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Word for Today, Thu, 10 Jan 2002: A Community of Faith

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message provides a reflection on the past year of
activities at one vibrant church - a church that most of you have
never seen, but one in which the ministry speaks to our mailing
list every week. I'm referring to the Sowing Seeds of Faith
ministry, and the weekly messages that Larry Davies writes, based
on his own personal experiences, not only as a pastor, but also
as a person who faces the same daily issues that you and I face.

I hope by looking at the things that have gone on at Larry's
church, each of us can see how, in both large and small ways, we
can make a difference in our every day lives - in ourselves, and
in the lives of others. It all starts with cultivating a deep
and personal relationship with God, but the results of that
activity are that the things we do with our lives are changed,
and life takes on a completely different meaning.

To quote a recently popular song, "To love God, love people,
that's the center of the mark" comes pretty close, but I would
only add a few things to that statement. First, we have to
understand our need - the fact that we cannot handle matters on
our own. Second, we need to recognize that God is the One who
completely fills that void. Third, we need to understand that
God created people to provide companionship, love and care for
one another. When these things are balanced in the proper
perspective, a content, peaceful, purposeful life results.

Larry and the members and friends of his church are using both
old and new ways to learn and express their relationship with God
and one another. It involves Bible Study, prayer, fellowship,
and many other factors. I encourage you to read and think about
what's been going on with my friends who sow seeds of faith.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith.

"A Church Looks Back on 2001" Larry Davies

A few weeks ago, I asked everyone in our church to list the three
most significant events of 2001. I only expected to receive a
few interesting tidbits for next week's sermon. Instead, I was
overwhelmed with a barrage of responses passionately describing
dramatic life changes through experiences at church. I learned a
lot reading those responses. I pray you will too as we prepare
for 2002.

Before sharing our top ten experiences, let me share some of the
other responses:

* Support during tough times - There were job losses, illnesses
and deaths but through it all someone from the church was there
to offer prayers, support and love.

* Jacob Bruce and his battle for life - The two year old boy
battling against a cancerous brain tumor and mostly succeeding
has been a miracle and an inspiration for us all.

* Divorce Recovery Ministry - This ministry touched the lives of
many when they were at their worst and helped them find hope. "I
had no hope before class. I received a second chance."

* Team Impact - Four of the strongest men in the world broke
bats, bent steel bars and won our hearts with their testimony of
how God was actually strongest of all.

* Exercise Class - It may sound crazy but the love and
spirituality shown by our exercise instructor accomplished so
much more than simply develop stronger muscles.

* MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) - Our newest ministry
accomplished more than providing a safe environment for tired
mothers. "MOPS brought me back to church. Thank you."

* Food and Eating - I know. I know! It's what all churches do
best but several wrote that attending a covered-dish supper was
when they really began to feel a part of the church.

* Prayer Candle Mountain - During each worship service we light
candles on a miniature mountain for anyone needing prayer. It's
our way of making prayer a central part of worship.

Our top ten actually turned out to be eleven but who's counting.
Here goes:

11. Growth - More than attendance and membership. lives were
changed. Growth itself added to our enthusiastic outlook and the
feeling that what we were doing mattered.

10. Beach Party Worship - A sermon about surfboards? Music
originally sung by the "Beach Boys? Wild and a little crazy?
Maybe, but this worship service was so unusual people still talk
about it.

9. Music and Special Guests - Whether a cantata, a hymn, a guest
musician or an old fashioned Gospel sing, music has a unique way
of communicating the awesome love and grace of God.

8. Youth and Youth Missions - One youth wrote about a mission
trip to Kentucky. Another rediscovered her faith while serving
on a worship team that traveled to other local churches.

7. Ministry and Outreach Ministries - Whether providing
Christmas gifts for needy children, repairing someone's home or
working at the local relief center. helping others made a

6. Joining Church/Baptism - Our tradition of bringing new
members before the congregation while supporters and relatives
gather around as we pray for their ministry was a very moving

5. Friendliness and Caring - One wrote: "You have such loving
people. I've learned to know more people in three months. so
many friendly non-judgmental folks. I came home when I came

4. Sunday School - Sometimes taken for granted but it's a
typical Sunday school class that often offers the best
opportunity to ask critical questions, have a little fun and
strengthen your faith.

3. Easter and Christmas Services - "When I nailed my sins to the
cross. I felt the sacrifice Jesus made for me for the first
time. Then to see those sins in the fire on Easter morning was

2. Small Group Bible Studies - It's almost impossible to study
and apply God's word to our everyday lives without help. The
Bible study groups provided discipline, fellowship and

1. September 11, 2001 - "When I first heard of the events, my
first thought was I need to be at church." Somehow we all needed
to be united as a country and as Christians. May we never

The best comment was this one: "I want you to know I'm doing
better thanks to your many prayers. I have connected with people
who have the same problems. It helps to talk with someone who
has been there. They tell me how they got through it and so will
I. I believe wholeheartedly that God led me to you. I was
feeling low and planned to do something about it. Then I felt
the love of your prayers. Thanks so much for not giving up on me
when everyone else had. I made a New Years Resolution to "Dance
with God" again. I know it's not going to be easy but it will
definitely be worth it. Thank you."

Sowing Seeds of Faith... Weekly devotions with ATTITUDE, humor,
great stories and a down-to-earth Bible study.

Subscribe or check out our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in
me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me
you can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like
a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings
great glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)

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