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Word for Today SUPPLEMENT: Learning to Rejoice

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

When I learn to look beyond my circumstances, I learn to
appreciate the One who loves me and has rescued me from utter
destruction. Are you wondering who that may be? An ancient
hymnwriter once asked the same question: "Dost ask who that may
be? Christ Jesus! It is He! Lord Sabaoth His Name. From age
to age the same..."

A more recent song of joy, often sung in a "round", says what
the scripture verse says: "Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I
say, rejoice!"

I have to think that at least a few of us (if not most of
us), have, at one time or another, wondered about that. What in
the world is Paul thinking about? Well, I'll tell you, because I
now understand it, at least enough to personally identify with
it. Rejoicing is not necessarily about the things we are going
through, other than to realize that every event we face is for
the purpose of being prepared, groomed, trained, set apart for
God, for His purpose and for His glory. I believe that when we
personally come to grips with this, everything else begins to
make sense.

Now I will never know all there is to know about everything
(or, from a different perspective, much of anything) until it is
fully revealed in God, from God, and through God. Yet I believe
that God has chosen to reveal enough of His nature, and of His
Son, that I have all that I need to be content, at peace, and
even joyful, realizing that my hope and my future rest complete
and secure in Him. From that perspective, what more do I need?

I urge each of you to find that relationship and that
security. You can look anywhere you want, but I maintain that
you will not be content, nor will you find the real thing until
you find the hope, peace, love, and eternal security that is
fully and completely met in Jesus Christ.

The event to secure that future has already happened - the
life, death, and rising again of Jesus Christ, the One who WAS,
and IS, and IS TO COME. Do you know what that means? If not, I
urge you to read and read the scriptures, and while you are doing
so, plead with God to reveal Himself in His Word. It WILL
happen. I guarantee it.

Dear Lord, so many of us know a little bit about You, but so
few of us really seek You, for if we really did, we would find
You. Help us to rejoice today, even before we fully understand
all aspects of who You are, rejoicing because we are assured of
Your love, Your power, and Your presence in our lives. Your Word
promises that if we will seek, we will find. So I also pray for
anyone with a willing heart, desiring to seek You. Show Yourself
faithful, as You always are, and bring praise once again to Your
Name by revealing Yourself to us.

Allow us to have a relationship with one another, so that we
can hear and share what You have done in our lives. Then we can
speak highly of You, giving reports of how You have affected our
lives and changed the way we think and act - all to Your Honor
and Glory! Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

PHILIPPIANS 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say

Today I choose to look past my circumstances to the One who
reigns over them. Jesus, despite the myriad emotions I may
feel. I offer up to You a sacrifice of praise. When my life is
devoid of problems, the praise I give to You comes at an
affordable price. However, when circumstances do not go according
to my plans, that is when I dig deep to rejoice in You. I will
not sacrifice to the Lord my God offerings of praise that cost me

So I rejoice. I rejoice in the God of my salvation.

Lord God, You are the One who gives me the feet of a deer,
You are the One who makes me to walk on the high hills so I can
scale any mountain.

Jesus, as You were crucified and buried, hope seemed lost,
but within three days You were alive again with resurrection
power. In the same way, I know the last chapter of my life has
yet to be written.

As Paul and Silas sat shackled in the Philippian jail lifting
up their voices in praise to Your name, the great and mighty
power of Your hand set them free. Your praises shake the
foundations of prisons, they break loose the ties that bind, and
they set the captives free.

I will praise You in the face of my own inadequacies because
in my weakness You are made strong. You use difficult
circumstances ton plow up the fallow ground in my life. In fact,
You do Your best creative work with chaos.

At Your side is the only safe place. The circumstances I face
may lie beyond my understanding, yet with confidence I can
declare that I trust You. I desire to be by Your side regardless
of the rising waves around me because I know that at any moment
You can speak to my storms and say,'Peace, be still!" And the
storms will be calmed.

So I rejoice! You are at work beyond what I can see. I, like
Paul, am confident of this very thing: "that He who has begun a
good work in me will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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