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Word for Today public service: A FREE Christian mailing list service is available

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Glen Stewart is the gracious host of and I operate the
from Glen's Web site,, and I've been doing it since
1998. Glen is a great guy, a servant of the Lord, and on top of
all of that, he happens to be a graduate of the same school where
I completed my undergraduate studies eons ago, Michigan Tech!

If you have a mailing list and you would like to have a non
commercial mailing list hosted somewhere, I recommend and/or There are many options to
choose from. While you are at it, you may wish to consider
subscribing to one or more groups that already exist on that site
or utilize some of the information that can be found there. It
is all free (really free, no gimmick). As I mentioned, I've used
it for many years now. I also help moderate the site for one or
two weeks a year when Glen goes away on a much deserved
vacation. I encourage you to check it out, then decide if what
Glen offers might be useful. Below is the message from Glen.

Yours in Christ,

Once each year, I ask those of you who are willing to transmit a
message to your email groups, friends, and contacts to spread
the word about the free email group service you enjoy here.
Everything below this paragraph can be forwarded. Thanks!

If Barnabas was alive today, you might find him coming along to
help you with your Christian ministry, as he did with Paul in
Acts 4-15.

Like Barnabas, I'd like to help your Christian ministry with my
own, which offers free Email Groups (see link at bottom, for
details) without ads. You can pick whether the email comes from,, or - whatever meets
your need.

Thank you for your service to God,

Glen Stewart

Is Your E-mail Group Here? Visit

Brian Masinick,
Home page:

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