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Word for Today, Mon, 2 May 2005: The Price of Sin and Temptation

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 2 May 2005: The Price of Sin and Temptation
Dear friends,

Each week Larry Davies writes a weekly column called Sowing Seeds
of Faith that he distributes to what has become an international
mailing list. The ministry, which began many years ago as an
offshoot of a local church ministry, has also grown into an
international prayer ministry. Almost two years ago now, I
joined with Larry and I now edit the prayer mailing list for his

Larry and I met on the Internet many years ago as part of a
growing prayer list and devotional ministry. Larry started his
ministry as an offshoot of his local pastoral ministry. I
started a prayer list as something I wanted to do because of my
profession as a software engineer and my personal convictions as
a Christian, desiring to use the tools that God has given to me.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, the more and longer I know Him,
the more I want to know Him. I get to know Christ by reading and
hearing His Word, which is found in the Bible. As I read the
Bible, think about it, and study it, I realize all the more just
how much I need Jesus Christ.

Years ago, I thought I was, by most accounts, a reasonably good
person. I considered myself generally honest, reasonably
intelligent, hard working... and the list goes on. By some
standards, I may still say some of the same things. However, as
I realized what God's standards are, I finally came to the
realization that I come up far short. All of my accomplishments
viewed either in my own eyes or even in the eyes of others mean
little to God.

What matters to God is whether I love Him enough to trust Him and
take Him at His Word. God says that my own deeds are like
rubbish, my best efforts are in vein, but at the same time, God
deeply loves me, cares for me, and has made every provision for
me to place all hope in Him. His Word tells me that I may be
forgiven, not just sometimes, but for all things done or undone,
that I may have and experience a personal relationship with Him,
but I need to trust one thing - and that one thing is that Jesus
Christ, God's own Son, came to earth, lived and died as a man,
died, not because of humanness, but to pay the full price for my
sin. He did that for all who will freely acknowledge this, He
did it at great personal cost - separation from His own Father,
not to mention the humanness, the shame of bearing all sin, the
pain and punishment involved, in short, the terrible ugliness of
it all.

As I got to really know Christ, I realized that though He did
this all for the sins of the world, He also did it for ME,
PERSONALLY. In fact, to me, that is what the essence of the true
Christian faith is all about, a PERSONAL relationship with our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The light has been turned on. We cannot hide from that. We
cannot deceive God, even if we attempt to deceive ourselves or
those around us. The facts are these: we are all sinners before
a Holy God, sinners without excuse. We have a choice to make
because God, out of graciousness and marvelous love, HAS made a
wonderful provision for us. He gave us Christ, who paid for our
misdeeds, my (personal) misdeeds, and took our place. The One
who was without sin, Jesus, became sin, and bore the full pain of
doing that - for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God
is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I encourage you to read a collection of scripture passages often
called "The Romans Road", called that because they can all be
found in various chapters of the letter of the apostle Paul to
the early church in Rome. The references are these: Romans 3:23
(we all sin), Romans 6:23 (the wages of sin and the alternative,
the gift of God, eternal life), Romans 5:1 (we are justified by
faith), Romans 5:8 (Christ died for us to pay that penalty
mentioned in Romans 6:23, demonstrating by His action the depth
of His love for us), Romans 10:9-10, 13 (confess your need of
Jesus Christ and believe in your heart, and He will both justify
and save you from the penalty of sin - a Christless eternity and
eternal condemnation).

The entire book of Romans is about as complete an argument about
the ugliness of sin and God's answer to the dilemma of sin as you
can get. Of course, many other scriptures in both the Old and
New Testaments of the Bible confirm and agree with everything
Paul writes to the early Christians in Rome.

If you are not absolutely 100% certain that you have a home
reserved for you in heaven, today is the day to make certain.
Get on that Romans Road. Don't try to deceive yourself any
longer. Read on to see how Jacob finally got over his problem,
and what it end up costing him. (You can pick up the full story
in the book of Genesis).

