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Word for Today, Mon, 28 Feb 2005: A More Appropriate Response

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 28 Feb 2005: A More Appropriate Response
Dear friends,

I pray that each of you have had a good week and an enjoyable
weekend, including valuable time spent with family and friends,
especially the One who matters most, the Lord Jesus Christ, who
redeemed each of those who earnestly follow Him from a life of

Today's message comes from Larry Davies, my friend and prayer
partner. Larry continues writing a series about treating others
with love and respect... including the animals that are sometimes
the objects of our anger and wrath.

"9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more
shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! (Romans 5:9,
NIV). I encourage you to read the apostle Paul's letter to the
early church in Rome, especially chapter five, which concerns the
wrath of God and what God did to provide us with eternal
security instead of incurring His wrath! The way HE did it,
bringing His wrath upon His own Son instead of us clearly
demonstrates both the love and justice of God. God demands
justice, for He is good, right, and just. But God is love, so He
has to account for our shortcomings, and He has done just that.

Can we rightfully respond in any other way than in faithfulness
and gratitude toward Him and to one another?

Yours in Christ,

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"Kicking Cats" Part 2 Larry Davies

Last week: Jim was angry at his wife so he yelled at Larry who
then threatened his top sales person, Robin, who turned and
insulted her receptionist who went home and punished her son who
in a fit of rage... kicked his poor innocent cat. Do you get the
picture? Wouldn't Jim be better off going straight to the
receptionist's house and kicking that cat himself? Let's face
it: We've all kicked a few cats.

Aren't we relieved no one ever gets their cat kicked in church?
Ouch that hurt! Even in God's house we are not immune from a
little cat-kicking. You don't believe me? Attend a few
committee meetings.

Paul wrote in a letter to the Philippians (4:11-13): "I have
learned the secret of living in every situation... For I can do
everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I
need." Wow! Paul seems to have his act together. Wouldn't you
love to have his contentment? How do we obtain it? When
someone is kicking our cat.... how can we respond like Paul with
gentleness and grace?

First... what would be the wrong way to respond to having your
cat kicked?

*** Don't look for another cat to kick. That's abuse.

*** Don't whine to everyone you know. That's gossip.

*** Don't throw a temper tantrum. That's immature.

*** Don't take your ball and go home. That's quitting.

*** Don't use the silent treatment. That's weak.

*** Don't vow to get even. That's revenge.

*** Yet, don't do nothing. That's unhealthy for them and for

So, Larry... what is the right way to respond? "I can do
everything with the help of Christ."

First, let's look at the Bible. This time from Peter: "Finally,
all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each
other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds.
Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say
unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing.
That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it.
For the Scriptures say, "If you want a happy life and good days,
keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from
telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at
living in peace with others." (1 Peter 3:8-11)

So what is Peter saying to do when someone is kicking his cat?
"Work hard at living in peace..."

*** Pray: Talk to God and ask for help. You can even get angry!
God can take it.

*** Perspective: In light of eternity in heaven remember how God
comes first.

*** Share: Spend time with a trusted friend or prayer partner
and pray together.

*** Seek: Look for God's guidance on how to properly respond and
then pray for courage.

*** Confront if possible: This should be done with love,
confident you are obeying God will.

*** Forgive: This is a process but ultimately, it's the only way
to promote healing and growth.

*** Pray again: Turn the solution in faith, over to God
regardless of the immediate outcome.

Is this going to be easy? Absolutely not! Like Peter said:
"Work hard at living in peace with others."

Here is how the cat kicking story could and should end...

Jim, after much thought and prayer apologizes to his wife and
promises to be a better husband and father and begins clearing
his calendar to make time for his family. Jim also apologizes
for taking his personal frustration out on Larry. Larry seeks
out Robin and asks forgiveness for being so rude. Robin finds
the receptionist and apologizes for her terrible behavior. On
the way home, the receptionist orders pizza and over dinner
promises to be a more understanding mother and not take her work
frustrations out on him. As for Ellis, the cat... he received
quite a few extra treats that week.

What can we learn from God through Paul and Peter? The secret
of living in every situation is to look to Christ for strength,
love one another and work hard at living in peace. It sure
beats kicking cats!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
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light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Brian Masinick,
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