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Word for Today SUPPLEMENT: A Story about Joy and Sacrifice

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This is such a good story that I had to pass it along. The story
itself is not directly recorded in scripture, but the principles
behind the story are very consistent with the entire Bible. It
is a touching story to read. I hope you enjoy it, and identify
personally with the great love of God the Father and His Son,
Jesus Christ.

PCCWeb Daily

Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Today's Devotional

The Greatest Sacrifice 1 John 3:1 - Behold, what manner of love
the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the
sons of God. (KJV)

"I will go, Father," said the Son.

"The cost will be great," the Father replied. "You must give your

"It will be worth it to redeem those we love who are imprisoned
by the enemy. There is no other way."

Angels overheard the conversation of the Father and Son. "Surely
He will not go down there... to save those creatures."

"I could go," said Gabriel. "Or I," said Michael the archangel.

"No," said the Father. "It must be one of Us, one of the Godhead.
A divine, sinless sacrifice is demanded, and I am willing to give
my Son for them. He will bear their sins and pay their penalty
for them. He will die for them."

"Surely He will not have to die!" exclaimed Gabriel.

"But I will raise him from the dead, and my Son who existed from
eternity will live again forever," God declared. "And those who
trust in Him will come to live with us in glory."

"But they are so rebellious and filthy, so stubborn and
unworthy," an angel said.

"They always want their own way. Will they listen to the Son?"
The angels shook their heads.

"Some will listen and believe," the Son replied. "I will send my
Holy Spirit to reveal to them my love. When they see my love,
they will come to me."

"So now it is decided," said the Father. "I will send my only
Son, and He will become one of them."

"Become one of them?" The angels protested in a chorus of pain.

"It is the only way," the Father declared. "He must live a
sinless life in their midst to prove His worthiness and to show
them the way of holiness. How else would they know how far they
have fallen?"

In silence the angels bowed their heads. What a sacrifice! What

"They will call Him Immanuel, Jesus, Saviour," the Father assured
the angels. "Many will believe and turn from their sin. Then they
can join us here in heaven."

The angels looked at one another in astonishment. Could those
creatures -- those humans -- ever live near God's presence and
see His glory? Surely it was impossible!

"I will make it possible," the Father promised. "I will not only
redeem them from slavery to sin, but I will also transform them
to be like my Son."

A gasp of surprise swept over the angels. Even they were not like
the Son! He was perfect, glorious, merciful, gracious, holy,
loving, faithful. How could those creatures become like Him?!

"I will make them my children. I will put my Spirit within the
ones who believe in me and trust me. They will be my family
forever, throughout all eternity."

"They will become my brothers and sisters," said the Son. "I love
them even now."

And so it was that the Son came to earth on that first Christmas
morning as a little babe. The angels sang, and the shepherds
worshipped, and the glory of God filled the air.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to appreciate afresh the wonder
of your saving love that sent your Son to die for us to redeem us
from our sin. Amen.

Rosemary Watson Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Psalm 51:1-19

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... a song about Jesus...

Knowing Jesus, knowing You...
There is no greater joy!
You're my all, You're the best,
You're my joy, my righteousness,
And I love You, Lord.

I pray that each one of You really knows Jesus, and wants to know
Him even more. He's my joy, and nothing could please me more
than if you, too, really know Jesus, and share that joy. There
really is no greater thing anywhere.

Brother Brian

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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