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Word for Today, Mon, 2 Oct 2000: When you're treated unfairly

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This is another one of those difficult to accept messages, but I
think it is true. Time and time again, throughout the
scriptures, we see evidence that the people that God loves do not
have any easy time, but a very difficult time. The one thing we
also see, over and over, is that those who accept their
situation, and make the best of it, God then does great things in
their life.

Here is a short list of people like that:

Abraham: He had to wait 100 years for his own child (he jumped
ahead, had an affair and had a child anyway). God was faithful
and did do what he said. Abraham was ultimately faithful, too,
but not until he blew it pretty badly. But from out of Abraham's
line grew the entire line of Israel, from whose parents "God in
the flesh" was born: Jesus Christ.

Daniel was thrown into the lion's den. He not only survived, but
he brought a king to recognize his God, and history was changed.

Job lost everything he had, home, family, health. God
accomplished His purpose in Job and later made even greater
things out of Job's life.

Peter denied Christ 3 times, but later was instrumental in
forming the Christian church.

Paul used to go around hunting for Christians, so that they could
be stoned to death. He later became perhaps the greatest warrier
for Christ, and wrote more New Testament books of the Bible than
anyone else. Do you think HE had it easy? No, he wrote most of
those books from prison!

I'm not trying to scare people from the faith, nor is Bob Gass.
I just think it important to see that life in general is not
easy, and becoming a person of faith does not make it any easier
(at least viewing it from a world perspective - from a God
perspective, there is no reason whatsoever to fear when God is on
our side). I would encourage us to think about one big thing:
God is on our side! Read Romans 8 for a full discourse on that
topic (including the famous passage "IF God is for us, who can
stand against us").

Dear Lord,

We are completely reliant upon You for all things. Please give
us the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to stand for You
today, and give us peace in our hearts as we do it. You are
faithful, and You are much more than able to accomplish whatever
purpose You intend for our lives. Help us to willingly submit to
You so that You are able to do great and marvelous things in our
midst, that Your Honor and Praise may continue. Help us, so that
we are not a stumbling block to Your ways. We know that You are
quite capable of doing anything, yet we also know that You desire
for us to play a role in Your plans. May it be so today. Thank
you for every good and perfect gift that comes from You. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 10:17:33 +0100
Subject: [WFT] Mon 02 Oct 00 - When you're treated unfairly

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Monday 2nd October 2000

When you're treated unfairly


1 PETER 2:20

Just about everybody in the Bible that you admire was treated
unfairly! Furthermore, God permitted it! Think about Daniel
being thrown to the lions or Joseph being locked up in prison.
What did they do to deserve it? Nothing! Listen: "If you suffer
for doing good and endure it, this is commendable... To this you
were called" (1Pet 2:20-21 NIV). Imagine: you've been called to

There's purpose in your pain. Nothing can touch you today that
has not first passed through His hands. He anticipated it and
approved it. Everything you're going through at the moment is
just preparing you to serve Him more effectively. Paul said, "At
my preliminary hearing no one stood by me. They all ran like
scared rabbits. But it doesn't matter - the Master stood by me
and helped me spread the Message..." (2 Tim 4: 16-17 TM). He
didn't see it as enduring; he saw it as advancing!

Today you're growing in grace [becoming more gracious] and in the
knowledge of the Lord (2 Pet 3:18). You're in 'the preparation
process.' You say, "But I don't understand." Then listen to
Joni Erickson Tada, "If God's mind was small enough for me to
understand, He wouldn't be God. Sometimes I can't stand being in
this wheelchair, but there God's grace takes over. Even in my
handicap, God has a plan and purpose for my life." Whether God
takes you out of it or through it, trust Him: He's working for
your good!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2000 (used by permission)

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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