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Word for Today, Thu, 1 Nov 2001: All Saints Day follows All Hallows Eve

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Last week at this time, my friend Larry Davies wrote a column
about Halloween, which was intended to elicit responses from
people - coming from a wide variety of views, backgrounds, and
perspectives. In this week's edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith,
Larry has edited many of those responses and sent them out in
this week's message. This gives all of us a chance to consider
different viewpoints about why some people celebrate Halloween
and others avoid it completely.

Personally, I do not place a lot of emphasis on the day, one way
or the other. I did take the opportunity to talk to my seven
year old son about "All Saints Day". I mentioned to him that
everyone who is a saint can be remembered on that day. (The
definition of the word means all who have been "set apart for
God"). I told my son that when we trust Christ as our only hope
to forgive our sins and direct our lives, that we are set apart.
He GOT IT. He said, "Then we must be saints". I responded that
we specifically remember special people who have given their
lives for God, but yes, it is true that true Christians ARE
saints of God!

So when it comes to Halloween, I don't place emphasis on ghosts
and witches, or any other items of evil. What some may have
intended as a "Pagan" holiday we remember as a family day, when
parents and children alike can have fun, and we can celebrate our
roots as true Saints of God! Just because some have destroyed
what God has meant for GOOD does not mean that WE have to follow
along - no, we have been SET APART for doing good works, and for
showing kindness and love. These things are not what SAVE us,
for God HIMSELF is the One who seeks and saves the lost. These
are the things that those who are called by His Name DO in His
Name, out of love and obedience to Him.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Readers Respond to Halloween and Halloween"

Last week's article brought a huge response. As is our custom we
try to share some of those responses with you. In order to share
as many as possible each individual response has been heavily
edited bit I hope you find this helpful. Nest week, I will

To read last week's devotion again, you can click here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith'

'Halloween and All Saints Day: Reader Response' Larry Davies

'Like you, I was brought up trick or treating, although we were
taught NEVER to trick anyone. The worst thing was when a bunch of
boys piled up beer cans they found in front of a store. Kids
mostly wanted to be together, walking the streets and getting
their fill of candy.' Unknown

'My son goes to public school. He has made an informed choice to
NOT participate in Halloween and is proud of it. We take October
31 off so he does not have to be around the "festivities" at
school and we spend a very special family day together. If more
families would do this instead of spending all their hard earned
money on demonic decorations, costumes, and junk food they would
find their family growing closer as a unit and to the Lord.'

'This is wonderful. I have always been confused by Halloween but
because it was such fun for me as a child, it was something that
I could not take away from my kids. The thought of telling them
they couldn't dress up and all would upset me.' Valerie

'I beg to differ... As C.S. Lewis said, 'Satan's favorite lie is
to make us either believe he doesn't exist or that he is some
silly, superstition-based character in a red suit with horns and
a pitchfork.' All Saints Day is another matter. From Mark to
Martin Luther to my mother, the saints of old deserve my respect,
my honor and my thanks to God. Now, THAT'S worth celebrating!'

'I remember a certain prankster, a case of toilet paper and a
tube of 'Bryle Cream' that ended up on one poor devil's car
windows.' Bud (Oops! This one is personal.)

'It is obvious that you have not dealt with anyone caught up in
Satanism. I am dealing with two girls who walked that road and
believe me we won't be celebrating Halloween.' Carolyn

'I like Halloween and the candy is good but do you know why I
like it? Because it is my birthday! One of the ladies in my
prayer group says 'you are the best thing that came out of that
day.' Another friend says, 'I am a treat instead of a trick.' Now
you know two good things about Halloween: candy and one little
Canadian prayer warrior. I am not a witch, a goblin, or anything
evil. I am a kind-hearted, pure little lady who is waiting for
the right Christian man to marry.' Joy

'I feel you are really being shallow on this issue. Halloween is
a Pagan holiday. We should be teaching the real roots and not a
short version to sugar coat it.' Mike

'Certainly Halloween can be fun, as it was for me but for others,
it is entirely different. I knew a girl once involved with
Satanists. For her, Halloween carried a haunting meaning. She was
deeply hurt by churches that celebrated this day with Halloween
Parties. "Why would they want to celebrate a day that is a
celebration for Satan?" As a pastor, I try to be sensitive to
others with her background. I am very hesitant to have a
"Halloween Party," with haunted houses etc. I would not want to
cause pain and misunderstanding for someone who knows first hand
the horrors Halloween can hold.' Charles

'What about the Bible saying to stay away from witchcraft and
wizards? Putting on some of the costumes that are out today seems
to cross that line. What about the people who dress up just to
scare kids? A party to celebrate the Saints? That's a great
idea. A party full of witches and such? I don't think we're
sending the right message.' Ray

'I began my walk with Christ four years ago and it has changed my
life. However, my very close-knit family celebrates EVERY holiday
with vigor and I was raised LOVING Halloween. Some of my favorite
memories were with my Dad carving Jack o'
Lanterns. Unfortunately, after I became a Christian and went to
work at a Christian School I was informed of how evil my family
was for celebrating such a pagan holiday. How could I suddenly
reject what was such a wonderful time in my life? THANK YOU,
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for letting me know I'm not the only
Christian who loves Halloween. Because of you I can celebrate
with my kids this year and not feel guilty!' Julie

Next week: Is there an appropriate way to respond to Halloween?
What should we do about All Saints Day?

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