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Word for Today, Thu, 04 Aug 2005: The Value of a Good Mentor

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 04 Aug 2005: The Value of a Good Mentor
Dear friends,

A few days ago, Larry Davies wrote this week's edition of Sowing
Seeds of Faith. In it, he wrote a tribute to a man who was a
great influence on Larry. This man happened to be Larry's boss,
back in tbe days when Larry used to say "When A Used Car Salesman
Becomes A Preacher... There Must Be A God!". In fact, Larry
wrote a book by that name and I have it in my library.

It is important to have people we can turn to as an example.
Good parents are extremely important. Like it or not, we gain a
big part of who we are and who we become from them. Teachers,
friends, and our boss can also be people whom we learn from.

Jesus Christ is our ultimate example. Do you have anyone in your
life whose actions point you to Christ?

I have several people in my life who have always been a graet
example to me. My parents were two of them. I have had numerous
friends over the years who have also been great examples to me.
The good thing has been that even as one every day relationship
has passed by, for whatever reason, there are others who become
great examples to me.

My prayer (and reminder) is that I also live my life in such a
way that I can be a good example to others myself. I pray that
you have people who are good examples to you, and that you are
also a good example to others. Look to Christ. He is the
ultimate example of who and what we should be modeling in our
behavior and our attitudes.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Next week: We announce the winners of the 2005 Sowing Seeds
Ministry Writing Contest.

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"A Tribute to Tom Riddle" Larry Davies

This week, I lost a friend and a mentor. I had the honor of
serving Tom Riddle as General Manager of his Honda dealership. I
only left because God called me to become a minister. After
telling him of my plans, I'll never forget Tom's smile
and subsequent laugh. He said, "Larry, for the first time
I'm speechless, I don't know what to say except... my
prayers are with you."

Mr. Riddle was a tough but fair boss who always knew how to get
the best out of me. He maintained high standards for how a
business should be managed based on excellent service and he
never compromised but when it came to creative thinking and
selling... there was no one more exciting than Tom Riddle. He
epitomized the phrase, "thinking out of the box." There was no
crazy initiative when it came to business or sales that Mr.
Riddle wouldn't try.

To this day, I owe a lot of my own willingness to think
creatively and attempt new ideas to Mr. Riddle's constant
pressure to be innovative and be the best we could possibly be. I
will always be grateful for his willingness to teach and mold me
as he has also done for so many others.

Over the years, Tom became a close friend while encouraging my
ministry and challenging my creativity. One story I wrote
particularly interested him. "$7.43" was about my visit to a
local supermarket where a lady in front of me, tried to buy
several jars of baby food totaling $7.43. Her check was no good
and the store manager asked her to leave. I made excuses but I
should have given her $7.43. As a result, I learned a valuable
lesson and promised to do better next time.

Mr. Riddle picked up the phone and instructed his secretary to
bring a check for $743.00. "I want you to take this money put it
into one hundred envelopes and give $7.43 to 100 people in need."

As I took the check and began to thank him, Mr. Riddle asked
another question. "Larry, this is my gift but what will you
give?" I didn't know how to respond but knew he expected me to do
something. Mr. Riddle had given something of value and it was now
my turn. But how could a preacher give a gift that would make a
real difference?

Peter wrote in 1 Peter: "Each one should use whatever gift they
have received to serve others, faithfully administering God's
grace in its various forms." The message is that all of us have
something to give of great value. We simply need to discover our
God-given gift and use it.

A soft voice inside kept saying: "The best gift is your book."

"But Lord," I protested: "I haven't even paid the printing bill

The following Sunday, I shared the story of Mr. Riddle's gift and
passed out 100 envelopes along with 100 copies of my book. The
instructions were to give one envelope and one book to someone in
need and tell the story, "$7.43." Two weeks later, Mr. Riddle was
a guest in our church and heard the first-hand accounts of the
lives touched by those 100 unique gifts.

One woman experiencing a divorce took the kids to a local
restaurant and then read the book for continued devotional
support. Another gift was sent to a man in prison who sent the
money home for his daughter's Christmas present and then passed
the book around to fellow inmates. A third gift was given to a
family struggling through a recent job layoff.

One person after another stood and spoke of lives touched and how
they felt led to become even more involved with the person who
received the gift. They also spoke of the joy they felt offering
something encouraging to a person in need. In addition to
helping at least 100 people, Mr. Riddle taught me a valuable
lesson on the importance and the joy of giving: All for $7.43.

Mr. Riddle: you have been a major influence on me and many
others. It was an honor to serve and know you and your family. I
will never forget your lessons, your friendship and your love.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the worldu2014like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide
your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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