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Word for Today, Mon, 27 Jan 2003: Changing Directions?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I've gotten to a point in my own spiritual walk where I really
want to carefully examine the things that I think, say, and do.
I've been a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ for a very long
time, and I've loved Him for as long as I can remember. But
truly being obedient to Him and seeking Him in all things is a
continual thing.

I've discovered as I've gradually grown in my faith that there
have been times in my life when I thought that I was following
the Lord, when in reality, what I was doing was somehow
convincing myself that I was following Him, when in reality, what
I was doing was deceiving myself and going a different way.

I'm so grateful that God is patient with me, and that He helps me
to realize such things, and gives me the chance to make a turn
about face.

Today's message is about that very topic. The message comes from
Neil Anderson's daily devotional series, and it asks five
important questions about discerning God's will when facing
decisions, particularly the kind involving a change in direction.

I happen to be facing such questions right now as I seek to
determine how to support my family. My main source of income has
been cut off for quite some time now and I've been doing other
work on occasion, but it has not generated anywhere near the kind
of income I'd made during the past twenty years or so.
Therefore, I'm looking for other alternatives. I want to make
sure that I adequately provide for my family, but I also want to
move in the life directions that God would have me go.

This message is good for me, so I hope that it is good for you,
too, as you assess whatever life changing decisions that face
you, either now, or in the days ahead.

Your Brother in Christ,

AD| Thinking about going back to school? DeVry is the answer!!

from Freedom in Christ Ministries

January 27


Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior,
and my hope is in You all day long (Psalm 25:5 NIV).

The next five questions to ask yourself regarding God's will are
to help you when facing a change in direction.

1 Is it reasonable? God expects us to think. His guidance may
transcend human reasoning, but it never excludes it. God
doesn't bypass our mind; He operates through it: "Brethren,
do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be babes,
but in your thinking be mature" (1 Corinthians 14:20). We are
warned in Scripture not to put our mind in neutral. We are to
think and practice what we know to be true (Philippians 4:8,

2 Does a realistic opportunity exist? Closed doors are not
meant to be knocked down. If you have a hopeless scheme, let
it go. If it isn't God's timing, wait. If a realistic
opportunity exists, and all the other factors are in
agreement, then take the plunge. God may open a window of
opportunity, but it will close if not taken advantage of. The
faithless man asks, "What do I stand to lose if I do?" The
faithful man asks, "What do I risk losing if I don't?"

3 Are unbiased, spiritually sensitive associates in agreement?
Be careful not to consult only those who will agree with you.
Give your advisors permission to ask hard questions. Don't be
afraid of "no" answers. If it isn't God's will, don't you
want to know before you make the mistake of acting

4 Do I have a sanctified desire? Don't think that being in the
will of God must always be an unpleasant task. The joy of the
Lord should be our strength. I find my greatest joy in
serving God and being in His will. But don't get the idea
that if everything is wonderful, you must be in the will of
God. Is this a desire to satisfy a lust of the flesh or a
Spirit-filled desire to see God's kingdom established and
people helped?

5 Do I have a peace about it? This is an inner peace. Is the
peace of God guarding your heart and mind?

If you have been able to answer yes to all 10 of these deciding
factors, what are you waiting for?

Thank You, Lord, that I can trust You with the details and
direction of my life today.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at
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