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Word for Today, Mon, 24 Oct 2005: Priorities and Purpose

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 24 Oct 2005: Priorities and Purpose
Dear friends,

Some of us are in a position to make important choices about the time
we spend and the way in which we spend it. Actually, aren't we all in
that position? Most of us probably work in one way or another, either
earning an income or by raising our families, which, of course, is a
critical job.

All of us, however, have to decide where our top priority lies. For
me, my family is quite important, but if I place them above God in
priority, I am making a critical mistake. Don't get me wrong. I do
not believe in immersing yourself in ministries as an excuse to get
away from your family. In such cases, I believe that some confession,
repentance, and prayer is in order. God doesn't ask most of us to go
to His house and serve, supposedly in the name of serving Him, but in
reality, avoiding other responsibilities. In fact, God sharply
criticized many church leaders and "spiritual people" for doing that
very kind of thing. No, God wants us to be responsible in all areas
of life. He does, however, desire that we give Him first place in our
priorities and our choices. That generally involves sacrifice of one
kind or another, but it does not involve absolving ourselves of
responsibilities. If anything, we are held to a higher standard.

Larry Davies' message this week ought to give you something to think
and pray about.

Great and gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us of the
importance of seeking you first, as we know from Your Word (Matthew
6:33). Teach us to be responsible in all of our choices, yet put You
first in everything.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read all three parts of our "Half-Timers" series, click here:

This week, our world wide prayer ministry received numerous
requests. Here are a few samples:

Name: Ginny, Address: Tennessee, Email:
Comments: I am so cold. I feel nothing. My life is going down the
drain, when I know I was born for more. My mind can not grasp that
anymore. I've let go and my lights are starting to turn off more
rapidly now. I want to be saved so badly. I want to be free of this
darkness. Where did the light go? Or where have I gone? Please, there
is not much you can do but pray. Pray and keep me in your thoughts
please. I need as much love as I can get.

Name: Betty Bolden, Address: Grayling, MI, Email:
Comments: I felt so far from God for the longest time. I have no
desire to read the bible, when I pray the words won't come. I feel no
presence of our Lord. It'S hard to explain what I'm going
through. Please pray for me.

Name: Margrit, Address: South Africa, Email:
Comments: Mike has severe depression: Separated from his young
daughter because of school. Pray for solution so he can have his
daughter with him.

Sowing Seeds of Faith... devotions and world-wide prayer ministry
would not be here without support but as we expand we also find a
critical need for more help. If you have found this ministry useful
then please consider supporting our ministry. There are at least four
ways you can do so right now:

1. Include Sowing Seeds Ministry in your regular prayers.

2. Sign up for our prayer ministry:

3. Consider buying our latest book:

4. Become a ministry partner through either a one-time contribution
or monthly:

"Half-Timers: Success to Significance" by Larry Davies

Several weeks ago, I wrote about my Uncle James, head of Parks and
Recreation for one of the largest cities in the country, feeling the
need to do more for God. My Uncle was seeking a ministry but the
church he served never caught on and simply put him on a
committee. James is not unusual. One recent trend in America is
called "Halftime", named after the book by Bob Buford, describing
people who desire something more in their life to enable them to move
from financial and career success to achieve goals that are more
significant or even spiritual. The issue is not whether people want
something more significant in their life but how will the church
respond? Will we help them find and develop a meaningful ministry or
will we simply plug a hole and put them on another committee?

One person described it this way: "Life is like a dog race. You are
forever chasing the rabbit. One day the rabbit breaks down and stops
in the middle of the race. Now what? There is instant bedlam as dogs
begin yelping and biting each other. Is this how we are? Running to
achieve success but upon catching the rabbit, not knowing what to do
next?" If this describes you, welcome to half-time.

Here are some examples of half-timers within our own church:

* Al owns a successful insurance business but also leads a ministry
team at his church and is actively involved with Salvation Army.

* Betsy retired as a school guidance counselor and now works for her
church as a volunteer coordinator helping others become more
involved in ministry.

* Polly retired from College Administration and joined mission work
teams helping to rebuild houses in Mississippi or in Pennsylvania
filling care packages destined for Russia.

* Vance recently sold his communication business and is now using
many of those same skills to help his church explore new ways of
communicating the message of Jesus Christ.

Last week, I issued the Prayer of Jabez challenge: Every day for
thirty days, use this prayer as often as possible. Paste copies
wherever you can easily see it. "Oh, that you would bless me indeed
and enlarge my territory that your hand would be with me and that you
would keep me from evil." (First Chronicles 4:9-10) Now, be alert for
opportunities God sends your way. Did you take the challenge?

Now what?

Maybe you are beginning to see yourself as a potential half-timer.
Something likely triggered this reaction such as success or failure in
your career or even a divorce or the death of a parent or your now
adult children leaving the nest. Maybe your life has been too calm
and you are looking for opportunities to get involved in something
more meaningful. Lloyd Reeb, author of "From Success to
Significance," provides questions to consider:

* I've been relatively successful. Is there more to life than my
current situation?

* What do I consider eternally significant?

* What is my real purpose on earth? What would give my life more

* Was my first half experience a foundation for something more

Let me introduce you to a half-timer named Zacchaeus: "Jesus entered
Jericho and made his way through the town. There was a man there named
Zacchaeus. He was one of the most influential Jews in the Roman
tax-collecting business, and he had become very rich. He tried to get
a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowds. So he
ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree beside the road, so he could
watch from there." (Luke 19:1-4)

Zacchaeus was one of the most hated and despised persons in all of
Jerusalem. Why? Because Zacchaeus worked as a tax collector for the
Roman authorities. Today, this is just another job but in those days,
tax collectors were crooks and traitors who pocketed huge commissions.

Yet when Jesus saw Zacchaeus, He "called him by name. 'Zacchaeus!" he
said. "Quick, come down! For I must be a guest in your home today.'"
What happens next will help us alL...

Next Week: Zacchaeus has a change of heart and makes a dramatic
half-time change of life.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world -- Like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light
under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all."
(Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our

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