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Word for Today, Thu, 04 Jan 2001: How do Herod and Hope Fit?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I really think it is a deep self-centered attitude that, instead
of helping us, damages our ability to cooperate with others and
even to cope with our own actions. It is not fundamentally wrong
to care about our own needs. But as soon as we elevate our own
needs above those around us, we run into problems.

The love of Jesus was so amazing and complete because His sole
purpose of coming to earth as a man was to give up every notion
of power and authority that He had, in order to demonstrate His
love for us and to serve us. To be certain, Jesus IS all
powerful, and He has all authority over us and over creation, for
He is God. But can you imagine being willing to put all of that
aside, just to demonstrate the completeness of His love? The
thought continually amazes me.

Larry Davies writes today about King Herod, the King of Israel at
the time of Jesus' birth. This guy was the complete opposite of
Jesus. He was completely self absorbed, so much so, that he was
willing to do anything to remain in power, including murdering
children. (Of course, some people continue to do that today, and
think nothing of it - calling it a "woman's right to choose").

But I think we have to look closer at Herod, because, as Larry
suggests, though we shudder to even think about it, there is more
of Herod in US than any of us comfortably care to admit. I know
that I detest even that thought. But to refuse to look at my own
self centered attitudes is to ignore what the Holy Spirit wants
to do in my heart, in the depth of my spirit.

"When they saw the child, they rejoiced with great joy..." That
is a partial account of what was told about the so-called Wise
Men, in reaction to getting to be a part of eternal history, as
they had a chance to see Jesus Christ in person. We have that
chance, too, as we look at two extremes: Herod and Jesus.
Rejoice in the hope that Jesus and His sacrificial attitude can
have in our lives.

Dear Lord,

I thank You for the great hope I have because of what Jesus has
done, making His entire human life a sacrifice of hope and
salvation for the world - for those who are willing to recognize
it, turn away from themselves, change, and turn to Him. I
acknowledge, Lord, that I have to continually sacrifice myself,
for my inner nature is more like Herod than I care to admit.
Please renew me today and fill me with the promise of Christ, and
the joy of His Presence. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Competitive to the Extreme: King Herod" Sowing Seeds
Devotion January 4, 2001

Do you remember the y2k scare? Do you want to laugh and remember
our fears of just a over a year ago? Read this:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

Competitive to the Extreme: King Herod
Larry Davies (804-239-1348)

Christmas has come and gone now what? How should we respond as
the New Year begins? For answers we look to the story of the wise
men. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in
Jerusalem asking, Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We have
seen his star as it arose and we have come to worship him. Herod
was deeply disturbed by their question (Mat 2:1-3)

Why was Herod so deeply disturbed by the questions of the wise
men? Why did he feel so threatened? Answer: Herod was fiercely
competitive to the extreme.

For the first twelve years, Herod competed to establish his reign
by eliminating hundreds of potential opponents including his wife
and her two sons. During the next dozen years, Herod would
rebuild the cities and towns and establish himself as one of
Israels greatest kings. But it was the final nine years when
Herod was at his worst. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people were
executed including his brother. It was here that Herod received
the wise men announcing the Messiahs birth. Shortly after that
visit Herod sent soldiers to Bethlehem to murder every boy in the
community under two years old.

Confession time: I am also competitive too competitive. My
sister and I spent a lot of time together playing board games
such as Monopoly, Scrabble and Life. It took her awhile to catch
on to why her big brother was winning so frequently. Eventually
she realized, the rules were subtly changing from one game to the
next. (Larry, that is so low! I know. I know!) Whatever it took:
I wanted to win. Ouch!

A competitive personality can be an asset of course. Competition
fosters harder work and greater creativity. The success of our
economy is driven by our competitive nature. The most exciting
sporting events are those where the competitive rivalry between
opponents is at its highest. Our democratic political system is
based on at least two competitive office seekers slugging it out
before voting day.

A competitive personality can also be treacherous. When you twist
the rules, use unethical business tactics, deliberately injure an
opponent or slander a rival you are being competitive to the
extreme. At this point you cross a fine line that separates
aggressiveness from brutality. If you feel compelled to lie,
cheat or steal to get to the top of the heap to stay at the top
your brutality will only get worse.

Of course, none of us would ever be this competitive or feel this
threatened would we?

When a new employee is hired and they display extraordinary
enthusiasm for their job do you rush to learn from him or
encourage her? (Get real, Larry!) I doubt it. More likely, you
feel threatened. You may even find yourself in a few back room
discussions to find ways bring him/her back down to size. When a
new member joins the church and suggests ways the church can
improve or shows interest and talent in the area of the church
you serve, do you look for ways to be supportive? Do you pull
them aside and tell them we don t do things that way around
here? Do you talk behind their back?

Before I sound too smug, I attended a local pastors meeting
recently and one particularly gifted new minister was
enthusiastically sharing ideas for church growth. I remember
leaning over and whispering to one of the other old fogys oops,
I mean ministers and whispering, Hell burn out in ninety days.

Lets be honest. We are all competitive to a degree. We
occasionally feel threatened by new talent and fresh ideas. We
all possess a little bit of apprehension that our position will
be eliminated and we will no longer be needed. It is natural and
very human to feel this way but competition taken to the extreme
is a form of paranoia and is still very, very wrong. There is a
little bit of King Herod in all of us.

The Christ child was born and soon the family was forced to flee
to avoid Herods competitive fear. How many talented people do
companies lose because other employees refuse to offer support?
How many churches lose their young and gifted because long-time
members refuse to adjust to new ideas?

The question is: What should we do next? How can you learn from
Herods tragic mistakes? What will enable me to be more
supportive of new people and ideas? Next week: Answers from the
wise men.


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