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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Aug 2002: No Big Secret

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today, I had planned to share with you the weekly message from
Sowing Seeds of Faith, but I haven't spotted this week's
message. It could be that it has been delayed or there have been
technical issues. But while I'm thinking of it, please remember
my friend Larry Davies in your prayers. He genuinely cares about
people, and I believe he does everything he possibly can to share
the love of Christ with as broad an audience as he can. Like you
and me, he yearns to keep the right balance in his life, fully
relying on God. I care deeply for my brother in Christ whom I've
never met, but I spiritually connect with so often.

But perhaps the timing is right... no, I know the timing is
right. God has placed just the right message in place to share
with you - a message from another guy with a heart for Christ and
people, Kevin Corbin. Today Kevin has a great, simple message to
share that fits in well with the recent theme we've been
discussing. I just know that when Larry's message comes along,
it will also provide a balance and a fresh perspective on why we
need to keep coming back to God for everything. In the meantime,
think about the message below.

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?

Dear Lord,

Thank You so much for your faithfulness, and the simplicity of
your message of hope to us. We needn't go through some
complicated process to know you personally, because You reveal
Yourself to us in our hearts and souls, by Your Spirit, and You
share Your nature with us in Your Holy Word, the Bible, which
also reveals to us, and helps us to understand Your ways.

Lord, I've been praying that You would help me to be a genuine
encouragement to others, and that I may also be encouraged by
others, and I continue to do so. May we be one in the common
hope that we find complete in Christ. I ask each of these things
humbly in Christ's Name. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

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Gleanings From The Word
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary Life
Issue # 579 August 15, 2002

The Secret is Out

The room was abuzz with excitement. Everyone had waited a long
time to hear the big name Christian scholar and speaker. He was a
legend, everyone knew of him and the way he displayed integrity,
godliness and the love of Christ.

After a lifetime of study and prayer, he was going to reveal the
secret to abiding in Christ. "THE" secret to living a successful
life was going to be revealed.

People had come from all over the world for the secret. Authors
wanted to help him ghost write the "Secret of Abiding"
series. Now everyone would know the secret.

The worship band was lovely. The introductory speakers gave good
messages. The giving for the offering was generous.

Finally the old gentleman came up to the podium. They gave a
standing ovation before he could even give his message.

He adjusted his tie, pushed his glasses up on his face and
adjusted the microphone. Tension and excitement filled the
room. The audience had their Bibles opened to John 15.

[Jesus is speaking] "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a
man remains [abide in many translations] in me and I in him, he
will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone
does not remain [abide] in me, he is like a branch that is thrown
away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the
fire and burned. If you remain [abide] in me and my words remain
[abide] in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given
you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit,
showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:5-8 NIV

They followed along eagerly as he read the passage aloud. He
paused, surveyed the crowd and prepared to share the wisdom
gained from of a lifetime of work.

He read another brief verse from Scripture:

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your
salvation.Proverbs 13:5 NIV

Then he shared the secret.

"Step by step, moment by moment, decision by decision and day by
day." He turned, left the podium and sat down.

The crowd sat stunned, then murmuring in disappointment left the
building. They hadn't understood.

There isn't a "big secret" to living a successful Christian
life. We simply choose to be obedient with each decision and to
give each moment to Him.

Now you too know the secret. Give it to God. Trust and obey every
step of the way.

Be blessed

Hallelu Yah


Do you know that there is a God out there who wants to change
your life? He has the answers to your problems and a plan for
your life. He offers unconditional love and forgiveness to all
who will just ask for it.

If you haven't made the decision to accept Christ, email me and
I'll share some Bible verses that explain why a personal
relationship with Jesus is so important and a prayer that will
make it possible.

Or simply begin the relationship by saying a prayer along the
lines of:


I have made many mistakes in my life and done things I am not
proud of. I need your love and forgiveness. I believe that you
came into this world and gave your life on a cross to pay for my
sins and that you defeated death and rose again. Please forgive
me, and be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you Lord.


If you pray this prayer for the first time let me know so I can
rejoice with you.

Did you know that at Gleanings, we have a dedicated team of
prayer warriors and all prayer concerns are kept strictly
confidential? Your comments, your questions and your joys are
shared with the prayer team, to keep me accountable as the head
of the ministry and to encourage them as they see God at work in
your life. As with prayer all these things are kept confidential
within the Gleanings team. To share your prayer concerns and
praise reports email us

If you enjoyed this issue of Gleanings From The Word, email it,
in its entirety, to a friend. For information on use of Gleanings
in your church newsletter or other situations please visit the
permissions page on our Web site.

Archived issues of Gleanings From The Word can be found on our web site

You can write to us at

Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
114 Oak St
Sherwood Park, AB
T8A 0V8.

2002 K.F. "Kevin" Corbin
Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
All Rights Reserved.

Brian Masinick,
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