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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Feb 2001: Worship

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

In recent days, we have been looking at matters of attitude,
prayer, and worship. You may also recall that my friend, Larry
Davies, has been writing a series about worship, as has Bob
Kauflin, one of the writers for Today, Larry
continues his discussion about the value of worship. To me,
worship is an outward expression of my inner relationship with
God. Much of our discussion about worship centers around our
corporate activity of worship. That is one aspect of worship,
but to me, worship begins in our personal relationship with God.

My prayer is that these messages will be helpful to each one of
us as we contemplate our relationship with our Creator and
earnestly seek Him every day. When we begin to appreciate who He
is and what He has done, we begin to prepare our hearts to
recognize His infinite worth. That, to me, is the beginning of
true worship.

Dear Lord,

Purify our minds today that we may approach You, recognizing Your
worth to us. I thank You for Your Creation, even the means You
have given us to give You praise from our hearts. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Worship Part 2: Contemporary or Traditional? Wrong Question!"
Sowing Seeds Ministry Devotion

For part one: "Worship: Annoying Sounds or Vital communication?"
Click here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

Worship Part 2: Contemporary or Traditional? Wrong Question!
Larry Davies

Tap-tap-tap tap-tap annoying sounds? No part of a secret code
used by prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton prisoner of war camp during
the Vietnam War. The taping was part of a vital communication
link with each other. Without this communication prisoners would
slowly lose their will to live. Little by little, Captain
Eugene Red McDaniel wrote in his book, Scars and Stripes,
prisoners would deteriorate as that strange predator isolation,
would suck the very life out of them.

Last week we learned that worship is our vital communication with
God. Without worship, the spiritual part of us will begin to
draw inward, deteriorate and die. Now how should we worship?

Hundreds of ministers throughout Virginia gathered together for a
conference about worship. We came with more questions than
answers. What is good worship? What is our role as ministers?
Should worship be contemporary with modern music and drama or
should we focus on preserving the traditions of our past? With so
many churches declining its critical that we discover new

The conference fittingly opened with worship and Bishop Joe E.
Pennel, Jr., our main speaker read scripture before beginning his
message. Here is an excerpt:

Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean
spirit, and he cried out, What have you to do with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? But Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be silent, and come
out of him! And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying
with a loud voice, came out of him. They were all amazed, and
they kept on asking one another, What is this? A new
teachingwith authority! He commands even the unclean spirits,
and they obey him. (Parts of Mark 1:23-27)

After a pause, Bishop Pennel said, The presence of Christ always
stirs up unclean spirits. Worship centered in Christ will bother
the unclean spirit. Worship will condemn the unclean spirit. In
other words, worship encompasses so much more than the words
contemporary or traditional can adequately describe. Worship is
about stirring up unclean spirits What does that mean?

In order to stir up unclean spirits, worship should strive to

* Teaching: Worship should always revolve around and teach Gods

* Commitment: Worship should ask for a renewed commitment of our

* Leadership: Worship should offer us direction and a plan of

* Variety: Worship should respect the needs and cultural
distinctness of everyone, young and old.

* Consistency: Worship should at the same time remember and build
on our traditions.

* Passion: Worship should express the passion that comes from a
healthy relationship with God.

* Creativity: Worship should make the best possible use of our
God-given talents.

* Judgment: Worship should warn of Gods impending judgment.

* Grace: Worship should always offer the forgiving gift of Jesus

Throughout the conference leaders admitted that the debate over
worship is not as much about contemporary versus traditional
styles as it is about leadership and passion. All too often
churches settle for what is easy and predictable and lose their
opportunity to stir up the unclean spirits.

Bishop Pennel ended with a story about an all-white church he
served in Memphis, Tennessee from 1964 to 1968, a time of
heightened racial tension. One Sunday a group of black students
came to attend worship services. The ushers didnt deny entrance
but in silence brought the students down to the front pew of the
church. Later that night the room was full for the monthly board
meeting people anticipating trouble. Nothing was said at first
but the anxiety mounted. It was just a matter of time.

Finally, the chairman of the board, a very influential member of
the church stood up. Many who came to cause trouble assumed he
would be on their side. The chairman paused for a moment,
cleared his throat and said, What a great worship service today.
Isnt it wonderful that we can worship together as Gods church?
May it happen over and over. Is there any other business?

No one responded Such is the passion and power of Godly worship.
Even unclean spirits are afraid.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So god granted
him what he requested.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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