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Word for Today, Mon, 27 Jun 2005: Dealing With Charged-up Issues

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 27 Jun 2005: Dealing With Charged-up Issues
Dear friends,

Greetings and welcome to the Monday edition of Word for Today. I
often share the writings of my friend Larry Davies, who is the
pastor of a vibrant church in the state of Virginia.

Today, Larry dares to tackle an issue that is always
controversial. Few people are neutral about this one, and I'm no
exception. Personally, when it comes to the issue of abortion, I
favor the right of a human life. As Larry says, though, there
are at least two people, not one, to consider when you're talking
about rights, so even when you talk about the right to life, it's
never as easy as it may seem.

This message is all about reaching people for Christ. In the
story, the young girl is a hurting person. You can just tell by
her defensive and guarded position.

On one hand, I don't want to see one person take another person's
life. On the other hand, what about the life of this girl, who
has just had her life and her dreams shattered by an unexpected

Ask yourself this question, "What would the Lord Jesus do in this

Remember that Jesus is the perfect, Holy Son of God, one with God
in every way. Remember the woman at the well. How did He treat

I encourage you to do a bit of Bible reading, some prayer, and
careful thought, and consider what might be a good way to
approach this situation.

Larry lays it out for us, but like a good story, he makes us wait
for "the rest of the story".

That will give each of us time to consider and study the
scriptures and consider what Christ would have us do. Won't you
accept that challenge?

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"Abortion: From Debate to Ministry" Part 1 Larry Davies

A local church group was meeting regularly at their pastor's
house to pray. One prayer need was about Jody, a high school
senior and star volleyball player who recently attempted suicide.
"Why?" said one group member. "She seems to be doing so well.
It doesn't make sense!"

"Today, in the hospital, I found out she is pregnant," the pastor
replied. "Her boyfriend abandoned her. Jody is afraid to tell
her parents and feels lost and hopeless. When she leaves the
hospital, she may try to commit suicide again." the pastor
forlornly told the group. "We really need to pray for her."

Judy Trimmer was in the group that night and while in prayer felt
compelled to visit Jody and share her own experiences. "I've
never felt this way before but I really believe I can help her,"
Judy said.

The next day, Judy went to Jody's hospital room after work. "How
are you doing?"

"Who wants to know?" Jody said with sarcasm and suspicion in her voice.

"My name is Judy Trimmer. I'm a member of a church group that
has been praying for you this past week. As I was praying, I
felt the need to come and talk with you. I heard about your

"Whoa, hold it a second. I don't know you and I certainly don't
want to talk about my pregnancy with you or anyone else. I don't
need your 'high and mighty' church folks interfering with my
life. As soon as I get out of here I'm going to have an abortion
and that will be the end of all my problems. So, take your
judgment and your religion somewhere else. I don't need you, your
prayers or your church!"

Mention abortion in a crowded room and you will instantly start
an argument. So, why write a story on the subject when the
likely result will just be another squabble. For me, there are
three reasons:

1. Abortion is about when life actually begins and as people of
God we must always be concerned about other people's lives.

2. Abortion now affects so many. Some statistics estimate as
many as 55 million abortions per year are done world wide.

3. A story I wrote years ago about a young lady who had an
abortion has consistently remained the number one, "most
read" page on our Sowing Seeds Ministry website. Why?

Yet, for all the emotion involved the subject of abortion is
usually only treated as a heated debate between pro-choice and
pro-life advocates. Pro-choice argues for the right of the
mother to choose what is best for her family. "What is removed,"
they say, "is only a fetus and therefore regrettable but
secondary to the needs of the mother. It's the mothers right to

Pro-life argues for the basic rights of the unborn baby. They
claim, "Life begins at conception, not birth. So abortion is
killing an innocent child." But you cannot argue pro-choice or
pro-life positions without consequences. Real people are
dramatically altered by each decision. People like Jody and her

There was a long moment of silence after Jody's outburst. Judy
quietly prayed for God to give her the wisdom to use just the
right words. Finally, she said... "Are you finished?"

Feeling a little sheepish and uncomfortable, Jody nodded.

"Not long ago, I was in much the same position as you. I moved
here and worked hard to make it on my own. I was recently
divorced and terribly lonely. My first husband came to visit our
daughter but I decided to join them for dinner for old time's
sake. But that night I made a huge mistake and later discovered
I was pregnant. I was embarrassed and knew I could not afford to
take care of another baby. So, taking what I thought was the most
sensible solution, I arranged an abortion."

Jody, by this time, was listening with intense interest to Judy's
story. "So having an abortion was a good thing for you... right?"

Next week: Part 2... "Abortion: From Debate to Ministry"

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