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Word for Today, Thu, 03 Jan 2002: The Rest of the Story

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Last week at this time, Larry Davies sent us the story of a
church in Epworth that had not yet flourished, and the story of
the coming Messiah, and those who faithfully waited patiently for
His coming. Well, you know that you could read the Gospel
account of what happens when faith is practiced through patiently
waiting - Simeon and Anna both realized and witnessed with their
own eyes the things they believed in but could not see.

That's not always the way that it works. Other pillars of faith
in the history of the Bible had to wait, and never saw the full
realization of all that they believed - but the events happened,
just the same. The book of Hebrews, particularly chapter 11,
goes into quite a bit of detail about these stories.

But what about Walter and what about the empty church in Epworth?
Well, today is time for "The Rest of the Story", as revealed by
my friend, Larry Davies. Do you think that God came through?
Do you think that the faithfulness of Walter was rewarded? You
have to believe that it was. Well in today's message, we found
out how the events unfolded, and how God continues to work in
that place.

I challenge each of you today to earnestly seek God today, just
as Simeon, Anna, and Walter did in these stories. Perhaps your
story will not become famous - or maybe it will - in the lives of
those around you. God is faithful. He can deliver, even in
seemingly hopeless situations. If your family has disintegrated,
if your job has been lost, if you feel hopeless and discouraged,
this message is for you! Take heart! Be of good cheer! Be
encouraged! Sometimes we simply cannot see the work that God is
doing in our midst - especially within our OWN lives! But if you
will simply believe, cling to every promise of God, and yearn to
know what He says by reading His Word every single day, I
guarantee that you will find answers, and those answers are IN

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: A Church, The Messiah... Wait! Part 2

To read part one you can click here:

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" contains over 140 of Larry's best devotions
including his popular "Turning Points" series and the
controversial "Hot Issues." The response has been great. Click
here to check it out:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

Turning Points: A Church, The MessiahWait! (Part 2) Larry

Every Sunday for three years Walter opened the doors to Epworth
church and worshipped alone. Why? Why not face the inevitable
and allow Epworth to die? Well, God had a divine purpose for
Walter and the church he loved. So for now, Walter must be
patient, be faithful and wait. Simeon and Anna from chapter two
of Luke anticipated seeing the Messiah foretold by prophets for
hundreds of years. Meanwhile, day after day and year after year
they both waited.

Not me! I would move on. So would most of you. Yet, in our
impatience and lack of faith, we would have missed Gods miracle!

Would it help to understand what is meant by the word, wait? My
tendency is to think of waiting as idle time doing nothing such
as waiting for a movie to start. Actually, waiting is more like
receiving word that an honored guest will soon be visiting. You
busily clean and decorate your house, prepare special foods, take
a shower and search through the closet for just the right
outfit. In other words. waiting on God is essentially an
eventful time of preparation and anticipation.

* I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and he turned to me
and heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1) Waiting is learning to trust in
Gods leadership and competence.

* But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They
will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow
weary. (Isaiah 40:31) Waiting renews your strength.

* This time he (Christ) will bring salvation to all those who
are eagerly waiting for him. (Hebrews 9:28) Waiting is a sign
of faith and faith in Christ is the source of our salvation.

Simeon waited, filled with the Holy Spirit, expecting an honored
guest, the Messiah, to appear at any time. Anna waited by staying
busy in the Temple day and night, worshipping God with fasting
and prayer. Walter waited by faithfully preparing his beloved
Epworth church for worship each and every Sunday morning. God
responded to Simeon, Anna and Walter with a miracle.

One afternoon a young couple named Joseph and Mary came to the
temple to offer their eight-day-old baby for dedication to
God. Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised
God, saying, Lord, now I can die in peace! As you promised me, I
have seen the Savior you have given to all people. He is a light
to reveal God to the nations (Luke 2:28-32) Anna came along,
just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph and she began
praising God. She talked about Jesus to everyone who had been
waiting for the promised King (2:38)

Simeon and Anna were among the first to witness the Christ child
and proclaim Him as the Messiah. Every year they are remembered
and celebrated as a part of Christmas.

One Sunday morning a young family, new to the area visited
Epworth and after meeting Walter joined him in worship. They
found something unique about this little church nestled among the
trees and the old man who faithfully opened her doors. On the
following Sunday they came back and within a few weeks the
children were bringing friends. At years end a minister was

Today, Epworth is a small family church situated between several
farms and hidden among the trees. Every summer they offer
Vacation Bible School for the neighborhood and each Christmas is
celebrated with a pageant performed by the children. Many of the
original family have died and some of the children have moved
away but the miracle of Epworth has never been forgotten.

On the first Sunday of August people come from across the U.S. to
visit the church of their youth and relive the miracle of the old
man who refused to let his beloved church die. The worship
service is followed by a picnic on the church grounds. While the
children are playing and the adults are eating you may notice a
family wandering over to the nearby cemetery. If you listen
carefully youll hear a parent telling her child, Let me tell
you a story about Walter

As you celebrate the beginning of 2002 remember the example of
Simeon, Anna and Walter and express your faith in God by
waiting! For me, easier said than done! Pray for me please?!

Sowing Seeds of Faith... Weekly devotions with ATTITUDE, humor,
great stories and a down-to-earth Bible study.

Subscribe or check out our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can
do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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