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Word for Today, Mon, 26 Feb 2001: How I Spend My Time

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

While our busy schedules do not always allow us to sit down and
read a long book, or sit for hours in quiet meditation, may I
suggest that the best possible use of time, even if limited in
quantity, is to think often about the ways of God, read the Word
daily, and spend time in prayer. For me, I do most of my reading
now online, but I still do it. I spend a lot of my prayer time
as I am driving or as I work on the 'net, but I still make these
things a priority.

I am a busy guy; I am studying online at a graduate school while,
at the same time, raising a young family. To make the excuse
that I have little free time would not be a great exaggeration.
However, to me, there is nothing more important than putting my
Lord first in my thoughts.

Dear Lord,

Everything in my day attempts to take precious time away from You
and from my family. It is You who have made me, and it is my
family who I will spend the most time with - my earthly family in
this life, and You throughout all eternity. Help me to remember
You first in all of my dealings, and bring blessings as I seek
You first. Help me contend with the matters that compete with my
time, so that You get first place. Protect my family throughout
the day, I pray, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Karen Weber" <>
Subject: Christian Thought for the day


Take a small dinner over to a shut-in or
elderly neighbor, or to someone you know
who is having a hard time of it.

This newsletter is careware. Please do something
kind for someone today. Either follow the
suggestion above, or create your own random act
of kindness.

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~~~THE THOUGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Action without reflection can easily become
barren and bitter.
Jim Wallis

VERSE: ...the meditation of my heart shall
give understanding.
Psalm 49:3

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am so busy that I skip
my time with you. Help me to sit quietly with
you before I start my day, listening to your
plan for me and breathing in your presence.

action motives meditation purpose meaning

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~~~AUTHOR AND SOURCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jim Wallis is the Editor-in-Chief of Sojourners
magazine, founded in 1971, reporting and
analyzing the intersection of faith, politics,
and culture.
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Today's quote is from The Soul of Politics:
Discovering a Practical and Prophetic Vision
for Change by Jim Wallis

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~~~RECOMMENDED READINGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Faith Works: Lessons from the Life of an Activist
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Who Speaks for God?: An Alternative to the
Religious Right-A New Politics of Compassion,
Community, and Civility by Jim Wallis
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Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind Can Heal the
Heart by Tara Bennett-Goleman
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Take Time for Your Life: A Personal Coach's
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The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on
Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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