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Word for Today, Mon, 23 Oct 2000: A Humbing Experience

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today is a very special day for me. Two of my closest friends
have birthdays today. One of them is my wife, the other is one
of my prayer partners. I am blessed to know both of them!

The message I've decided to share with you today comes from the
online edition of Guideposts magazine, which can be found at,8631,~8,00.htm?ref=lm
It is important to share because it is so easy for us to judge
other people, often falsely. In the story, two college aged
girls are speaking in the usual college jargon, and the writer
thinks, "I'll NEVER be like that...". Then, something happens
which changes her attitude toward the girls.

Dear Lord, I confess that there are numerous times when my
attitude toward someone or something is in need of a change.
Please change my heart today, my Precious God, and teach me
something about the way You view people. I know that each person
is precious to You. If I find offense in another person today,
help me to see them as You see them, and act in kindness. I am
humbled, for there are too many times when I judge others before
I consider Your ways. Forgive me, and teach me a better way.
Thank You for the forgiveness of Christ and the new hope I have
in Him each day. Amen.

Brother Brian

October 23
Matthew 13:9
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

My husband was performing in a musical at a local college,
and I decided to attend. "You can read while you wait," he said.
"The doors will open in about twenty minutes."

Finding a comfortable spot, I propped my purse by my feet and
took out a paperback. My reading was interrupted by the two girls
sitting next to me.

"Oh, he's just so totally real. Like, really, he's like too
much, you know? It's like, like, awesome."

Her friend responded, "Yes, really cool. I know what you
mean. Like, how wild. Like, too much. You know, like, I mean
really. It's like, really way out."

Is this the way college students converse with each other? I
wondered. They need a course in communication. I promised myself
never to use the word like again.

At last the doors opened, and I went inside to claim my seat.
After settling in and making myself comfortable, I reached for my
purse. With a sinking feeling, I realized it wasn't there. I got
up and ran out to the lobby. No purse. It was gone! Without much
hope, I went to ask at the reception desk, though I thought my
purse must be halfway across campus by now.

"Did anyone turn in a purse?" I asked.

"Yes," the young man replied. "The two girls sitting next to
you found it after you left." He handed it to me.

"The girls?" I queried. "The ones sitting next to me?"

Those lovely girls. Those, like, totally awesome girls.


O Lord, teach me to listen for the sweet sounds of totally
real communication.

--Susan Schefflein

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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