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Word for Today, Thu, 14 Feb 2002: Laughing is Relevant

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I always enjoy reading Sowing Seeds of Faith, then sharing my
comments with you. Today is no exception. Larry's message is
both humorous and serious. Larry writes about prayer. He writes
about children. He writes about not taking things too
seriously. He talks about laughing.

How does that help those of us who may be in pain, either
emotional or physical pain? I think it is VERY relevant. Please
read Larry's message to find out why.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh"

Sales of our latest book, "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit:
Following God's Recipe For A Better Life" have been terrific.
Because of that, I've been able to reduce the printing bill
substantially. I've also found a way to reduce the shipping
costs. Normally listing in retail stores for $24.95, you can now
buy the book only on this website for only $15. If you buy more
than one book your price goes down even more. Click here to
check out what everyone is buying and also save a little money:


Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh! Larry Davies

Are there any prayer needs today? I asked during a
worship service. One person mentioned a neighbor who was sick.
Another spoke of a couple with financial problems. A young man
asked us to pray for the family of a friends grandmother who
recently died. After hearing what seemed to be all the requests
I said, If there are no other needs then let us bow our heads
and pray.

Shortly after beginning the prayer, I felt something tugging on
my pants leg and at the same time heard a loud whisper:
Preacher Preacher I needs something too!

Still speaking, I slightly opened one eye and took a peek. A
little boy was on his hands and knees below me, tugging on my
pants leg as hard as he could and earnestly whispering:
Preacher, I needs something too!

The choir members behind were beginning to lose their composure
and I could hear giggling in the background as the boy continued
tugging on my pants and was by now speaking loudly: Preacher,
I needs something!

Oh no! I thought to myself. In my arrogance and
pride, had I ignored the needs of a small child? Maybe he knew of
someone who was ill that we needed to include? Feeling guilty
and ashamed, I stopped the prayer and gently asked the young boy:
Yes son, what do you need?

Preacher, I needs to go to the bathroom!

Sometimes, you just have to laugh! I know what youre thinking,
Larry, being a minister is serious business! Yes it is.
As a pastor, Im exposed to the most sensitive and tragic moments
in a persons life. When ever there is an illness, death or
marital dispute, I receive the call to listen and offer the
soothing comfort of God.

But over the years, I have discovered something profound. God
has a great sense of humor and we have been created to laugh as
well as cry. Jesus said it himself in Luke 6:21. God
blesses you who weep now, for the time will come when you will
laugh with joy. What a great promise!

This is what Ive learned about laughter:
Laughter can calm your fears.
Laughter can restore your hope.
Laughter can ease your pain.
Laughter can turn arrogance into humility.

I was returning to my home church for the first time since
becoming a minister. I was also very nervous about how friends
and family would respond. After all, these people only knew me
as a wise-cracking teenager and as a manager of a local
automobile dealership. Now, I was coming back to their
congregation as a preacher? What a change! How would they react
to this new me?

There was no need to worry. After the worship service, people
surrounded me to offer congratulations and praise. Well, all of
them except for one older gentleman who knew me since childhood.
For a moment he stayed in the background and quietly watched.
Then, he slowly walked forward, planted himself directly in front
of me and stared deeply into my eyes for several seconds. (It
seemed like hours!) With just a trace of a smile beginning to
crack his stony face, he uttered the words that would shatter any
sense of false pride, I might consider claiming.

Larry, if God can turn you into a preacher, He can save just
about anyone!

What could I say? Sometimes, you just have to laugh!

If you like this devotion you will love the book: Breaking
the Peanut Butter Habit: Following Gods Recipe for a Better
Life now on sale only through this website. Click here for
more information:

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in
me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me
you can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like
a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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