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Word for Today Thanksgiving Edition - Thankful Acts of Service to Others

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I view my life as a ministry of service to others. But I cannot
begin to compare to a woman named Nancy Webb, a stellar example
and model for those who volunteer to serve others. It is my
prayer that as we give thanks to God for all that He has done,
the Spirit of God, working through people like Nancy, will also
call us into selfless acts of love and service to others - for
the glory of God and the advancement of His work among us.

Go with a thankful heart, remembering what Christ has done for

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: Volunteerism and Nancy Webb

Sowing Seeds Ministry wishes you God's blessings this
Thanksgiving. We hope you will enjoy our story of Nancy Webb as
a tribute to all the volunteers who faithfully serve in churches
and communities around the world.

Sowing Seeds of Faith?

Volunteerism and Nancy Webb Larry Davies

Recently, I received this email: 'Greetings from Florida: I don't
know if you want to do this but no harm in asking. I am a home
missionary worker. I make things and help others in need. I
donate my time and what talent I have. I have suffered many
ailments including cancer. God has spared me and I am trying to
reach out and touch others. I have a need if you want to
announce this at your church I would be grateful. If any one has
any men's neckties I can use them. Many, many thanks.' Nancy

Why does she want neckties? It seemed a little strange but
harmless so I sent Nancy's request to our email ministry prayer
chain. A week later, I received the following reply:

'Praise the Lord! I am so blessed. I received my first gift of
men's ties today. Was I ever thrilled! To me it was like a
million dollars. The Lord knows just how to tickle and thrill my
soul. I just wanted to say a big thanks to you. We have never
met but we are good neighbors. Amen! Nancy Webb

By this time I was intrigued so I asked Nancy to tell me more
about her life and unique ministry.

'I make a practice of saying something kind to someone daily. One
day at Wal-Mart, I said to a worker: 'You are special!' The
worker replied, 'What made you say that?' I said, 'God don't
make junk.' My new friend gave me a hug and said. 'If you only
knew how much I needed that.' Words of kindness and a smile go a
long way. I had a beautiful gardenia bush with 21 blossoms so I
gave 21 people a flower, a greeting and a smile. I enjoy sharing
God's love with others. We cannot out give the Lord! There is a
ministry for everyone. We must hold steady and not give up. We
could be on the brink of a miracle.'

Isn't that a great attitude? Nancy must be some kind of super
woman! Actually, she is not. Read on:

'Over the years I have had a number of surgeries and cancer. I've
suffered with depression, blood pressure and heart problems. But
so many people suffer in different ways. I felt God calling me
to get involved. I go to flea markets and yard sales to get
vases. Then I add artificial flowers and blooms, sometimes a
stuffed animal. Then I give them away along with a word of
cheer. Kindness goes a long way. I visit nursing homes and
hospitals. I make angels with a card and give them out here and
there. Now I need men's neckties and use the material to make
various craft items for the local hospital.'

'Also, I am trying to help raise money for a family in
Georgia. The father fell off the roof of his home. The mother is
not well and there are four children. My son is a youth worker
and is trying to work with this family. He wanted them to have a
nice Christmas so I'm trying to raise money for them. I don't
have a savings account. It may be good thing. I would give it all
away. But I have Jesus in my heart and a desire is to do for Him
as He has done so much for me. Amen!

'I don't know a greater blessing than in taking time to
volunteer. I just spent my first day of volunteer work in the
recovery room of our hospital. What a great opportunity. Some
people have an attitude. 'What's in it for me?' 'You get paid so
that's your job.' Not me. I like being where the action is so I
can roll up my sleeves and get into it. I get such a thrill and a
great blessing. I couldn't put a price tag on it.'

I asked Nancy, 'Why do you volunteer?' She answered: 'Am I rich?
No. I live on Social Security. Am I well? No! God is my
strength. Do I do this for popularity? No! Just hide me behind
the cross. Why volunteer then? Because I love Jesus and want to
reach out to others. It is simply Gods will.'

Finally, Nancy wrote: 'I received some 75 men's ties but I need
500 or more. The Lord is blessing this ministry. It thrills my
heart to see His hand at work. I work for the greatest company
in the universe. There is never a lay off, never shortage in work
and I even have a free cell phone with a direct line to heaven:
no delay and no call waiting. I am motivated and enthusiastic
about my work. Daily, God gives me encouragement. I find life so
precious and so beautiful. I just can't praise or thank God

Nancy Webb is just one fine example among so many who generously
volunteer their time and talents as a gift to God. Thanks for
brightening our day. You can reach Nancy at
or PO Box 761, Oakland, Fla. 34760. Now, if you will excuse me,
I need to pack a few neckties.

For another great Thanksgiving story called, "Thanksgiving
Thorns" click here:

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