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Word for Today, Mon, 5 Mar 2001: How To Be Myself

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I identify strongly with the advice given in this edition of Bob
Gass' "Word for Today". The principle that applies, for me, is
to understand as much as possible about who God is, what He says
about Himself, and His relationship with us. Once we understand
and appreciate that everything that God does is for His purpose,
and for our benefit, our entire perspective changes.

If I ask the question, "Why God?" today, it is not to question
the right of God to make any decision, whether it is in my favor
or not. Instead, if I even approach God with such a question, it
is to appreciate how I fit into God's plan, and how I can
appropriately respond to whatever is going on around me. I am a
creation, not the Creator.

I already know, both from God's Word, and from God's Spirit
within me that I am a person of infinite worth to God. I am
deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely forgiven. Those
qualities give me great freedom, with that freedom comes the
responsibility to act in a manner worthy of that value - not an
arrogant attitude, by any means, but a humble, yet joyful,
response, realizing just how much value my life has to God.

Each of us has been offered that same gift. We respond in a
variety of ways. The message attached suggests some healthy,
biblically based responses to that wonderful gift.

Dear Lord,

I am eternally grateful for Your indescribable gift of love to
me. I do not understand all of Your wonder or Your ways, but I
do grasp a strong measure of what Your love means. Help me to
ponder how I can respond with gratitude for every good and
perfect gift from You - even the difficult things in life that I
simply do not understand. I am thankful for this message and the
reminder of what You have done, and the opportunity I have to
respond in ways that matter. May my life bring praise and honor
continuously to You as I realize what You have done. Thank You
for these reminders of You - may our relationship be foremost in
every choice I make today. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Subject: [WFT] Mon 05 Mar 01 - Be yourself!

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Monday 5th March 2001

Be yourself!



When you understand that God loves you unconditionally, two
things will happen: First, you'll learn to accept yourself as you
are and,second, you'll learn to accept others as they are, too.
Stop and ask yourself today, "How do I really feel about myself?"
Before you answer, read the following ten things... slowly and
carefully: better yet, put them somewhere where you can read them

(1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself, for that puts
you in disagreement with God.

(2) Meditate on your strengths; learn to encourage yourself, for
most of the time nobody else will.

(3) Never compare yourself with anyone else. You are unique,
one-of-a-kind, an original. Don't settle for being a

(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember the
"greater One" lives in you!

(5) Find something you like to do and are 'gifted' to do well,
then do it over and over.

(6) Have the courage to be different; be a God-pleaser, not a

(7) Learn to handle criticism; let it develop you instead of
discouraging you.

(8) Determine your own worth before others do it for you.

(9) Keep your flaws in perspective, you're still a work in

(10) Focus daily on the one and only source of your confidence -
God! Work on your relationship with Him.

This year begin to think and speak good things about yourself,
knowing that God loves you despite your weaknesses.

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION As a gift to the body of Christ, permission
is given to churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a
maximum of 52 daily excerpts per year. Such excerpts must
acknowledge: The Word for Today as the source, give the UCB
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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