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Word for Today Response: Re: hi, and an introduction

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...> wrote:

>Its good to find this list,I have been feeling kind of alone in my
>situation,and im looking for some support.

It is truly rare these days when we get some interaction on this mailing
list, but I am not opposed to it at all. In fact, seven or eight years
ago, this was a mailing list specifically directed at married
individuals who are "unequally yoked", that is, when one person happens
to be a Christian and the other person is not a Christian.

There are some in the Christian community that advocate marriage at any
and all costs. In God's perfect design, when, for the most part, we are
within His will, that is the best and right thing. However, there are
cases either of infidelity or matters of physical safety where God
permits, and in some instances, even suggests, a clean separation.

My friend, if at all possible, the best thing one can do when they have
a spouse who does not believe is to be a great example to them and a
model of Christ's love. In 1 Corinthians 7 - the title of this group,
the apostle Paul sets down a number of principles that ought to guide
all Christians in their behavior in their marriage.

One should not lightly just walk away from a marriage committment, for
God originally intended the marriage committment to be for life, and God
also intended the marriage committment to be a model of Christ's love
for the church.

Unfortunately, it is not always that way. We ought to do everything in
our power to create and foster an environment of peace and love in our
homes that models what Jesus Christ is like. On the other hand, Jesus
Christ was no milk toast. He was and is strong and powerful, His Word
is truth, and by merely saying the Word, things happen.

We know that when God spoke, the world came into being. Remember that
when Jesus raised His hand and spoke, He calmed the sea! Imagine if He
had been there a week or so ago in Florida, and as the raging hurricane
approached the coastline, Jesus stood on the shore and said, "Peace, be

Jesus Christ is very powerful indeed! Who else can merely say a word
and things happen (or stop happening)? When we are under assault, we
can pray for the protection of our Almighty Father, in Jesus Name.
However, at the same time, we are human beings, and we are powerless
over the things, circumstances, and people around us. When our own
spouse becomes violent and harmful toward us, we have to decide when we
are safe and when we are not safe. Jesus Christ also gives us wisdom
and discernment if we ask Him.

In matters of safety in the home, everyone make sure you are safe. If
you have to leave, then leave. That need not mean leave forever, but it
does mean to be safe. Pray that God brings peace into our homes and His
Spirit into our lives. When people really see Christ in our lives, for
many it can also transform their lives, and that is what Paul appealed
in his message to the Corinthian church.

Yours in Christ,

Brian Masinick
Word for Today
1 Corinthians 7 List Moderator