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Word for Today, Mon, 20 Dec 2004: God's Miracle and Ministry

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 20 Dec 2004: God's Miracle and Ministry
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies' weekly Sowing
Seeds of Faith devotional. I certainly find myself needing
spiritual renewal, but especially during holiday seasons. The
hustle and bustle of the season, quite frankly, is something that
deeply disturbs me. What bothers me even more is that at times
even the disturbance toward the distractions, in themselves,
distract me from worshiping my Lord. That's really what bothers
me in the first place.

How I long to be free and uninhibited to worship my Lord. What's
the answer? Well, any time I get off center and lose focus, the
first thing to do is to get right back on focus. That's all fine
and good, but how does a person do that? How do I do that?
Simple, really. Read the Bible. If that doesn't set my heart on
Christ, then read some more, and some more, until my mind is
fixed on the things of God and the wonder of Christ.

Believe me, this is a good thing whether riding on a spiritual
high or plunging into the depths of despair. The one safe thing
to keep one's mind off of self and in the right place is to set
one's mind on Christ.

Dear Lord, I confess just how much I desperately need You. My
mind and my attitude fluctuate way too much. I am affected by
things that go on around me. The one thing that insulates me
from wrong is Your Word. Forgive me, cleanse me, renew me, heal
me, draw me close to You. May my entire purpose and focus put
You squarely in the center of what I think, say, and do.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Dear Larry: I received the gift card today and wanted to thank
you and Sowing Seeds Ministry with all my heart. You have made me
so happy that my kids will have a decent Christmas and clothes
for the cold weather that is heading our way. Please pass on my
thoughts and prayers to your whole team and wish them a very
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! Jennifer: Mom of Danielle - 13; Mikey -
5; and triplets Bradley, Brandon and Hannah, 18 Months.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacqueline Liddell []
Dear Larry: I am a Methodist Minister serving in Jamaica, and I
find your devotions very helpful, and frequently useful for
sermon illustrations. Thank you very much for the time and
energy you put into this aspect of your work for the Lord. God
bless you and your team, and I wish for you all a peaceful and
rewarding Christmas Season. Your sincerely, Jacqueline Liddell
Sowing Seeds of Faith... thanks you for your support. We would
not be here without you. Our ministry still desperately needs
ministry partners for next year through one-time contributions or
monthly. For more information:

"God's Miracle and Ministry"
Larry Davies

Christmas is supposed to be a time of spiritual renewal for
everyone, especially for ministers. After all, we are getting
ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday. This often means Christmas
programs, special services and increased attendance from people
hungry to hear the "Good News." But like everyone else Ministers
can be tired and cranky from too many events, too many crisis,
too much pressure and too little time for the spiritual renewal
we need. So, attending a meeting during this time of year is
normally not my idea of a good time, but this was different.

I came tired but left inspired, because I had the privilege of
witnessing several living miracles of God. Let me explain: Our
committee has the responsibility of overseeing and encouraging
new ministers. We were to spend the day interviewing and
evaluating twelve men and women in order to offer guidance for
their future. Yet, one by one, as each minister told his or her
story of how God changed their lives. I was the one who received
guidance and encouragement:

* A businesswoman left a thriving career, friends and family to
serve three rural churches.

* A counselor attended Bible College in his spare time and is
now serving a church part-time until completing his education.

* A successful contractor moved his wife and children from a
thriving city to a small town.

* A minister's son who swore he would never follow in dad's
footsteps... did!

* A nurse described her heart being warmed by God's Holy Spirit
was moved to become involved in spiritual healing.

* A Vietnam veteran who fought and survived while so others
died dedicated his life to God.

Each minister faced multiple problems of low income, attending
school while also pastoring a church plus maintaining a family
life while trying to spend personal time with God. In any other
profession this would be a formula for burn out. Yet, they were
all enthusiastic and full of exuberance about the future and
especially about their relationship with their churches and

What was their secret? How could they be so enthusiastic in the
midst of such tremendous obstacles?

Peter, surrounded by a crowd, was once asked the same question:
"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he
is right beside me. No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my
mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. For you will not
leave my soul among the dead or allow your Holy One to rot in the
grave. You have shown me the way of life, and you will give me
wonderful joy in your presence." (Acts 2:25-28)

Peter never denies the difficulties life presents, but he makes
several important statements:

* "The Lord is with me." Knowing God is with you gives purpose
and meaning to your life.

* "I will not be shaken for God is right beside me." Refusing
to allow today's obstacles to overcome your faith because you
know God is right beside you.

* "My heart is filled with joy and my mouth shouts God's
praises." This is not as much a feeling as it is a celebration
of God's continuing love and guidance.

* "I have hope because my plight is temporary but God is with
me forever." The obstacles will pass or be overcome, but God's
love endures forever.

* "You have shown me the way of life and joy." A wonderful
promise. Thank you, God!

I left an all-day meeting full of renewed enthusiasm for what God
was doing in our community. These ministers and their contagious
passion inspired and reminded me of how God continually turns
ordinary people into extraordinary servant leaders. Once again, I
was able to enjoy the Christ in Christmas. As we all celebrate
the season, my prayer is that God will continue working living
miracles in all of us. Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful
new year!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.


Brian Masinick,
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