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Word for Today, Mon, 6 Nov 2000: A Moral Obligation

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I would like to share something a bit different than usual with
you today, because it is something that is on my heart. As the
vast majority of you know, local and national U.S. elections
occur on Tuesday, November 7.

I cannot emphasize the importance of this for all of us, but
especially for those of us who count ourselves among the "family
of God", those who stand for the things that God stands for.
For many years now, there has been a political climate out there
that tells us to "separate church and state". We have been
encouraged to keep politics and faith separate. To me, that is
utterly ridiculous. I believe that the so-called separation of
government from matters of faith was intended to PROTECT our
spiritual freedoms, not keep us from privately (or even publicly)
expressing our faith.

I often feel that I am discouraged from saying and being who I
am. That disturbs me. But I am very concerned about the rights
of others as well, especially the rights of unborn children,
whose lives are horribly terminated because women want "free
choice". To me, that is a euphemism for cold blooded murder.

I don't often raise my voice about these particular issues. I
try to focus primarily on things that strictly encourage others.
Well today, if you share the view that your rights are important
(even if you disagree with my viewpoint) I urge you to express
that viewpoint and make certain to vote. Before doing so, I urge
you to spend time praying about it. Which candidates represent
to you the things that are important to God? Do you know? If
not, pray about it; ask God for wisdom, and respond tomorrow by
voting as your convictions dictate. I intend to do the same.

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as
I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and
honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely
and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy
of praise" (Philippians 4:8, New Living Translation).

Brother Brian

The presidential election is a nail-biter, but Christians are
called to pray, not worry. The presidential election is a
nail-biter, but Christians are called to pray, not worry. Many
denominations and ministries are asking Christians to spend time
on their knees this weekend before they go to the polls Nov. 7.
The National Day of Prayer Task Force and Focus on the Family
declared Sunday Nov. 5 as a day to pray and fast.

...Christians also should urge their friends to vote, the groups
say. The duty to vote and to exhort others to do so "is a
tremendous privilege and responsibility," said Shirley Dobson of
the National Day of Prayer Task Force. "The prayers of God's
people ultimately offer hope for our nation - for God calls His
people to intercede, and He alone has the power to place men and
women of integrity in positions of leadership."

...Christians must not allow themselves to become apathetic or
worn down by discouraging developments, Mark Fried of the task
force told Religion Today. "It is important to seek God's wisdom
and ask for His guidance, be aware of the issues and where the
candidates stand, and vote in the way God is leading you."

...The prayer group Intercessors for America has appealed to
pastors to open their church facilities for a prayer-and-fasting
vigil on Nov. 7, citing the "severity of the hour" facing
Christians in the United States. A Minnesota group urged
Christians to spend a few minutes praying while at the polls.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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