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Word for Today, Mon, 28 Oct 2002: Knowing When Means to Know

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As we begin a new work week, I would like to share with you a
message that comes from Bob Gass, a devotional writer who uses
the same title for his messages as I do, "Word for Today". In
his message for today, Bob suggests that we ought to establish
appropriate boundaries when dealing with others.

It seems as Christians, we often vascilate between either
avoiding others, and never encouraging or helping others, or we
get over involved, trying to "fix" things for others. I have
been guilty on both extremes.

Today's message uses scripture to suggest a more healthy
approach. Please be careful to balance today's message against
the full counsel of scripture. Don't use these words as an
excuse not to help and care for others. But don't get caught in
a trap of thinking you're helping when you're not, either.
Regularly seek the counsel of God's Word, and you'll better
understand when it's right to help and when it's not.

Dear Lord,

All the answers to life's problems are contained in Your Word,
but as large as Your Word is, we know so little of it. Please
convict our hearts today to read Your Word, so that we will know
what it says and heed it's message, that we may lead full lives,
and that You may be the One who is constantly leading us.

I confess that I run hot, cold, and lukewarm in all of these
areas. Please help me and others, and draw each of us to You
each and every day.

Your Brother in Christ,

28 Oct 2002

That's not selfish - it's smart!

: 8 (NIV)

Ever notice that before an airliner takes off, the attendants
tell you that if the plane gets into trouble you should secure
your own oxygen mask before attempting to help others with
theirs? That's not selfish - it's smart! Unless you get enough
oxygen, how can you help anybody else?

Are your needs being met? Really? If not, it's time to stop
taking care of everybody else and start learning to take care of
yourself before you burn out. That may mean establishing some
boundaries! It may also mean complaints from those who don't
want things to change. Expect flak! Listen: 'The whole
congregation... complained against Moses...' (Exodus 16:2 NKJ),
but he kept on leading them anyway.

Never complain about what you permit. People who regularly
violate your boundaries need to be held accountable. The Bible
does that. Listen: 'A short-tempered man must bear his own
penalty; you can't do much to help him...' (Proverbs 19:19
TLB). Or, 'He who does not work shall not eat' (2 Thessolonians
3:10 TLB). Stop trying to rescue people from their consequences.
Pain's a better teacher than comfort. Sometimes we have to feel
the heat before we see the light. David said, 'Before I was
afflicted I went astray, but now I obey Your Word' (Psalm
119:67 NIV).

Just as an empty kettle cracks when the heat's turned up, you'll
crack too if you allow yourself to be drained emotionally and
spiritually. It's not selfish to take care of yourself before
taking care of others - it's smart!

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