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Word for Today, Thu, 08 Aug 2002: Continuing to Live For God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, we've been looking into various aspects of our
personal relationship with God, our response to Him, as well as
the ways in which our responses affect our feelings, our
attitudes, and our behaviors. I've also challenged those who
don't really understand or appreciate what I'm talking about to
pray, privately in their own minds, to God, asking Him to reveal
Himself in a way that is unmistakable, so that each of us may
personally know and respond to God.

In today's message, I share a short text from Psalm 101, along
with a brief prayer.

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?

Dear Lord,

I continue to praise You each day. You are the love of my life.
You are the hope that I cling to. You definitely mean more than
this world could ever mean to me. In spite of that, I have to
battle each day with the demands that my earthly body place on
me, and the things that surround me, all of which seek to
distract me from the joy of Your Presence. Clearly, I need Your
help and Your strength, for I am not strong enough to withstand
such things on my own.

Please help me: I want others to know the love that You have and
the joy of Your salvation. I confess that I allow excuses and
fears to impede me from sharing the hope that I have in You with
others. With Your guidance, I can overcome all of these things,
but it's obvious that I cannot do so alone.

I also continue to pray that You would help me to be a genuine
encouragement to others, and that I may also be encouraged by
others. May we be one in the common hope that we find complete
in Christ. I ask each of these things humbly in Christ's Name.

Your Brother in Christ,

Verse: I will sing about mercy and justice.
O LORD, I will make music to praise you.
2 I want to understand the path to integrity.
When will you come to me?
I will live in my own home with integrity.
3 I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes.
I hate what unfaithful people do.
I want no part of it.
4 I will keep far away from devious minds.
I will have nothing to do with evil.
5 I will destroy anyone who secretly slanders his neighbor.
I will not tolerate anyone with a conceited look or arrogant heart.
6 My eyes will be watching the faithful people in the land
so that they may live with me.
The person who lives with integrity will serve me.
7 The one who does deceitful things will not stay in my home.
The one who tells lies will not remain in my presence.
8 Every morning I will destroy all the wicked people in the land
to rid the LORD's city of all troublemakers.

Psalm 101 (God's Word)

Brian Masinick,
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