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Word for Today, Thu, 08 Sep 2005: My Utmost For His Highest : "Do It Yourself"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 08 Sep 2005: My Utmost For His Highest : "Do It Yourself"
Dear friends,

PRAISE: For those of you who have been praying for me and asking
about my next job, my start date is next Tuesday morning.
I will be working as a software test engineer for a large
financial investments company.

I never cease to be amazed by the concise manner in which
the late Oswald Chambers writes about matters of faith and a
personal relationship with God.

The passage in 2 Corinthians 10:5 deals with matters of
personal pride. Oswald asserts that pride and moral choices
are areas in our lives where we have to make our own choices
to work out what God is doing in our lives.

Notice that we cannot do anything directly about sin. That is
the work of Christ. He bought us at great price by sacrificing
Himself on the cross as the full payment for our sin. It is He
who redeemed us and He who carries out that part of the task.

Nevertheless, we have our own role. When we are faced with
decisions to make, now that we are free from sin's penalty,
it is up to us to make life choices that are pleasing to God.

The goal, you may notice, is that Jesus wants to "bring another
son to glory". That means you and me.

Each day, therefore, as we have choices to make, let's make sure
that we know what the Bible has to say about attitudes, choices,
and principles, and let's endeavor to make decisions that would
please our Redeemer, so that He may proudly present us one day in
glory, for His own honor.

Yours in Christ,



September 8, 2005


Casting down imaginations and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.

2 Corinthians 10:5

Deliverance from sin is not deliverance from human nature. There are
things in human nature, such as prejudices, which the saint has to
destroy by neglect; and other things which have to be destroyed by
violence, i.e., by the Divine strength imparted by God's Spirit.
There are some things over which we are not to fight, but to stand
still in and see the salvation of God; but every theory or conception
which erects itself as a rampart against the knowledge of God is to
be determinedly demolished by drawing on God's power, not by fleshly
endeavour or compromise (v. 4).

It is only when God has altered our disposition and we have entered
into the experience of sanctification that the fight begins. The
warfare is not against sin; we can never fight against sin: Jesus
Christ deals with sin in Redemption. The conflict is along the line
of turning our natural life into a spiritual life, and this is never
done easily, nor does God intend it to he done easily. It is done
only by a series of moral choices. God does not make us holy in the
sense of character; He makes us holy in the sense of innocence, and
we have to turn that innocence into holy character by a series of
moral choices. These choices are continually in antagonism to the
entrenchments of our natural life, the things which erect themselves
as ramparts against the knowledge of God. We can either go back and
make ourselves of no account in the Kingdom of God, or we can
determinedly demolish these things and let Jesus bring another son to

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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Brian Masinick,
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