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Word for Today prayer requests

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is an updated prayer list from my friend Larry Davies. I
pray that many of you will pray for other people. I have a
confession to make. Sometimes when I see certain prayer
requests, I get an image about a person, not always a positive
image. But then I remember that each of us, as people, is
created in the image of God, and we are deeply loved. Who am I
to judge another person?

Some people on this list are going through some unpleasant
things. I would urge you to especially pray if there is anything
on this list that "catches you wrong", as sometimes happens to
me. My first prayer is for my own attitude, then I am able to
pray for others. Please join me in prayer today.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs Around the World
February 9, 2001

Before you pray: A sweet story

Midnight phone calls stir a mother's heart. We all know what
it's like to get that phone call in the middle of the night.
This night was no different. Jerking up to the ringing summons,
I focused on the red, illuminated numbers of my clock.

Midnight. Panicky thoughts filled my sleep-dazed mind as I
grabbed the receiver. "Hello?" My heart pounded, I gripped the
phone tighter and eyed my husband, who was now turning to face
my side of the bed.

"Mama?" The voice answered. I could hardly hear the whisper over
the static. But my thoughts immediately went to my daughter.
When the desperate sound of a young crying voice became clear on
the line, I grabbed for my husband and squeezed his wrist.

"Mama, I know it's late. But don't . . . don't say anything
until I finish. And before you ask, yes I've been drinking. I
nearly ran off the road a few miles back and . . ."

I drew in a sharp, shallow breath, released my husband and
pressed my hand against my forehead. Sleep still fogged my mind,
and I attempted to fight back the panic. Something wasn't right.

"I got so scared. All I could think of was how it would hurt you
if a policeman came to your door and said I'd been killed. I
want . . . to come home. I know running away was wrong. I know
you've been worried sick. I should have called you days ago but
I was afraid . . . afraid . . ."

Staying on the line, sobs of deep-felt emotion flowed from the
receiver and poured into my heart. Immediately I pictured my
daughter's face in my mind, and my fogged senses seemed to
clear, "I think ---"

"No! Please let me finish! Please!" she pleaded, not so much in
anger, but in desperation. I paused and tried to think what to
say. Before I could go on, she continued. "I'm pregnant, Mama. I
know I shouldn't be drinking now, especially now, but I'm
scared, Mama. So scared!" The voice broke again, and I bit into
my lip, feeling my own eyes fill with moisture.

I looked up at my husband, who sat silently mouthing, "Who is
it?" I shook my head and when I didn't answer, he jumped up and
left the room, returning seconds later with a portable phone
held to his ear. She must have heard the click in the line
because she asked, "Are you still there? Please don't hang up on
me! I need you. I feel so alone." I clutched the phone and
stared at my husband, seeking guidance. "I'm here, I wouldn't
hang up," I said.

"I should have told you, Mama. I know I should have told you.
But, when we talk, you just keep telling me what I should do.
You read all those pamphlets on how to talk about sex and all,
but all you do is talk. You don't listen to me. You never let me
tell you how I feel. It is as if my feelings aren't important.
Because you're my mother you think you have all the answers. But
sometimes I don't need answers. I just want someone to listen."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at the
how-to-talk-to-your-kids pamphlets scattered on my night stand.
"I'm listening," I whispered.

"You know, back there on the road after I got the car under
control, I started thinking about the baby and taking care of
it. Then I saw this phone booth and it was as if I could hear
you preaching to me about how people shouldn't drink and drive.
So I called a taxi. I want to come home."

"That's good honey," I said, relief filling my chest. My husband
came closer, sat down beside me and laced his fingers through

"But you know, I think I can drive now."

"No!" I snapped. My muscles stiffened and I tightened the clasp
on my husbands hand. "Please, wait for the taxi. Don't hang up
on me until the taxi gets there."

"I just want to come home, Mama."

"I know. But do this for your Mama. Wait for the taxi, please."
Learning to listen: I listened to the silence . . . fearing.
When I didn't hear her answer, I bit into my lip and closed my
eyes. Somehow I had to stop her from driving.

"There's the taxi, now." Only when I heard someone in the
background asking about a Yellow Cab did I feel my tension
easing. "I'm coming home, Mama." There was a click, and the
phone went silent.

Moving from the bed, tears forming in my eyes, I walked out into
the hall and went to stand in my 16-year-old daughter's room. My
husband came from behind, wrapped his arms around me and rested
his chin on the top of my head. I wiped the tears from my
cheeks. "We have to learn to listen," I said to him.

