead, only for
supplies going directly to the area. Our website address is:

If you want to see parts one and two and pictures of "Mission
Mississippi: Building Hope" click here:

"Mission Mississippi: Building Hope" -- Part 3 Larry Davies

On the first day in the Katrina damaged areas of Mississippi, our
team saw God's miraculous hand at work as we delivered a huge
truck full of needed supplies including twenty new beds to a
church in Biloxi, hard at work, helping others despite their own
severe losses. We also witnessed the tender witness of a woman
offering God's encouragement and love to those standing in line
to receive aid.

Later that afternoon, we drove to the waterfront area of Biloxi
to witness the damage firsthand. No words can describe the
enormity of the destruction for miles all around us. The few
trees which were still standing were strewn with paper and
plastic over twenty feet high. Looking up, you had to wonder how
trash could possibly end up so high in the air. Then you
realize... this is the water level. How could it possibly be?
Realizing the enormity of so much water sent cold chills through
us all.

Houses and businesses along the shore were ripped apart. You
would see buildings minus one or two walls but stripped bare of
any furnishings. Automobiles were buried in the sand or stacked
on top of each other. Virtually everything was destroyed. Yet
in the front yard of one house was an ominous sign: "You loot, we
shoot." The owner stood guard with his gun cocked and his car
parked in the yard.

On one street corner where an antique store once stood, the
owners gathered and reorganized what merchandise they could find
and displayed it on the ground. What you first noticed was the
old door standing by itself with no walls for support alongside a
sign: We Buy, Sell or Trade. Within the door frame was another
sign: No Trespassing. I did not know whether to laugh or cry at
the strange sight.

We also witnessed many signs of hope amidst the ruins. Several
people drove by to offer food, clothing and other assistance to
those still living in the area. One man unloaded several boxes
of canned food and bottled water. He said simply: "I have more
than I need and just want to share."

There is a letter in the Bible that speaks eloquently of our need
to share: "Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying
you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind
of faith can't save anyone. Suppose you see a brother or sister
who needs food or clothing, and you say, "Well, good-bye and God
bless you; stay warm and eat well"--but then you don't give that
person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see,
it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show
itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless."
(James 2:14-17)

All the sermons in the world will never adequately show our love
to the people affected by hurricane Katrina. Our actions speak
so much louder than our words. What we saw in Coastal
Mississippi was devastation beyond our imagination yet we also
witnessed so many gestures of Gods amazing love.

As we returned later in the evening and crossed the bridge from
Biloxi into Pascagoula, we noticed a barge with a large crane on
top resting by a section of the bridge. We assumed the crane was
there to repair bridge damage. Not true. The barge and crane
was originally on the beach nearly a mile away. Somehow the
storm blew the barge across nearly a mile of land where it
smashed into the bridge causing damage which could take months or
even years to repair. Now a major artery in the area has gone
from four lanes to two causing over an hour's delay traveling
across this section of Mississippi.

That evening, after driving all night and working all day, we
returned to our host church exhausted, expecting to eat our
packaged meals and get some rest. We were however surprised with
some wonderful Mississippi church hospitality. Several members
prepared a tasty rice dish, popular in the area, called Jambalaya
filled with chicken and sausage: Church fellowship at its
delicious best. We were also provided the chance to take a hot
shower which was a rare privilege in the area at the time.

While everyone slept, I printed photographs taken of the damage
in Biloxi. One picture, almost forgotten was of a lighthouse
standing on the beach of Biloxi. Underneath was a pile of rubble
from the storm. The lighthouse represents our church mission
statement: "A light to guide you safely home." Our church and
the people on our team wanted to be a lighthouse for the people
affected by Katrina. That lighthouse standing strong against the
storm reinforced and revitalized our own mission of hope.

Next week: We enter Gulfport Mississippi before going home and
planning our next steps.

Sowing Seeds Ministry received hundreds of emails asking advice
on how to help. Here is a partial list you might find useful but
we are open to other suggestions. What did you do? Send us an

1. School Kits - We are filling back packs with school
supplies. We hope to send a thousand book bags so that
children scheduled to start school in October will have
adequate supplies.

2. Packaged Food - These are still major items of need.

3. Cleaning Supplies -- Bleach and other basic supplies
used to clean houses of water damage.

4. Money -- Is always needed. We have an agency receiving free
food but simply needs money for transportation. Thanks to
this special arrangement you can spend approximately $25 per
family and ship a month's worth of food. This is a bargain
we want to take advantage of.

5. Work Teams -- The rebuilding is beginning now with great
needs for carpenters, electricians but also people with
chain saws, people to pass out food or work in the kitchen.

6. Cots or Air Mattresses -- These are needed to sleep the many
folks working in the area.

7. Gift Cards -- This allows families to make their own choices
based on different needs.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Website set up a way to donate for Katrina
relief. The money will be transferred to Timberlake United
Methodist Church to be used for supplies. Over the next few
months there will be a need for medical and building materials as
our church will send physicians and nurses as well as
construction crews. No money will be used for overhead, only for
supplies going directly to the area. Our website address is:

If you want to see parts one and two and pictures of "Mission
Mississippi: Building Hope" click here:

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our


Brian Masinick,
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