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Word for Today, Sat, 10, May 2003: Surviving a Crisis

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message comes from Neil Anderson's Daily in Christ
devotional series, and it probably applies to the majority of us,
at one time or another. It describes surviving a crisis. In
Neil's message, he describes family crises, which may not hit
everyone, but probably affects many of us, even those of us with
strong families. The principles behind what Neil's saying,
however, can be applied to all of us in one way or another. We
all face various difficulties, therefore, we all need to
encourage one another, whether its with those we work with, our
close friends, our personal relationships, or, as Neil focuses
on, our spouses and family members.

We will never be without fault as living beings. But, given the
gift of the eternal hope we have in Christ, we may live like Him,
as people who are humble, seeking to serve one another out of
gratitude and the same deep love that Christ exhibits toward us.

Dear Lord,

I know that I offend others from time to time, and I've also
offended You. Please forgive me for my offenses against You and
against others, and please also grant me a forgiving heart, that
I may not hold the offenses of others against them. Instead,
restore to each of us the full joy of Your salvation, which comes
to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Renew my mind, every
thought within me, that my attitude may be right before You, then
transform that attitude, so that I may humbly and gratefully
serve You through acts of kindness to others.

Your Brother in Christ,

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from Freedom in Christ Ministries

May 10


A house divided against itself falls (Luke 11:17).

Satan's strategy is to use a problem situation to put you and
your spouse at odds with each other. Jesus said, "A house
divided against itself falls" (Luke 11:17). Many times I have
said to parents, "Don't let this pull you apart." Inevitably
they glance at each other, because that's precisely what's been
going on.

"If you would have been more firm with our child, this wouldn't
have happened," one blames.

"It's because you didn't set the standards by having family
devotions every night," the other retorts.

Or if they did have devotions, "You just read to the children,
you never communicate with them!"

"If you were home more often, I'd have more time to communicate
with them!"

There may be a grain of truth in every statement above. But it's
history, and tearing each other down will only make the problem
worse. You must be united in order to survive the crisis.
Character-bashing is from the pit.

Many parents are intimidated by a child's threats or find it
easier to give in to a temper tantrum than not to. But you
cannot let a rebellious child rule the home. It takes an iron
will and the grace of God to stand your ground and not let your
child control you. Sad are the children whose parents let them
rule the roost. Even sadder are the children whose parents rule
without love. If you manage to control through loveless
intimidation and force, your child will be emotionally crippled.
Rules without a relationship lead to rebellion.

Any crisis in the home can make or break you. You can choose to
grow through the crisis and become a better person than you were
before. Romans 5:3, 4, encourages, "We also exult in our
tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about
perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven
character, hope."

Lord, I refuse Satan's strategy to divide our home by quenching
our love or overemphasizing rules. Help me do my part to keep
our home united in You.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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