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Word for Today, Mop, 26, May 2003: Quiet Renewal, Relevant History

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you believe that the Bible is relevant to each of us today, or
do you believe that the Bible merely contains a bunch of stories
that were written to explain things to people long ago in a way
that they could understand?

I believe that the Bible was written to explain things to people
long ago in a way they could understand, but unlike most other
literature, it is relevant to everyone who really wants to know
God, and also how God relates to His people, and also how His
people relate to God.

In every way, I believe that 100% of that information is as
relevant today as it ever was. Unfortunately, many people
discount or discredit many parts of the Bible, in effect
indicating that they really do not believe what it says,
considering it nothing more than a bunch of stories.

I believe that all of the historical accounts in the Bible are
true. Though the language is sometimes different than what we're
used to in some passages, it's as true as it ever was.

When we look at old pictures, don't they often reveal things
about us? That's what the Bible can be like, too.

Please read this week's Sowing Seeds of Faith devotion. If
you've been reading these messages for a few years, you may
remember Jacob Bruce and how a whole community of believers
prayed for that young boy, and how wonderful things happened.
Well, the struggles haven't ended. Jacob is still alive, but
he's been found to have a tumor in his brain once again. Click
on the link in Larry's article to see this incredibly beautiful
young child. What a blessing he has been to his family, even
though they've all had quite an ordeal. Won't you join me in
praying for Jacob and his family?

Dear Lord,

I approach you today with wonder at Your marvelous ways, not
understanding all of them, but deeply in awe of who You are and
what You stand for. I love You, my Creator, my Source, my
Redeemer, my Sustainer!

I often come to You asking for various things, but it would be
callous and brazen of me if I failed to acknowledge Your wonders
and appreciate You, whether You answer me in the ways I hope for
or not.

I have my own intense desires and needs today, and I pray that in
Your gracious way, You will provide an answer that is best for
me. Sometimes I don't even know what to ask, so today I merely
ask that You provide for me and lead me where You want me to go
and help me to do what You want me to do.

I do pray for those who are sick and hurting. Though we don't
always receive precisely what we seek, I pray for Your comfort,
Your strength, Your undying love, and if it is within Your divine
purpose, Your healing and restoration. How I ache today for
Jacob and his family. Won't You somehow show Your great
compassion upon them in some tangible way that they can all
appreciate? What a beautiful child You've made in Jacob. Yet
what a series of difficulties the Bruce family has had to face.
Give them all Your comfort, Your peace, and Your absolute best,
precious Lord.

I ask these things with great humility, helpless on my own. In
Jesus' Name and for His sake, I come. Please hear my prayers and
work out Your way in our lives in a way we can clearly see, so
that we may know Your ways among us and continue to praise You
every day. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Please join me in praying for Jacob Bruce... Jake has not quite
turned three years old. Less than two years ago we prayed as he
struggled with a tumor in his brain. He was not given much chance
to make it yet against all odds he did. Now the tumor has
returned. This is very serious. The parents are Lance and Tracy
Bruce. You can see a picture of Jacob on our website by clicking
here: You may
also email them a letter of prayer and support at...

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

After reading your article on slowing down and spending time with
God, I felt a real breakthrough in my personal struggle. I am a
Christian counselor, and I get so busy and wrapped up in doing
what I'm trained to do, that I don't have time to listen to the
one who anointed me and made a way for me to get the education to
do what I do. I have been feeling like a wrung out dish rag of
late, and that isn't God's fault, it's mine. He said to take His
yoke upon me for His burdens were light. I've been feeling like
I've been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. That
isn't what He intended for His children. Thank you Larry, for
your insights and articles. God has blessed with you with a
wonderful mind and a wonderful talent. I'm so glad that you
didn't bury your talent in the ground, but invested it in God's
many children. May He bless you always. Love and continued
prayer, in His precious name... Kathey

Sowing Seeds Ministry is literally reaching around the world. To
continue offering quality ministry we need your help. We have
over 50 financial partners who commit at least $10 per month and
to each of you we say a loud and sincere, "Thank You! " but we
need more to continue growing and expanding our outreach. Will
you help? Click here: or email
me at

To read part one and two... click here:

"Computer Crashes, Silence & Renewal" Part 3
Larry Davies

"Shoot me straight, Doc. I can take it! Is it the love bug
virus?" No, it wasn't but my computer was still broken and in the
shop for at least five days. "Five days! What would I do for five
days?" I had a problem but it wasn't the computer. While looking
to fill the time, I ran across a story by Arthur Gordon about a
doctor's advise for overcoming bleak periods. I was to find an
isolated spot and follow the instructions on four slips of paper.
The first prescription was "Listen carefully." Did you try it?

As the hours passed, I slowly began to relax. Listening soon led
to prayer and prayer led to a quiet stillness and the comforting
presence of God. At times, there would be prompting to read a
particular scripture or write a brief note. "Listen carefully"
was a reminder that even in this fast-paced environment, God is
still very much in control. "Come here and listen to me! I'll
pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise."
(Proverbs 1:23)

By now I was ready to open the doctor's second prescription: "Try
reaching back."

"Try reaching back? For what?" On my desk is a photo album given
by my wife and two children containing a few of their favorite
pictures. "Memories? Is that what I'm supposed to reach back

I flipped the pages of the album slowly and began to sort through
each priceless photograph. Each picture took on a life of its own
reminding me of the story behind the image. The bright smile on
my face portrayed the warmth in my heart as I paused to slowly
reflect and remember. There were:

* Baby pictures... my how they have grown.
* Loving moments with my wife... we don't do this nearly often
* Family vacations, parties... we all have them you know.
* Silly moments... I try to forget.
* Special occasions... priceless!
* Pets and their antics... always a special part of our family.

Each picture represented a new story to remember and enjoy. Each
story represented golden moments to savor and appreciate. Each
golden moment became a treasure trove of memories offering
reassurance that I am a precious child of God, created for a
purpose... and that purpose is realized in the faces and the
hearts of those I have had the privilege to love and receive
love in return.

At first, I didn't expect much help from the Bible because there
are no photographs. I was so wrong! Each chapter and verse is
full of God's valuable word pictures imploring us... to learn
and remember.

* Genealogy lists serve as vivid reminders of those people who
went before us.
* Stories illustrate the struggles of real people valiantly
striving to serve God.
* Beautiful poetry praising God or crying out for help in the
midst of crisis.
* Jesus poignant reminder to, "eat this bread and drink this
wine in remembrance of me."
* Chapter 11 of Hebrews represents God's photo album
illustrating heroes of our faith.
* The letters of Paul continually reminding us God's love is
based on grace not works.

My son, obey your father's commands and don't neglect your
mother's teaching. Keep their words always in your heart...
Wherever you walk, their counsel can lead you. When you sleep,
they will protect you. When you wake up in the morning, they
will advise you. For these commands and this teaching are lamps
to light the way ahead of you. (Proverbs 6:20-23)

* Reaching back helps you recall the teaching of your family...
of God.
* Reaching back offers reassurance that your life has meaning
and a purpose.
* Reaching back can be the spark, the charge that can rekindle
your fire.
* Reaching back is the poignant reminder you are never ever

This week, try reaching back into your own album of precious
memories? I pray you receive a spark to rekindle your fire. Also,
read chapter 11 of Hebrews and catch a glimpse of God's photo
album of faith. Next week, I'll share the doctor's third of four
prescriptions. I feel better today. Do you?

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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directly back into the Sowing Seeds Website or the printing
bill? When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support
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