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Word for Today Praise and Prayer Request

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Beth Fisher is a member of our 1Corinthians7 mailing list, and an
occasional contributer. For those of you who have been around
for a while, you may remember that Beth has had numerous difficulties
during the past year, yet she has also had many occasions in
which she has been able to express thanks and gratitude to
God for all that He is (has been, and continues) doing in
the life of her family.

Now she gets to personally find out once again
the joy and struggle of what my wife has been
going through. Won't you take a moment, right now,
to thank God for what He is doing in YOUR OWN LIFE,
and also thank God for Beth's openness in sharing
her joys and struggles with us? Please pause
for a moment, and join me in prayer.

Dear God, I love You deeply, and I appreciate
all that You have done, are now doing, and
anticipate what You are going to do in our
lives. My friend, Beth, has asked me to share
with my online friends her joys and concerns
about her health and the way that You continue
to sustain her.

How I thank You for the way that You continually
sustain each one of us, and I am grateful for
the technology we have, so that we can share
friendship and love, even when we don't have
the privilege of one on one, personal relationships
with everyone. I am especially grateful that I
CAN have a personal relationship with You. I am
continually amazed at the manner in which You allow
me to approach You, Lord. Though You are the
AWESOME, all powerful, Holy, Majestic, Great King
and Master, Creator of all things, You make it
possible to approach You. Lord, I want You to
know that I do not take that for granted.

How can I say thanks for the things You have done
for me? I remember how Andre Crouch wrote those
words, and put them into a song. But I cannot
even begin to express my own gratitude to You,
Lord. Please accept my humble confession before
You that I need You, and my grateful heart for
being allowed to pray, not only for my own needs,
but for the needs of others as well.

Lord, my friend Beth is concerned about her health,
continues to have financial and other issues that
seek to rob her of complete joy and peace. Please
watch over her, keep both her and her family safe,
work through each and every situation. If You choose
to find it within Your will, dear Lord, provide
healing for Beth. Protect her unborn child and
Beth, all during this pregnancy. Please, Lord,
no matter what You do or how You choose to do it,
constantly be with the Fishers, reminding them
that You are always there.

Thank You, Lord. Amen.

"All in All"

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all

When I fall down, You pick me up
When I am dry, You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name

Brother Brian

--- Beth Fisher <> wrote:
> From: "Beth Fisher" <>
> To: "Brian Masinick" <>
> Subject: WOW!!!
> Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 08:34:36 -0700
> Good morning Brother Brian!!!!!
> Guess what???!!!???
> I'm still in the WOW stage of this, but WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!!

> God has truly blessed. We're ecstatic, but still stunned.
> My main concern is my health, but on the positive side with that, I will get
> care for my migraines and with my back.
> I'm due in May.

> All I want to do is sleep, and I'm trying to finish my book on neighborhood
> ministry and finishing the forms for the Lighthouse Central workbook, along
> with homeschooling, and church activities, I'm exhausted. Getting ready to
> run out the door now for my Morning Light Bible study. This is my oasis in
> the middle of the week!

> God is good, just wanted to share with you, please pass this on to anyone who
> can pray, the main concern is my kidneys, because the strain of pregnancy
> could cause them to shut down. I'm really watching everything I do, eat, and
> drink. Drinking mostly water, Please list this as both a praise and a
> request!!!!

> Thanks for your time!
> In our Lord's service,
> Beth Fisher
> For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...
> John 3:16

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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