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Word for Today, Thu, 11 Jan 2001: More Competition?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you remember the message from Larry Davies last week that
introduced us to the story of King Herod and his competitive
spirit, and his fear of anything that would threaten his power?
You might remember that Larry challenged us to apply Herod's
attitude to our own lives and see to what degree it fits. Most
of us would shudder at the thought of being like Herod, unless we
are so power hungry that we wanted to possess even more power.

The ironic thing about it is that we already DO have much more
power than Herod ever had, because we have at our disposal the
great power of the Holy Spirit. But before we think that we can
become great in the usual sense, remember that this power is for
those who have the Spirit of God, the power to love and serve.

What is it like to see God? Well, I certainly do not know all
the answers, nor do I know all of the questions, but I do, from
reading the scriptures, have a sense about who God is. The Holy
Spirit also brings understanding to these passages. But to be
honest with you, none of the scripture passages are complicated.
Even the simple shepherds could see it. So can children. So
often we miss the simple truth because we are either in too much
of a hurry, we aren't really interested, or we are afraid to
search and seek.

I think that God is a Spirit who wants us to seek Him and know
Him, and He wants to give us great joy and blessing when we do
that. He also wants to challenge us and test the sincerity of
our attitudes. The enemy (Satan) also has a role to play,
because he wants nothing of any of this. Any move on our part
toward God will be met with obstacles from the enemy. Yet that
is no reason to be deterred, it is simply all the more reason to
rely completely on God, who is in complete control of all things,
including the enemy.

Will you think about the questions that Larry has posed to us?
Do you want to see what the shepherds and Wise Men saw? Do you
want to be filled with 'great joy'? It is my prayer that you
will be visited by God's Spirit, and that He will STAY with you

Dear God,

I want to be continually in awe and joy at the wonder of Your
love. Often I am, but sometimes, the events around me try to
crowd out Your Spirit. I am grateful that You are the Gentle
Shepherd, willing to patiently and humbly lead us, in spite of
the fact that You are all powerful, all knowing, and Holy. How
wonderful it is that You come to me at the place where I can meet
You! Thank You so much for that! Take my willing spirit and use
me as You choose, for Your own honor and glory. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Competitive to the Extreme: King Herod" Conclusion Sowing Seeds
Devotion January 11, 2001

For another story about a journey of faith... Read "'Myst' and
Our Journey of Faith" by clicking here:'myst'.htm

Sowing Seeds of Faith:

"Competitive to the Extreme: King Herod" - Conclusion
Larry Davies

Last week you read about Jesus' birth and how the family had to
flee to avoid King Herod's "competitive to the extreme" fear. How
many talented people do companies lose because other employees
refuse to offer support? How many churches lose capable members
because others refuse to listen? Truthfully, there is a little
of King Herod in all of us. The question is: What should we do
about it? How can we learn from Herod's tragic mistakes? What
will enable us to be more supportive of new people and ideas?
Maybe now, we are ready to learn from the wise men's visit.

"After the interview with Herod the wise men went their way. Once
again the star appeared to them, guiding them to Bethlehem. It
went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child
was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! They
entered the house where the child and his mother Mary were and
they fell down before him and worshipped him. Then they opened
their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense
and myrrh." (Mat. 2:9-11)

Herod saw the Christ child as competition and a threat to his
rule. His reaction was to crush whatever stood in his way. The
wise men however had a different response:

- They saw the star: Everyone could see it. Why were
foreigners the only ones who understood the significance? Why not
a Jewish priest? Why not anyone already in Israel? Maybe they
weren't looking. What about you? Are you looking for the star?

- They followed: They dropped everything to follow a star.
Some historians predict that it might have taken months to make
this kind of long, arduous journey. Why did they do it? Because
they sensed God's will. Was it easy? Of course not, but they
followed with faith. Will you?

- They were filled with joy: The wise men kept looking and
following until reaching their destination. At times they must
have been tempted to turn back- to simply go home. Yet they kept
pressing on. Their reward at the end of the road was an
unspeakable joy.

- They fell down and worshipped: Others only saw a baby
but the wise men saw God and responded with humility and
adoration. What was it like to look into the eyes of God? Yet,
you have the opportunity each day. Are you willing to bow down
and worship God?

- They gave their best gifts: The wise men were called from
afar to witness Christ's birth. They responded by giving the very
best of what they had. Think about it. You are offered the
awesome opportunity to be in relationship with almighty God. Will
you respond with your best?

I thought the story of the 'wise men' was simply a children's
story. I was so wrong. There are precious gifts of wisdom for us
all if we are willing to learn. For this upcoming year, if you
want to become more of a 'Wise Man' than a 'Herod' there are
questions we should ponder as individuals and as a church:

1. Do you have a plan for personal spiritual growth? When
you are busy focusing on your relationship with God, you are not
as likely to feel threatened by the actions of others.

2. Does your church have a plan for spiritual growth? Have they
made a commitment before God to help others grow stronger in
their faith?

3. Are you willing to change jobs to better serve God? Would
you be open to moving? Would you give up your church position to
give someone else an opportunity to serve?

4. Is your church willing to listen to new ideas? Will they make
adjustments in order to facilitate the needs and potential
contributions of new people?

5. Is your life an example for others to follow? Will they
see in you the wise man following God?s star wherever it may
lead? No one expects perfection but are you willing to try?

6. Does your church support leaders who have a vision for growth
and inspire enthusiasm for the future? Will you support that
leadership or better yet- be a part?

Christmas has come and gone? Now what? How should you respond to
the birth of the King of kings as the New Year begins? Will you
be 'deeply disturbed' like Herod because of the inevitable
changes a commitment to Christ requires? Will you be 'filled with
joy' like the wise men because they made a commitment to follow
the star and found the 'precious babe lying in a manger'? The
star beckons!

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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