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Word for Today, Mon, 96 Nov 2006, God is There

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Mon, 96 Nov 2006, God is There

Dear friends,

Far too often, when difficulty or tragedy strikes, because we cannot physically
see God, we assume He is not there. God knows everything about us, and He is
with us always. When we feel lost and alone, we think God is not there, but it
is we who have a mistaken perception.

God is never far away. He can see us, whether we see Him or not. God wants
us, too, He wants an intimate, personal relationship with each of us. It is in
difficulties that God especially yearns for us to seek Him.

You see, God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in

You have an inner spirit of some kind, don't you? Can't you readily tell your
mannerisms apart from everyone around you? Think about where you live or where
you work. Perhaps certain people have certain attributes that they share in
common, but are we not all distinct and unique, and is it not our spirit that
sets us apart, one from the other?

I cannot see your spirit and you cannot see my spirit, but you know at least a
little bit about me, just from these writings. I know less about you, perhaps,
but I do know that you are a person who has at least shown an interest in the
things of God.

Have I made the case that our spirits, though not visible, are quite real? God
is Spirit, and He is most assuredly real as well. It was the Spirit of God who
caused the world to come into being. It was the Spirit of God who set the
physical principles of life into place.

God is much greater than we can fathom, but why do some people question His
existence or what He is capable of doing?

Things like causing life to form or cease, drawing people into His likeness,
showing kindness to those He loves and chastising us when we falter and waver.
Doesn't a good parent correct his child? Doesn't a loving heavenly Father, all
the more so, want what is best for us?

When things like a fire consume our possessions and kill life, we wonder where
God is in such things. God allowed His Own Son to come into this world to show
man what God is like, yet He allowed Jesus to be tormented throughout His life.
In fact, He did more than that. Foreknowing it all, He had Jesus come to give
His life as a ransom for ours, to take the burden of sin away from us. Do you
think that was easy, and do you think, at first examination THAT seemed right?

The Bible says there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it
leads to destruction.

I do not know WHY tragedy strikes, but God does. He has a plan and everything
fits into the plan. There is a way that seems right to us, but that is our
way, not God's way.

When we think something is wrong, we ought to instead look to God and say, God,
I do not understand Your way, but no matter what, I believe Your Word and Your
Word promises that You will never leave us or forsake us, and that is a promise
to all who call upon the Name of Your Son in faith, believing that He did live
as a man, but was in very nature God, those who believe that Jesus Christ is
all sufficient to save us.

Those who actually act on that belief - rather than just utter some meaningless
words lacking in any substance at all, these are those who are loved and are
called according to God's purpose.

What is God's purpose, you might ask?

That is also provided in the Bible, should you choose to become a serious
student and actually read it. The Bible says that God's purpose is to draw all
men unto Him.

You see, we are unique, and each of us has a special place in God's heart.
Unfortunately, only a select few will ever really trust God, and our God is
aware of this, too.

Will you be one of those select few, and even through flames in your life,
realize that God is with you, right in those flames? Will you trust Him, even
if it means surrendering your human life to gain an eternal life? God does not
ask all of us to die in martyrdom, but He does ask all of us to trust Him.
Sadly, only a fraction of people really do trust Him.

I hope it won't take losing your home and possessions for God to get your
attention. Will you, out of love and an obedient spirit, seek Him now?

Please read your Bibles. You can learn more from the TRUE source than anything
I can tell you in a short, online message.

Do read Larry's message and cultivate that seed of faith instead of stomping it
into the ground or choking it off.

Yours in Christ,

--- "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <> wrote:

Sowing Seeds of Faith…

"Tragedy and Fire but God is There!" Larry Davies

The shrill wail of the fire engine sirens pierced the early morning air
on Election Day years ago as we stood outside a voting area to help a church
member running for elected office. As the ambulance and two fire engines sped
by they were heading for a neighborhood where many church members lived, so I
followed the vehicles to find a catastrophe too horrible to ever forget.

The flames were still leaping from the windows of the small house as
firemen and police officers scurried in every direction. A young couple with
three small children lived inside. Two firemen ran out of the house towards the
waiting ambulance clutching one of the children. Another child was already
inside the vehicle along with his mother. The third child, a baby was still
inside the house.

As the ambulance sped away with sirens blaring toward the nearby
hospital, I followed knowing my place needed to be with the family. I found the
young mother by herself in the waiting room and sat with her. We helped her
contact the husband who had gone to work earlier that morning. During that
time, a doctor solemnly informed her of the loss of their baby who died at the
scene. Thirty minutes later a nurse came to break the news that her next
youngest son also died.

In just a few short moments this poor young woman lost two of her three
precious children.

She asked to see her child. What could we say? We walked down the hall
into bay three of the emergency room. The curtain was drawn to give us privacy.
The mother tenderly picked up her little boy who merely looked asleep and
soothingly cradled him in her arms as she began to sing his favorite lullaby.
The nurse, overcome, ran out of the room crying but the mother seemed oblivious
as she gently combed her child's hair with her fingers and continued quietly

Years later, I still vividly remember the scene.

When tragedy occurs we ask: Where is God?

There is no easy answer but I found comfort in Isaiah: "Do not be
afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When
you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you." (43:1)

God was there as people in the community gathered to pray, offer
comfort and donate clothing.

"When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown!" (43:2)

God was there as our church helped provide a place to stay, furniture
and even money toward a scholarship fund for the surviving son.

"When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned
up; the flames will not consume you." (43:2)

God was there as I went back to the charred ruins of their house
looking for anything that survived the fire. Everything was destroyed except
for one object found in the living room amidst a smoldering pile of ashes: a
family Bible in nearly perfect condition.

"For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."

God was there as the mother and son attended our church. During worship
she became flustered trying to read an unfamiliar bulletin while holding her
hyperactive son. I cringed for her but could think of no way to stop the
service to help her. A kind older woman near the back of the sanctuary stood
and quietly moved forward to sit and help the distraught mother and child.

Is this a perfect ending? Of course not but real life seldom supplies
perfect endings, which is why instead of answers we discover comfort in the
midst of tragedy. "When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not
be burned up; the flames will not consume you."

When tragedy strikes? Remember this: God will always, always, always be

Comments From Last Week

Pastor Larry, I want to thank you for sharing this man's poem and struggle even
though it was not a happy story. This poem and the Holy Spirit really opened my
eyes and heart for me to see that I need to do more not as a Christian (even
though I feel that is all of our responsibility to do) but as a person to see
someone in need and to offer a helping hand without price or some other
alternative for our time because we all need a helping hand at some time in our
life and it would be sad to look around and see no one there. Because what
comes around goes around, and hopefully I will be helped because I helped
someone else. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. Stephanie Cameron,
Pittsburgh,, PA

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world—like a city on a mountain, glowing
in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put
it on a stand and let it shine ! for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Brian Masinick, masinick at yahoo dot com
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