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Word for Today, Mon, 31 Jan 2005: The Laws of God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 31 Jan 2005: The Laws of God
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Neil Anderson's Daily in
Christ. The message compares the attitude of outwardly cleaning
our hands (or following a set of do's and don'ts) compared to
inwardly cleansing our hearts, our innermost attitudes.

The Bible is always about guarding what is most important.
Number one is loving the Lord our God with our entire energy and
focus. Right behind that comes loving one another. A Christian
ought to give top priority to God Himself, but that does not mean
excluding or ignoring others. In fact, the opposite is true.
You see, God IS Love! His very essence commands the highest
regard for Him, yet if you really know Him, you know that He is
always concerned about the welfare of His Creation, especially
those whom He made in His image, His people.

This message sets the intended priorities and principles back in
their proper order and perspective.

Yours in Christ,

from Freedom in Christ Ministries

January 28


Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the
platter; but inside of you, you are full of robbery and
wickedness (Luke 11:39).

The Talmud, a collection of ancient rabbinic writings, relates
the story of Rabbi Akiba, who was imprisoned. Rabbi Joshua
brought him some water, but the guard spilled half of the
container. There was too little water to both wash and drink, and
Rabbi Akiba faced the possibility of death for lack of water if
he chose to use the water for ceremonial washing. He reasoned,
"He who eats with unwashed hands perpetuates a crime that ought
to be punished by death. Better for me to die of thirst than to
transgress the traditions of my ancestors!"

Jesus responded harshly to such reasoning: "You blind guides, who
strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!" (Matthew 23:24). The Lord
cautions that the weightier matters of the law (such as justice
and mercy) are overlooked when attention focuses on strict
observances of religious practices. This leads to a corresponding
negligence of the eternal laws of God. Jesus told people to pay
more attention to cleansing their hearts and not be like their
leaders who cleanse only their hands.

The laws of God are liberating and protective. They are
restrictive only when they protect us from the evil one. The
rules of any institution should ensure the freedom of each
individual to reach his or her God-given potential. They should
serve as a guide so we don't stray from our purpose, and they
should protect us from those who abuse the system.

The principle that Jesus modeled could be stated as follows: If
people are commanded to follow a traditional practice that makes
life more difficult and no longer contributes to the purpose of
the organization, then we must not participate as a matter of
religious conscience. Jesus simply didn't observe such
traditions, and He defended His disciples for not observing them
as well.

Thank You for reminding me, Lord, that the law kills but the
Spirit gives life. Help me walk in that freedom today.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

Additional devotionals are available from

Brian Masinick,
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