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Word for Today, Mon, 30 Oct 2000: The Spirit

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The way I can always tell whether or not I am currently living by
"The Spirit" or if I am living by my own means alone is by
examining the "fruits" of the Spirit in my life. An honest
examination reveals quite a bit. Sometimes, I find that I have
been deceiving myself into thinking that I have been living by
the Spirit, when I discover that in fact, I have not been living
by the Spirit at all.

When I refer to "living by The Spirit", I am referring to living
completely under the full influence of God's Spirit, instead of
merely relying on my own usual ways. I've got to be honest with
you. This is not some automatic, always easy formula. It takes
a conscious effort on my part, both to will and to submit my
thoughts and actions to God. It is a continual process, not one
that just a few "choice words" will magically accomplish.

The results of living by the Spirit are wonderful, and they are
well worth every sacrifice. But don't allow anyone to deceive
you. It does take a sacrifice - a sacrifice of your own will,
willingly submitted to God. Then, and only then, will the
freedom and joys, the full fruits of the Spirit, become evident.

Please read Galatians 5 today and think about it. You can find
Galatians online at

Brother Brian

Subject: Monday's Lightverses


Monday's Lightverses:

Check out the spotlight artist of the month, Rebecca St. James at
Have you ever felt called to ministry? There is a conference just
for YOU! Check out the Call 2 Ministry Conference at
Here is today's Sound of Light Soundbite:

You've probably sung the little song growing up as a kid about
the "fruits of the spirit" In Galations 5:19-23, God shows us the
fruits of the spirit, or the things that we as Christians must
possess. The challenge in these verses is for these fruits to
reside in our lives. It says when the Holy Spirit controls our
lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us. His spirit will
energize you to produce these actions in how you think, feel, and
act when you allow God to control your life. Does your life have
the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Are you
allowing God complete control of your life?

What is God saying to you?

How can you apply that to your life?

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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