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Word for Today, Remembering in a way that matters

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Though I have already sent out more than the usual volume of
Email, I just couldn't resist with this one ... it is SO MUCH
like me! Gloria Coffey finds herself singing, over and over,
praising God for what He has done. She finds herself stuck...
in a most positive way, in praising God.

Do you ever find a song that sticks in your head? When the songs
and hymns of praise remain in your mind and on your heart, this
is bound to happen. It happens to me all of the time!

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: Gloria Coffey <>, <>
From: PCCWeb Daily Devotional <>
Subject: Daily Devotional for Tuesday, August 28, 2001

PCCWeb Daily

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Today's Devotional

Yes, Lord!

Matthew 6:20-21 - But store up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do
not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your
heart will be also. (NIV)

Yes, Lord, Amen.

Is God calling you to a new level or a new work? I feel the Lord
is preparing me for something new in my life and I definitely
want to say, "Yes, Lord."

Did you ever have a song get 'stuck' in your mind? Some stay
only a few hours, but I've been singing a chorus for about two
months now that I am sure God planted there. The song is
"Trading My Sorrows" by Darryl Evans. The chorus simply repeats
the words "Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes Lord, Amen."

These three words are very powerful! As I sing these words, I
stop to ask myself: Am I really willing to say, "Yes, Lord,
Amen"? This is my heart's desire: to say "Yes, Lord, Amen" when
He calls and asks me to go or to do something. It is kind of
scary and exciting at the same time! It's like preparing for a
trip to somewhere you've never been before. I've been a
Christian for 37 years and have had to answer this call many
times in many different ways. The excitement never diminishes!

While I was travelling with my husband, he made a statement that
hit home, and I thought immediately that this was what God is
calling us to do now. Our last name is Coffey. He said our
house should be called "Coffey Hostel for Youth" instead of "the
Coffey House". We seem to have a never-ending stream of youth
passing through our home, and what a joy it is! Sometimes we
minister to the youth and sometimes they minister to us! We
allow the youth to speak their minds (to a certain extent), but
if we feel we can help them grow in the Lord, we are ready to
step in and assist. We try to live our lives in such a way that
everyone, including the youth, may see that, through both the
good times and the bad, we always try to say, "Yes, Lord, we'll
do whatever you ask of us." Also, we encourage the youth to
answer, "Yes, Lord," when he calls upon them in school, at work,
with their friends, wherever they may be, or whatever they are
going through. A few months ago, one of the youth had an
emergency while they were at our home. Immediately, the rest of
the youth began to pray for this need. What a joy it is to know
that when we say, "Yes, Lord," he will be there!

Prayer: Precious heavenly Father, help us to always be willing to
say "Yes" to whatever You ask us to do. Yes, Lord, Amen.

Editor's Note: The complete lyrics of "Trading My Sorrows" by
Darryl Evans and an MP3 snippet of the catchy refrain, "Yes, Yes,
Lord," are posted at Once
hearing the refrain, one will find it runs over and over in the
mind, as the author testifies!

Gloria Coffey Princeton, West Virginia,

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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