He studied me for a second, then asked, "Do you think she'll
ever know she dialed the wrong number?" I looked at our sleeping
daughter, then back at him. "Maybe it wasn't such a wrong

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing?" The muffled voice came from
under the covers. I walked over to my daughter, who now sat up
staring into the darkness. "We're practicing," I answered.

"Practicing what?" she mumbled and laid back on the mattress,
but her eyes already closed in slumber.

"Listening," I whispered and brushed a hand over her cheek.


Nearly two years ago, I published a devotion on the 45 Day
prayer challenge. Several have found it on the web site and
taken the challenge again. If you are interested you can click
here for more information:

-----Original Message-------------------------------------
From:corene kniceley []
Sent: Wednesday,February 07, 2001 5:40 AM

Dear Larry, I am taking the prayer challage. Please pray with me
for Steve and his family that his career move will be good and
Gods will. For Paster Pat and her health and Marion and her
health, for her to find peace. God Bless!!!!! Corene Kniceley

-----Original Message--------------------------------------
Sent: Wednesday,February 07, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: prayer challange

Dear David, I will take the 45 day prayer challange. Please
include me in on your prayers for it. Thanks Gary Bayless

-----Original Message--------------------------------------
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 5:42 PM
Subject: not sure

I was surfing the web and came across your site. Praise God... I
am a recovering (or am trying to be) addict. Hard to say the
word. Please put something on your site about adults that are
addicted to marijuana.. I am trying so hard to stop yet when old
friends come around I can't seem to say no. I have rededicated
my life to the Lord and yet I seem powerless over this.I am so
depressed tonight... I keep crying and when someone asks whats
wrong I can't answer, not even my hubby. I need the Lord more
than ever and yet can't seem to get where I need to be.. I read
your article about Janice and suicide and fully understand how
she felt. I have sat with a pill bottle in my hand more than
once yet know that it would devastate my husband, children and
others.. I should be happier now than ever.. I have escaped from
a 25 yr abusive relationship and am remarried to a wonderful
christian man, have a step daughter that loves me and my own
children, 5 of whom are christians, one going into ministry.
whats wrong with me? I can't seem to get it together.. Please
pray for me and ... i don't know what to do. I can help all the
teenagers that come to me for help, when they can't go to their
own parents, yet cannot seem to help myself. I am everyones mom
and shoulder to cry on yet I can't seem to get it together ..
God Bless...Sami

-----Original Message----------------------------------------------
From: lois tupponce []
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 7:51 PM
To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
Subject: Re: Sowing Seeds Prayer Needs from Around the World

Hi Larry, My dad seems to be doing better at the nursing home. I
saw him today but he didn't talk so I don't know if he knew me
or not. I rubbed his arm and said "it's me dad, your daughter."
The staff said he's eating okay and responds to the physical
therapist when she works with him. God is good. Please keep our
pastor, Tim Kyser, in your prayers as he has kidney stones.
Thanks for putting my prayer request out. I've gotten emails
from caring people. Love in Christ, Lois Tupponce of Gretna, VA


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Comments: please pray for my friend, Harold. he has terminal
cancer-the doctors can do nothing for him. he is an important
part of our church and christian school. i want to see the
power of God manifested in this healing. Please have everyone
pray for HAROLD. blessings....grace

Name: JoanneWarrick
Address: Oak Hill WV
PrayerTeam: no
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Comments: Please pray for Louise Greene, who is a stroke
patient. Also please remember my husband, Gary Warrick, my
daughter Kristi Flint and her husband Chuck, for salvation. I
love your website and appreciate the love you share through it.
Your Sister in Christ,

*** Name: Becky
Address: Western NY
PrayerTeam: Y
Email: Please Include My Prayer Request in
Weekly Mailings: ON Include My Email Address in Prayer Request
Mailings: ON Option_Subscribe: Option_Already
Subscribed: ON Remote

Comments: I thank God for your ministry. I have been on the
list for a while now. Now, I come to you all to ask for
prayer. I am struggling with depression. I am on mild
medication, but I think it goes deeper than that. I need God's
intervention. I am losing the will to live. Just to get out of
bed in the morning is a battle. I find it extremely difficult to
teach my young children (10 and almost 5) to do what needs to be
done each day when I have to battle so hard to do it myself. I
bellieve much of it is a spiritual battle. I know God says he is
enough, but I am drowning here. I need help. Please pray that
God will help me break through this wall-and soon. I believe He
is the only way... Even though I have friends, I feel like
those people in the prisoner of war camps Larry talked about...
isolated and deteriating fast.

