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Word for Today, Thu, 14 Dec 2000: Putting What We Believe Into Actio

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This story is familiar to me. I have read it before in one of
Larry's messages. (I guess I really *have* been paying
attention, huh Larry?) 🙂 It is also very near and dear to my
heart. I have always felt that my faith needed to be something
that was accompanied by my attitudes, responses, and actions. I
wonder how many chances I will get this winter to stop if someone
is stranded on the road?

I do not make a habit of stopping for people on the road, so
perhaps I need to examine my hurried pace and decide what is
urgent and what is important. Personally, I don't think we are
called to solve all of the world's problems, and I don't think
that Larry is implying that we can, or attempt to do so. But I
do think it is important to be sensitive to what is going on
around us, continually prayerful, and looking for opportunities
where we can make a difference.

There is hope for us, even when we do fall short (and we most
certainly will fall far short). That is no excuse, however, for
avoiding what God may want to do in our lives this very day.

Dear Lord, I confess that far too often, the pace and nature of
the events around me get in the way of what You desire to do in
my life. Forgive my shallowness in those times. I feel defeated
when I fail to allow Your Holy Spirit to be the controlling force
in everything I do, for You have said that Your Spirit dwells
within us when we recognize Christ as our Savior. But my sin
blocks me from seeing Your Presence and robs me of Your peace.
Forgive me, cleanse me, and renew me, that I may be fully yours.

Brother Brian

From:"Sowing Seeds Ministry Phone Hook" <>
To: <>
Subject: "Christmas, A Victim and Opportunities"
Sowing Seeds Devotion 12/14/2000

The following dramatic story illustrates the opportunities God
often give us to make a difference in the lives of
others. Sometimes we act. Sometimes we don't. Christmas more than
any other time reminds us of our need to be aware, to pray and to
act on behalf of those in need.

Sowing Seeds Favorite: Putting Christ in Christmas and the story
of Christmas Parents

'Christmas, A Victim and Opportunities'

Larry Davies

The Victim: It was a cold, December night as Judy finished
working late shift at the restaurant. The supervisor warned the
employees not to walk through the parking lot alone, but she was
in a hurry. Nearing the car Judy felt rather than heard the
presence rushing toward her. Before she could react a rough hand
grabbed her by the neck jerking back hard. Both feet left the
ground as she felt herself lifted high as if she were no heavier
than a child's rag doll. Then there was the too brief sensation
of free falling through the air as she was flung to the hard
pavement. Dazed and in pain, Judy noticed the foul odor of stale
cigarettes and cheap wine as the attacker began to loosen the
strap of her purse. Before there was time to scream, she saw his
evil scowl and the flash of his knife...

Opportunity One: Ed, a pastor in the area was driving home from a
long and frustrating meeting at the church when his headlights
picked up the attacker who upon seeing Ed's car left Judy and
ran. 'Somebody needs help', thought Ed and he paused before
resuming his driving. 'But it is so late and violent crime
happens a lot in our area. I could get hurt. But something needs
to be done about the violence in this community. I should hold a
prayer vigil at the church or write the mayor'.

Judy had no idea how many times she had been slashed and stabbed
but sensed that somehow she must find help or die. Slowly and
painfully, Judy began to crawl toward the nearby street desperate
for any passing motorist to see her. Struggling to her feet, in
pain and nearly blind from the blood in her eyes, Judy began to
stagger down the roadway.

Opportunity Two: Phyllis was feeling good about the songs her
choir was singing in the Christmas Cantata. The music was on
cassette so she could practice while driving. 'Joy to the World,
the Lord is Come,' she sang in perfect harmony with the
accompanying voices of the tape. So intent on singing, Phyllis
almost hit Judy staggering across the roadway. Swerving the car
and honking the horn, Phyllis still managed to yell out, 'Lousy
drunk...why don't you get a job!' After a moment she calmed down
and resumed singing, 'Let every heart prepare Him room...'

As the car raced by, Judy cried out: 'Oh God! Somebody please
help me!', collapsed and passed out.

Opportunity Three: The next few hours were a blur in Judy's
memory, but through the haze she remembered hearing a soft
whisper, 'It's okay. You are going to be all right!' As she
regained consciousness she noticed the hospital surroundings. A
nurse was looking at several monitors. Then Judy realized the
tubes and wires from the machines were attached to her. 'What

The nurse looked her way, smiled and said, 'You are a very
fortunate young woman. You were beaten and stabbed repeatedly and
apparently left for dead.'

'How did I get here'? Judy asked.

The nurse smiled and replied, 'You were rescued by our hospital
custodian, Ed Harris. On the way home he saw you, called the
rescue squad and stayed with you until just a few moments ago.'

Three different people were given opportunities to offer
help. After a similar story, Jesus asked, 'Which of these three
do you think was a neighbor to the one who was robbed and
beaten?' (Luke 10:36)

The expert in the law replied, 'The one who had mercy.'

Jesus then said, 'Go and do likewise.'

Your opportunities to help someone may or may not be this
dramatic. It makes no difference. What matters is how you
respond. This Christmas, be alert for the opportunities God gives

Did you know that Jesus never said, 'Take up your cross and join
the church'? He actually said, 'Take up your cross and follow
me.' May Jesus be the reason for your Christmas season.


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