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Word for Today, Thu, 08 Mar 2001: "A Prayer for Lent"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Just like Larry, there is nothing meaningful I can add to this
message. I agree with it and my heart's desire right now is to
simply stop, listen, and thank God for what He is doing.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you will keep me patient, attentive, and alert, even
when I do not feel patient, when I am tired and weak, be my
source of patience, my source of strength, and as always, my
eternal source of hope. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
To: <>
Subject: "A Prayer for Lent" Sowing Seeds Devotion March 8, 2001
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 04:04:40 -0800

For an old favorite... read "Ship of Fools"

Sowing Seeds of Faith

A Prayer for Lent
Larry Davies

Lord, at the beginning of this Lenten season, I sense my need
of you; yet, I am not quite sure how to reach you.

I heard someone say, Read your Bible. But too often the words
are like bullets that ricochet off my brain.

I heard someone say, Pray. But my prayers, hurled heaven
ward, fall back to earth like lifeless stones.

I heard someone say, Meditate. But my wandering mind was lost
in a desert of random thoughts.

Could this prayer by Robin Van Cleef describe your spiritual life
at times? Trust me, you are not alone! The first words I see
early in the morning are usually from a computer screen or
morning newspaper instead of Gods Holy Word. Not good! Sometimes
reading the Bible is a stimulating journey of fresh discoveries
while other times more a discipline or even a chore. Its sad but
true. Forgive me Lord!

Do you ever pray and wonder if anyone is listening? I do. Prayer
can be a daily delight where you feel bathed in the very presence
of God. But prayer can also be a desperate plea for a rope to
help you climb from the deep dark depths. But the rope does not
always seem to be there. Prayer can be a cry for answers
sometimes there is only silence. Where are you God?

Meditation seems too slow for my hectic lifestyle. I tend to seek
stimulation rather than meditation a comfortable conversation
instead of lonely contemplation entertainment rather than
education. Meditation? Me? Im too busy right now Lord but
after I retire and sit in the old rocking chair

Spiritual growth seldom happens naturally. Lent is a time of
preparation for Easter: A time to remember the life and death of
Jesus before we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Lent is an
opportunity to renew and deepen our relationship with God. Read
your Bible. Join a Bible study. Look for fresh opportunities to
pray. Ask your friends for permission to pray for them. Find a
quiet place and read something you find spiritually inspiring.
Then, sit back and quietly think or meditate.

Over this particular Lenten season, God wants to reach out and
touch you, embrace you and love you. But we must be willing to do
our part. Is it easy? Of course not. Will it be worthwhile? With
patience and perseverance always!

* Dont be impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along
His path. He will honor you (Psalm 38:34)

* So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the
special blessings that will come (1 Peter 2:13)

* One day soon afterward Jesus went to a mountain to pray and he
prayed to God all night. At daybreak, He chose (Luke 6:12)

* Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the
Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent (Ephesians 6:18)

Did you notice God emphasizing patience, steady travel,
self-control and persistence? But did you also detect Gods
promises? God will honor you. You may look forward to special
blessings. You will discover guidance for making difficult
choices. You will receive the power of Gods Holy Spirit.

The prayer at the beginning by Robin Van Cleef admits three areas
of struggle then continues

Lord, speak to me through your Word and let it penetrate my
mind and my heart.

Lord, speak to me through Prayer, and turn the lifeless stones
to bread.

Lord, speak to me in my Meditation, that I may see, amid lifes
wilderness: The way, the truth and the life.

Wow! The only word I can think to add is Amen.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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Do you need prayer?

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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