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Word for Today, Mon, 9 Jul 2001: Rewards Involve Taking Risks

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The devotional message today comes from a mailing list that uses
the same title as our devotional list: Word for Today. This is a
really good message, and it is based on my favorite Gospel book,
the book of Matthew, and it comes from one of my favorite sets of
stories, the ones where Jesus teaches, using a series of
parables. This particular parable is in the same chapter as my
favorite, the story of the Sheep and the Goats.

>From my perspective, Bob Gass is right on in his assessment of
what Jesus Christ would have us do. If I'm getting this right,
Jesus would have us step out, take risks, even at the risk of
doing something wrong. Mind you, I do not believe that Jesus
wants us to take careless risks. He has given us careful
instruction in His Word about what is good, right, true, and
proper, and what is expected of us. He has shown us that the
Law is right and true, but that even the Law can be constraining
at times. What always is right is to seek God first in
everything, to love Him with all of our being, and to treat
everyone with the same regard that we treat God - with love and

Now, can we get that wrong? Of course we can, and we do.
Sometimes, we err on the side of being too 'right', not wanting
to break the law in any way. At other times, we are so 'caring
and compassionate' toward others that we shield them from
learning important lessons about themselves, about their faith,
and about God. I have erred on both sides of this, and I have
also erred on the side of allowing my anger to lead me, which is
clearly a sinful response.

Yet I will not back away from being all that I can be. When I do
fail, I will humble myself, confess my failure, ask for
forgiveness, turn away from that behavior, and try again.
Sometimes I learn slowly, too, and do the same thing again ---
not that I am deliberate in it, but some bad habits take a while
to recognize, and even longer to correct. Clearly, I need God's
help, for I cannot re steer my course without Him! But with Him,
I have the freedom to: "Go forth into the world, being of good
courage, holding fast to that which is good, doing everything
possible to strengthen the faint-hearted, supporting the weak,
helping the afflicted, honoring everyone, loving and serving the
Lord, rejoicing in the Power of God's Spirit" (adapted from
scripture and words of 'benediction' --- parting good words).

May I encourage all of us to do likewise this week?

Your Brother in Christ,

To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 14:24:45 +0100
Subject: [WFT] Mon 09 Jul 01 - No risk, no reward!

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Monday 9th July 2001

No risk no reward!



Jesus taught that if you risk, you'll be rewarded; but, if you
play it safe, you'll lose. And He's not talking just about 'the
sweet by-and- by.' No, this principle also applies to 'here and

You'll do things wrong many times before you learn to do them
right. But if you let that stop you, you'll never do anything
significant. Walking by faith involves taking risks and making

One day, a ceramics teacher divided her class into two groups.
The first group was graded on the number of pieces they produced,
the second on the quality of the pieces they produced. The first
group could earn an 'A' for making 50 pieces, a 'B' for 40, a 'C'
for 30 and so on. However, all the second group had to do was
produce one piece - but it had to be as near perfect as possible
to get an 'A.'

The results were amazing. While the first group kept churning
out pieces, getting better as they went, the second group just
sat around waiting for inspiration, theorising about perfection
and, in the end, all they had to show for their efforts - was a
pile of dead clay!

What a lesson! Until you overcome your fear of making a mistake,
you'll never make a difference in life. Faith means following
God to the very edge, knowing that when you do, He'll either put
solid rock under your feet or He'll teach you to fly.

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION As a gift to the body of Christ, permission
is given to churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a
maximum of 52 daily excerpts per year. Such excerpts must
acknowledge: The Word for Today as the source, give the UCB
address and inform that free issues of the daily devotional are

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