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Word for Today, Thu, 12 Dec 2002: I Answer the Call

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

God is faithful. He can accomplish things in us and through us
that we cannot possibly imagine. I'm in one of those places
right now myself. I can't seem to get anywhere trying the things
that I've been used to doing. I've been asking myself for quite
some time now, "Lord, what is it that You want me to do?" If you
just show me what it is, I'll do it.

So far, doors have closed, but I haven't seen the door open that
I'm quite sure God wants me to go through. I do know this much.
Like Luke, the writer of the Acts of the Apostles, like Larry
Burkett, like so many people through the ages, I certainly cannot
remain silent about what I believe. I share my faith through
this forum and through the things I do each day. Something
suggests to me that there will be much more to it at some point -
just haven't found what it may be yet. When I do, I intend to
say yes.

How about you? Whatever it is in your life that God wants you to
do, when He asks you, will you remain silent (or even worse, will
you be like Jonah and run the other way, only to get swallowed up
by a large creature)? Or will you say, Yes, Lord, Yes, to Your
will and to Your way?

I've already determined that my answer is yes. Today, it's just
saying that I trust God with my present and my future. I have a
strong feeling that it will mean a whole lot more than that. Now
I've just got the "Dumbo (Big) Ears" out, listening for what's

Your Brother in Christ,

Great is Thy Faithfulness 12/11

Great is Thy Faithfulness
by Larry Burkett
December 11

Obeying God's Voice

Acts 24, 25, 26

"If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will
arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's
house will perish" (Esther 14:4).

Yesterday I was relating how I hear God speak to me in my
spirit. I want to carry that thought further by giving you an

When I had been a Christian about two and a half years, I felt
God calling me to do something different from what I was doing
as a company vice president.

Often my pastor would to take me on Wednesday visitation when he
was going to visit hard cases, because he could use me as his
example-"if God can save this guy He can save anybody."

This particular evening we had gone to three homes and nobody
was home. So we were back at the church sitting in his car, half
talking, half praying, and I mentioned that I believed God
wanted me to do something different.

He asked what it was, but I had to admit that I didn't really
know. At the time, I had been studying t he area of biblical
finances and had become the resident financial counselor for our

We prayed about it and during the prayer I heard God speak to me
in that gentle, soft voice, and it was from His Word in Esther
(our verse for today). Mordecai went on to say to Esther what I
believe God was telling me, "Who knows but what you have been
raised to this position for just such a time as this, but if you
don't go another will be chosen."

I resigned my job, joined the Campus Crusade for Christ staff as
a financial counselor, and began the greatest adventure of my
life-serving God's people in the area of finances.

Be careful to listen when God speaks to you.

Brian Masinick,
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