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Word for Today, Mon, 4 Dec 2000: A Humble Recognition

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

How do you usually feel when you talk about yourself?
Personally, I am, for the most part, comfortable, though not
completely satisfied with who I am. Allow me to explain.

As a believer, I recognize that my very nature is in conflict
with God. My own will is in a constant battle with God. Since I
love God so much, I desire to surrender myself completely to Him
- and I generally do so. Even so, each day, and throughout the
day, I have to make a conscious effort, over and over again, to
continually give up my own will. Every time a choice comes up,
perhaps as often as hundreds of times a day, I have a choice: Do
I choose my own way, someone else's way, or do I consult God for
His way?

The attached message discusses battling for control and
authority. As a parent, I know, far too well, how children, even
infants, battle for control, desiring to have their own way.

God says, seek me first, and I will meet your every need. I am
humbled by several things. First, I am humbled, knowing I need
God for everything. Second, I am humbled by the realization that
my own will is constantly battling for control. I am grateful,
however, for the realization that I no longer need to attempt to
control others. I can certainly pray that others will recognize
their own need of God, and I can seek Him fervently myself. To
me, those are two of the most important things that I can do.
Attempting to gain everyone else's acceptance, or control others,
is a sure way to lose my own way.

Dear Lord, please continue to help me and remind me to seek You
first in every aspect of my life, throughout this day and every
day. Remind me to encourage others, but not try to control them,
rather, help me to remember others in prayer. When I am not sure
what to do, may I look always to You. But even more than that,
Lord, so often I think that I know what to do, when that is not
really true at all. May every aspect of my life praise You,
especially my attitude to seek Your way instead of my own.

Brother Brian

Daily in Christ


Luke 14:11

Everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles
himself shall be exalted

A small percentage of people defend against rejection by
buying into the dog-eat-dog system of the world and learning
to compete and scheme to get ahead of the pack. These are
the movers and shakers, people who earn acceptance and strive
for significance through their performance. They feel driven
to get on top of every situation because winning is their
passport to acceptance. They are characterized by
perfectionism and emotional insulation and they struggle with
anxiety and stress.

Spiritually, the beat-the-system individual refuses to come
under God's authority and has little fellowship with
God. This person is committed to controlling and manipulating
people and circumstances for his own ends, so it is difficult
for him to yield control in his life to God. In our churches
this person jockeys to be chairman of the ruling board or the
most influential member on a committee. His motivation is not
to serve God in this position, however, but to control his
world because his self-worth is dependent on it.
Beat-the-system controllers are some of the most insecure
people you will meet.

Sadly, the controlling individual's defensive strategy only
delays inevitable rejection. Eventually his ability to
control his family, his employees, and his church diminishes
and he is replaced by a younger, stronger controller. Some
survive this mid-life crisis, but many who make it to
retirement don't enjoy much of it. Studies show that
high-powered executives live an average of nine months after
they retire. They base their lives in the world system they
seek to conquer, but inevitably the world claims its
own. "See to it that no one takes you captive through
philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of
men, according to the elementary principles of the world,
rather than according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8).


Gracious Lord, teach me to be in this world but not of it. I
choose Your kingdom to be my standard.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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