-----Original Message-------------------------------- From:
Bonnie Posey [] Sent: Thursday, February
08, 2001 4:16 AM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: Angela

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers---don't stop!
Angela is much improved and we are going to take her home from
the hospital today. She will go home with a walker and still has
a long recovery but she is in great spirits and is sure she will
improve much faster at home. Keith will be off until Monday so
we will be spending more time at home for the next few days... I
will be in touch and will be checking my e-mail more often. God
Bless Bonnie

Name: Wanita Tackett
Address: West Virginia
PrayerTeam: yes
Email: Please Include My Prayer Request in
Weekly Mailings: ON Include My Email Address in Prayer Request
Mailings: ON
Option_Subscribe: ON

Comments: I would like to Thank everyone who prayed for my
husband Edward Tackett he has gone on to be with the Lord two
weeks ago today we Thank you for all your prayers he has left a
wonderful testiomy for the Lord alot of his friends are giving
their lives back to the Lord because of his walk with the Lord
to the very end on this earth. He went out praising His name.
Thank you and God Bless each and everyone of you. Please keep me
on the prayer circle would like to pray with others in need.
God Bless Wanita

Name: Lori Smith
Address: Chicago Ridge, IL
PrayerTeam: Email:

Comments: I got a new job, I am having a hard time adjusting to
it and the people here are not that nice. Pray that it does get
better or that God will show me to leave.

-----Original Message---------------------------------------------------
Sent: Wednesday,February 07, 2001 8:37 AM
To: Sowing Seeds Ministry

Okay guys, I need all you prayer warriors to go to work. This is
a big one. I have a friend named Angela Puentez. She is a
faithful christian and loves Jesus with her whole heart and
soul. She has a 8 year old daughter named Whitney who has never
known her daddy until recently. Angela and the girls dad have
come together again all these years later and he is saved and
loves the Lord intensely. His name is Mark. He has repented for
not being in Whitney's life and wants to be a father to her but
something horrible is standing in the way. You see, he is prison
for 6 life terms for something he didn't do. A girl was raped
and sodomized and he is the one in prison for it. She couldn't
even pick him out of a line up and this case is so shady that he
has won an appeal to go back to court. All physical evidence
that could have proved he didn't do it was damaged (how
convenient) Please pray that God will release this man of God
and that he will proven innocent and that Angela, he and Whitney
can resume their lives as a family. This woman has served God
faithfully and is one of the most righteous people i know. She
has no doubt in her mind that he is innocent. He did not even
get a fair trial in front of a jury of his peers. He went before
a judge! If you all knew the facts of this shady case you'd be
on the phone with the news but there isn't enough room for it
all. Please please please pray for favor and that the Lord will
open the eyes and ears of the judge and jury to see the truth.
We believe that God has used his prison sentence for the greater
good as he has helped bring others to the knowledge of Jesus
Christ and has grown in faith and wisdom in a way that he
wouldn't have if he was in the world since he has had to put his
whole trust in God but it is time for him to move on and for the
right man to be behind bars. Please pray too, that this girl who
was raped will be able to reach through her pain and come to his
defense. She has been so hurt that she is just glad someone is
in prison even if it's the wrong guy. Please pray for her
salvation and healing. Thank you all.

-----Original Message------------------------------------------------
From: Matseliso Mosala []
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 12:56 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

Hi everyone, I would like to thank Larry and the praying team. I
am a single woman with one son and requesting you to also put me
in your prayer. I had an affair that I decided to stop after I
chose Jesus as my saviour. He is a married man staying in a
different country with the wife. The Guy is trying to convince
me that there is no sin in that, but I know that's a sin
according to my bible. Would you pray for the Guy to repent and
find Jesus as his saviour. It's like I want to hurt him, the
thing is I made a promise to God that I will work for him, so I
don't want to go back to my old experiences. I also have
somebody whom we were inl ove in our teen days, now he wants to
come back to my life, but it's like he is not sure what to do.
He has complex towards me because of my work and my son. Pray
for him to find that I really need him in my life. If it is the
God will that we become husband and wife I pray that it happen.
Please pray for me that I grow in faith and trust god with all
my heart. Thank You in Jesus name, Amen Matseliso

Name: Sidney-Anne Ford
Address: Pittsburgh
(originally Baltimore)
PrayerTeam: Yes
Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
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Comments: Dear Pastor Larry, Please pray that God will heal my
physical body as well as my broken spirit, and that I can
understand what changes I need to make in my life, being
empowered to make those changes. Thanks. Sidney-Anne Ford

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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