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Are you filled with a burning desire to express yourself and your
love for God? Maybe, you are a frustrated, unpublished writer
looking for a chance to prove yourself and gain an audience? If
so, try your hand at The Sowing Seeds Ministry eighth annual
writing contest. There are four ways to express your talents and
possibly win a prize. First place submissions in each of four
categories will receive $100, be published on the Sowing Seeds
web page and on our email column which goes out to thousands of
subscribers around the world. Winning entries along with
selected others will also be submitted to other publishers and
newspapers around the country. Many will receive runners-up
certificates and could also be published in a Sowing Seeds
publication. Click here for more information:

"Scams, Con-Artists, Jacob & God?" Part 2 Larry Davies

Last week, I described succumbing to the lures of an internet
scam which made me feel vulnerable, embarrassed, ashamed and
angry. "How could I be so stupid and not be more suspicious? Why
would someone want to harm our ministry in such a way?" Now, I'm
beginning to understand how Jacob's brother, Esau felt in the
Bible story. Jacob grabbed his brother's birthright with what I
call, "The World's Most Expensive Stew." He stole Esau's blessing
and honor by disguising himself in front of their father. Caught
in his deceit, Jacob did what comes natural for any con
artist... he ran away.

For years, Jacob escaped the consequences of deceit and lies. No
more. He would soon face the truth before his brother, Esau and
four hundred armed men riding out to greet him. What would they
do to him? Fearful, Jacob sends his family across the river to
act as shields while he stays safely behind. (Coward!) But during
the long night, Jacob experiences a significant turning point
that changes his life forever..."a man came and wrestled with him
until dawn." (Genesis 32:24)

Who is this mystery man? Was this a literal wrestling match or a
dream? What does it all mean?

"When the man saw that he couldn't win the match, he struck
Jacob's hip and knocked it out of joint at the socket. Then the
man said, 'Let me go, for it is dawn.' But Jacob panted, 'I will
not let you go unless you bless me.' 'What is your name?' the man
asked. He replied, 'Jacob.'" (25-27)

First, the hip or thigh in the Middle East symbolizes where vows
are made and life is given. The stranger is directly challenging
Jacob at his weakest point: his integrity. Second, Jacob would
not ordinarily divulge his name to a stranger because it was
believed to reveal your character and surrender power to the
person asking. So first he's struck down for a life of lies and
second by admitting he was Jacob, "grabber and deceiver," he was
for the first time confessing his true character.

As you have probably guessed, the mystery man is God. So, Jacob
is locked in a wrestling match with God? Whether the match was
literal or not doesn't matter because God was definitely
there. The important part is that Jacob needed to wrestle with
the consequences of his life of lies and deceit.

What happens next is one of those significant Biblical
moments. "Your name will no longer be Jacob," the man told
him. "It is now Israel, because you have struggled with both God
and men and have won." (28) In one momentous evening, Jacob the
"grabber and deceiver" became Israel, who "struggled with God and
men and won." But what does it all mean for Jacob and eventually
for us?

* There is a Jacob of "grabbing and deceit" within all of us.

* Someday, we must face our own wrestling match with God.

* Recognizing who we really are is a necessary step toward
divine change.

* A willingness to change allows God the opportunity to work a
miracle within you.

Did Jacob really change? Absolutely! The former con-artist and
coward who hid behind his family and possessions now moves ahead
of the line to face his brother and four hundred armed
men... alone.

But Jacob wasn't the only one who changed. Esau, the scammed
brother also experienced the miracle of change. "As he approached
his brother, he bowed low seven times before him. Then Esau ran
to meet him and embraced him affectionately and kissed him. Both
of them were in tears." (33:3-4) The one with every right to seek
revenge, instead chose the path of forgiveness and embraced his

Is it any wonder that Jacob/Israel would say to Esau: "to see
your friendly smile is like seeing the smile of God!" (33:10)
Such is the power of divine grace. Jacob's wrestling match led to
a changed life ready for God's service and Esau's willingness to
forgive led to the miracle of reconciliation. Wow!

Have you been scammed, taken advantage of? Are you struggling
with bitterness, vowing to get even with a relative, coworker or
friend? Maybe it's time for your own wrestling match with
God. Confession leads to change. Change followed by
reconciliation is potent medicine for the soul. Do you have the
courage to wrestle with God? Like Jacob and Esau, this could be
the turning point to change your life.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our

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