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Word for Today, Thu, 14 Jun 2001: A righteous anger?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message from Larry Davies asks us to take a different
view of how we view Jesus. Some of us think of God as a harsh
judge, others of us see God as completely docile and meek.
Jesus, as God's Son, and God in the flesh, takes on both of these
characteristics, for His own purposes of bringing honor and glory
to Himself.

As I see it, generally God is a merciful, caring, understanding
Creator. He desires what is good for each one of us. Balanced
against each of those things, God is a Holy, Righteous Judge,
preferring mercy, but also willing to pass judgement on those who
refuse to acknowledge His ways and turn away from their own.

It is in this context that we find Jesus angry. For He has
informed us of what is expected of each one of us. Both the Old
and New Testaments of the Bible explain, not just the "letter of
the Law", but the intent behind it as well. So when someone,
particularly someone in authority "twists" the intent of the Law,
especially to suit their own situation, to the point of leading
others in the wrong direction, "angry" is not the only word.
Rage, wrath, and judgement also emerge. It is not as if we are
not given ample opportunity to repent. That is still the focus.
But God has His purpose in mind, to draw all people to Himself.
When we pervert that intent, that's when the wrath emerges.

I hope you appreciate Larry's insights into the Word as he shares
with us today.

Your brother in Christ, Brian

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Subject: A Different Way of Looking at Jesus: Angry

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

A Different Way of Looking at Jesus: Angry Larry Davies

How would you describe Jesus in one or two words? I asked the
youth in our Bible study. They used words such as: love,
goodness, humble, pious, kind, caring, devout, meek and gentle.
So, what would Jesus look like based on what you saw in the
movies or read in the Bible? They mentioned long hair, pale skin
and a constant smile like a flower child of the 1960s holding
two fingers in a V saying Im for peace, man. Still, another
students description reminded me of Mister Rogers as he pats a
child on the head and says Its a wonderful day in the
neighborhood. Will you be my neighbor?

But do you know anyone wanting to arrest Mr. Rogers, torture
him for hours on end and then hang him up on a cross until he
dies? (Maybe after watching a few hours of reruns?) Nah! I
dont think so. Apparently, Jesus was no flower child or Mr.
Rogers. Yes, Jesus can certainly be described as loving, full of
goodness, humble, pious, kind, caring, devout, meek and gentle
but there is so much more

Why were the Jews so enraged at Jesus? Good question. I found
interesting answers in the twenty third chapter of Matthew: Then
Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, The scribes and
the Pharisees sit on Moses seat; therefore, do whatever they
teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do
not practice what they teach. (Matthew 23:1-3)

Who are the scribes and Pharisees and why is Jesus chastising

Scribes and Pharisees describe a group of experts on Jewish law
formed long before Jesus birth. Surrounded by Greek culture and
Roman occupation, the Jewish people were slowly losing their
identity as people devoted to following Gods law. Pharisees
took a heroic stand to once again follow Gods law whatever the
consequences. In many ways, they were heroes for their faith.
In other words, scribes and Pharisees were the most dedicated
church folks in town. People like you and me.

Imagine a world famous spiritual leader such as Billy Graham or
the Pope visiting your church. The entire community gathers to
hear the message. On the front row sits the pastor and church
leaders. The speaker steps up to the pulpit and calmly faces the
congregation. He thrusts his arm toward the front row and
shouts: You pastors and church leaders sit in nice buildings
with thickly padded pews and stained glass windows. You may be
good teachers but you do not practice what you teach.

Are you beginning to understand why the scribes and Pharisees
were so offended? Wait! There is more. Throughout chapter
twenty three of Matthew, Jesus goes on to proclaim:

* Verse 13: How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious
* law and you Pharisees.

* Verse 15: Yes, How terrible it will be for you teachers of
* religious law and you Pharisees.

* Verse 16: Blind guides! How terrible it will be for you!

* Verse 23: How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious
* law and you Pharisees.

* Verse 25: How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious
* law and you Pharisees.

* Verse 27: How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious
* law and you Pharisees.

* Verse 29: How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious
* law and you Pharisees.

Then Jesus shouts the harshest condemnation of all Verse
33: Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment
of hell? Wow! Strong language! When someone you know becomes
angry frequently you dont pay much attention to each outburst
but when a person like Jesus who is known for being loving, calm
and compassionate blows his top you wake up and take notice.

Why is Jesus so angry? Also, why is he so angry at pastors,
Sunday school teachers, choir members, Administrative Board
chairpersons, deacons, elders and other leaders of local

Most of all, why is Jesus so angry at me?

The answers may surprise you or even infuriate you. Then you
will begin to understand why Jesus had to die so that we may
live. Meanwhile, read Matthew 23 for a different way of looking
at Jesus: angry.

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