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Word for Today, Mon, 20 May 2002: Records with Food!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I know that people who read this list vary considerably in ages and
interests. One reader, who often writes to me, asked me if I would
write more messages that specifically relate to issues for young
adults. Today's message comes from The Sound of Light, an Internet
and radio ministry targeted particularly for teens and young
adults. Their Web page can be found at
and I recommend them to anyone who is young at heart. They have a
particularly strong ministry to teens, and they utilize lots of the
stuff that appeals to younger readers, including Chat Lines and other
cool stuff like that.

So if you are either young or young at heart, or you know a friend who
is young or young at heart (does that cover most of us)? check out
their Web page some time and share it with someone that you love.

I'm not gonna try to eat any of the World Record items of food, though
--- maybe every youth group combined in Southern New England could try
that some time! 🙂

I do pray that God will multiply whatever things I can offer to Him

Dear Lord,

Sometimes I wonder what one person, someone as seemingly
insignificant, can do for You, the Creator and Sustainer of all
things. Yet everything I read in Your Word suggests that each one of
us is very important to You, and that You want to use the collective
skills and abilties of each of us, and multiply them for Your

I also know that You are able to do immeasurably more than all that I
can ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20), so I trust that You will
accomplish in me whatever You desire. Please help me not to get in
the way of that, but instead offer myself freely to You, each and
every day. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Subject: Monday's Lightverses

Hey !

The Guinness Book of World Records records some pretty interesting
facts involving food. Did you know that the longest banana split was
more than four and half miles long? Did you know that the largest
burrito ever created weighed 3.960 pounds? Did you know that the
biggest chocolate chip cookie made covered an area of 1,001 square
feet. Talk about a sugar rush!! Despite these incredible examples,
they pale in comparison to the events found in scripture. Check out
Mark 8:1-9. Jesus fed 4,000 people in this story alone! The most
incredible part of this story is that he took the loaves and fish that
the disciples had and multiplied it! Now that's an amazing feat!! Did
you know that Jesus wants to do that for us today? He wants to take
what we have and multiply it! It's easy to feel powerless and small,
but Jesus Christ is a mighty God that can take whatever little
offering we have and multiply it! Ask God to use what you have and to
multiply it so that you can reach the masses for HIM!

What is God saying to you?

How can you apply that to your life?

This month The Sound of Light is putting hands and feet to what we
believe is part of our calling as Christians. We are called to love
and serve just as Christ loved and served us. We are giving you an
opportunity to partner with Compassion International by helping
children in need. Check out for more info
or to sign up today to sponsor a child!!

Email us at
The Sound of Light Team

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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