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Word for Today, Thu, 07 Jun 2001: A Tribute to Fathers

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For those of you who are Fathers, today's message from Larry
Davies is a tribute to you. If you are not a father, you had a
father (and hopefully still do). This message can be an
encouragement to those of you who know fathers.

Not all fathers are encouraging or uplifting. For you, may I
offer the observation that you are near and dear to my heart,
(and I am a father). But more importantly than that, you have a
Heavenly Father who really does care about you. He knows your
pain, He identifies with it, and He has experienced it, too.

As for me, what am I like? Well, I try VERY HARD to be the best
possible husband and father that I possibly can be. As a human
being, I fall short. When I am tired I am most apt to regress to
something significantly less than an ideal father. Even so, I
love my family with all my heart. There is nothing I would
withhold from them. Hopefully, they would say that about me,

Larry's message is fun, it takes both a light-hearted look at
fathers, and also probes a bit deeper. I hope you enjoy this
week's message, and I hope you are ready to encourage a father in
the days to come - perhaps your own father!

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: A Look at Father's Day

Last week, I asked for prayers for eight month old Jacob Bruce
who underwent surgery to remove a mass from his brain. The sugery
was successful but the mass was malignant which creates new
problems. It will be a difficult few months for the Bruce Family
so I urge you to continue your prayers. You can still respond at
this email address:

Father's Day is coming soon... so this is my own little tribute.

A Look at Father's Day Larry Davies

Fathers Day is a second-class holiday! Someone on Mothers Day
probably said, We really should remember dear old Dad. The
local hardware store owner hearing the cha-ching of the cash
register, loved the idea and put up the first sign: FATHERS DAY
SALE. Many communities honor a Christmas Mother every year to
help needy children but do they ever honor a Christmas Dad?
Not! Mothers have M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) What do
dads have D.O.P.S. or maybe F.O.P.S.?

We are often described and stereotyped in the media as:

Workaholics: We pay the bills but avoid day-to-day family
issues such as changing diapers, disciplining the kids or cooking
the meals. We are often heard saying: I take care of the
important stuff while the little woman takes care of the kiddos.
(Give me a break!)

Deadbeats: If divorced it is assumed that dads are
deadbeats on the run from child support. In fact most are very
responsible and work hard to maintain regular contact with their

Abusers: Child abuse can be physical or mental and there
are certainly abusers out there but few fathers would dream of
doing anything that would harm their children.

Macho Men: He is more famous for exploits on the ball
field than for any ability or desire to manage and care for the
children. Favorite line: But honey The team needs me! Actually
community activities involving just men have declined as more
dads spend free time at home.

These stereotypes certainly exist but most dads take their
responsibilities seriously. Since both parents usually continue
their careers, both must look for creative ways to share the
duties as well as the pleasures of raising their children. Its
exciting to watch young couples grow into their roles.

More dads are now becoming single parents. I chose to raise our
children when their mother left. It was difficult at first. Local
churchwomen sometimes brought meals figuring no man cooks but
we survived on a simple menu of hot dogs, hamburgers and frozen
pizza. I learned to clean the house, give the children baths and
even buy their clothing. I never did learn how to fix Lisas hair
but every Sunday a kind soul would offer help. It wasnt easy but
we managed just like every other single parent.

I am happily remarried now and deeply appreciate Mells
contribution to our family, but I have also learned that my role
as a father is a vital link in the continued good health of our

My son, Stephen, wrote this poem in fifth grade titled
appropriately Mr. Mom.

While my mom was gone,
Dad had to handle things from now on.
So we called him Mr. Mom.
He did the laundry,
Cleaned every dish
He cleaned up the bedrooms,
Fed every fish.
Now that mom is gone,
Dad handles things from now on.

We call him, Mr. Mom.

So this is my tribute to the many Dads who struggle to be good
parents and good providers for their families. Whether you are
married or single if you actively share the parenting role or
bear sole responsibility in raising the children... God will
bless you, Dad. Paul wrote about us in the Bible: Fathers, do
not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4) A warning
to concentrate our parental energy on what is truly important.

If you are this kind of Dad, I honor you. If you are not...
change. It could be the best gift any child could ever receive
from you. As for Fathers Day...give your dad more than a tie or
a tool. Give him your time, your prayers, your forgiveness and
most of all your love. As for Christmas Mother programs: honor a
Dad this year. By the way, our church M.O.P.S. program will also
include P.O.P.S.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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