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Word for Today Prayer Request

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Presidential Prayer Team has asked that we spend a moment
each day remembering those who endured the tragic events
approximately a year ago. For many of us, those events may be
already dimming in our minds, but for those who either were in
the midst of it all or had close family involved, the
consequences of that day are fresh in everyone's mind, and may
never fade.

As brothers and sisters io Christ, no matter where we stand, I
believe it is appropriate to pray for one another. I also
believe that God can use a time when we have something to pray
about to be reminded each day of His Goodness.

Please join me in directed prayer during the next week or so...

Your Brother in Christ,

Dear Presidential Prayer Team Member:

In the 9 days leading up to the first anniversary of the tragic
events of September 11th, 2001, we invite members of The
Presidential Prayer Team to set aside a moment at noon each day
for remembrance and prayer. We've prepared the following guide
for our members. Feel free to forward it on to others or copy
and distribute it within your organization or business. Thank
you for joining over one million fellow members in praying for
our nation and for the lives touched by 911 as we count down to
this first anniversary.



DAY ONE - Monday, September 2, 2002

PRAYER FOCUS: Pray today for the families and loved ones of the
brave firefighters, police and emergency workers who lost their
lives at the World Trade Center.

PRAYER: Dear God, we pray today for those whose hearts ache for
the loss suffered on 911. Thank You for the courage and
dedication of the brave firefighters, police officers and
emergency workers who were willing to risk their own lives to
protect others. Thank You for the shining example of courage
showed by all men and women in uniform. Bring comfort to those
who feel empty and alone as a result. We pray that their
families will know Your peace. Comfort them with Your love and
help them to feel Your presence

Brian Masinick,
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