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Word for Today, Mon, 21 Jun 2004: Fun and Fellowship

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 21 Jun 2004: Fun and Fellowship

Dear friends,

This message is the unusual, but typical of my friend Larry
Davies. Quite often, he breaks with tradition to do something
fun with his church family. The message is not theological, in
the sense that it discusses matters of sin and salvation, but it
is relevant in the sense that it is important to cultivate warm
fellowship and timeless memories. There is certainly plenty of
time to deal with other issues. So for a break from tradition,
here's a simply fun message. Do note, however, that there are
important notes about prayer. Please make sure that you spend
time in the Word today and pray for others.

God's Word contains every piece we need. The Word is another
name for "The Word of God". The Word of God comes from the
Bible, which is the recorded Word of God, spoken to men and
recorded by men. Not everyone believes the Bible, not everyone
believes that it is the spoken and written Word of God. For
those who believe it, however, they have the personal, true,
spoken Word.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

From: Brian Masinick []
I want to remind you that I regularly pray for you personally,
and for your ministries. I know, just by reading here, how much
extra time you put into this ministry. I am equally confident
that you put a lot of time and energy into your local church and
your community. I want to let you know that I appreciate that, I
remember you very often, and I regularly lift you before the Lord
in prayer, asking that God bless your ministry, protect you from
the evil one, and give you His peace, even in the middle of
difficult struggles. Brian

"Beaches, Baseballs & Worship" Larry Davies

Once a year we have our annual Beach Party Service where we dress
casual and act a little crazy but the results are intended to be
the same: worship, encouragement and Bible study. This year, the
Sunday bulletin had a picture of a boy playing baseball on the
cover and the title: "We're Going to a Ball Game!" One person
entering the church looked at the bulletin and
sniffed... "Larry's lost his mind."

There is a reason for this particular madness however, so I say
to everyone: "Hang in and trust me!"

The worship service was designed to resemble an actual baseball
game complete with play-by-play announcer, singing of the
National Anthem, popcorn venders and even a mascot from our own
Lynchburg Hillcats. Our Timbretones bell choir dressed up crazy,
acted a little wild and provided a lively rendition of baseball
music. Everything was designed to recreate a baseball game
between our church leaders and the best ball players ever to play
the game. Look at our "All Star" line up: Wow!

First Base: Lou Gehrig - Iron Man with NY Yankees: Played 2130
Games straight.
Second Base: Rogers Hornsby - Played with several teams but
ranked just behind Babe Ruth.
Third Base: Mike Schmidt - Philadelphia Phillies: Member of 500
lifetime homeruns club.
Shortstop: Cal Ripken, Jr. - Baltimore Orioles: Broke Lou
Gehrig's iron man streak.
Catcher: Johnny Bench - Cincinnati Reds: A defensive and
offensive powerhouse.
Pitcher: Sandy Koufax LA Dodgers: Unofficial Triple Crown
Pitching Holder.
Outfield: Babe Ruth NY Yankees: Simply the most dominant hitter
of his time.
Willie Mays SF Giants: Famous for the "Basket Catch."
Hank Aaron Atlanta Braves: Broke Ruth's lifetime Home Run

On the other hand... look at the line up our church produced to
play the "All Stars:" Pretty pathetic!

First Base: Dan "the Can" Abrams - Biggest feat: He's been
in every jail across three counties.
Second Base: "Mean" Gene Farley - He's a great hitter: he
hit two umpires, three owners... etc.
Third Base: Lady Fay Turner - Only player called for delay
of game: putting on her make up.
Shortstop: Rappin' Donnie Smith - Signed a recording
contract: Sings much better than he plays.
Catcher: "Big Al" Baughman - He can't catch much but who
cares: Nobody gets past Big Al.
Pitcher: Larry "The Mouth" Davies - Teaches Pitching
classes: Too bad he can't actually pitch.
Outfield: Lightening Larry Spencer - No! He's not fast but
he's been struck three times. Ouch!
Betsy "Have Spatula will travel" Harkleroad - She
can't play but makes great snacks.
"Sorry Charlie" Baer - Charlie can't catch, can't
hit and can't throw but he's so polite.

On paper, this game looks doomed before it starts. Our church
doesn't stand a chance... or do we?

Throughout the service our announcer provides the score. Sandy
Koufax strikes out player after player while Larry the mouth is
under pressure. The Mighty Babe hits a two run shot over the
centerfield wall. Johnny Bench hits another beautiful home run
and Hank Aaron brings in Willie Mays. The church crew struggles
but "Big Al" knocks in two and we hang on to keep the score 4 to
3 after five innings.

At this point we hear the poem: "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest
Thayer. Everyone knows when Casey comes to the plate there will
be victory. Supremely confident in his unique hitting ability,
Casey lets two pitches go and with two strikes Casey readies to
take a definitive swing for triumph: "And now the air is
shattered by the force of Casey's blow." But as we know, the
result was not what we planned...

"Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; But
there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out."

In sports, we quickly learn the sometimes ugly reality that one
team has to win and another must lose. Becoming a follower of God
was never meant to be presented as a never ending string of joy,
laughter and success. Sometimes, losing, tragedy and grief
becomes a part of our journey with God but either way I believe
we are meant to play on a team and how we play, win or lose often
defines who we are.

Next week: The exciting conclusion to "Beaches, Baseball &
Worship." You won't want to miss it.


Two prayer needs from the hundreds received over our internet
site this week:

Name: Leslie, Address: Washington, DC, Email:
I need prayer. I need God's healing hands on my heart and mind
now. Like Janice I too suffer from depression and thought about
suicide. I need your help to make a miracle occur in my home and
family life. Please pray for me and my children. Pray that I
have a sound a peaceful mind.

Name: Kevin Dimond, Address: FL, Email:
I have worked through hurt and grief and loss. But I need help
with loneliness. I feel so alone: nothing to do and know one to
do it with. I totally invested myself in my marriage. The only
friends were "our" friends. Please pray for my loneliness and a
friend to come along beside me! Thank You!

Today, Sowing Seeds Ministry has over 9,000 prayer partners who
regularly give their time to pray for the hundreds of prayer
requests that come through our website. You can ask for prayer
for yourself or someone else by simply clicking here:

Sowing Seeds Ministry is making a difference around the world.
We continue to need your help. Become one of our prayer
partners: and/or
become a financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe
for a Better Life" now on sale only through our


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