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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Jul 2004: Obedience Grows

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 15 Jul 2004: Obedience Grows
Dear friends,

This message comes from Coral Ridge Ministries. First, there is
a short clip from a recent Email message, quoting Joni Eareckson
Tada about growing in grace, being set apart, distinct,
separated, ready to grow and learn from God the Father, just as
Jesus Christ the Son, in complete obedience, did - which
ultimately led Him to the Cross of Calvary.

Here's what these messages convey:

1. Salvation is a free gift. You can't earn it, but you can
accept the gift.

2. Once we are saved from sin, we ought to have an attitude of
gratitude and obedience. That will be tangible evidence to
others that we really are saved and that we appreciate what God
has done for us. Such a response also prepares us to be renewed,
changed. God loves us, just as we are, but God also loves us
enough that He does not want us to remain where we are, He wants
to transform us into the likeness of Christ Himself.

Yours in Christ,


"To be holy means to be separated, set apart for God. We have an
instinct for holiness. That is, if we've experienced the new
birth. This instinct, when first planted in our heart, is faint,
gentle and tender, like the wisp of a grain of mustard seed. An
instinct must grow, and so we learn about holiness through
experience just as the Lord Jesus did" -- Joni Eareckson Tada

"Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by things which
He suffered" (Hebrews 5:8)

July 15

THE CHRISTIAN AT THE JUDGEMENT ...each one's work will become
manifest; for the Day will declare it, because it will be
revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one's work, of
what sort it is. If anyone's work which he has built on it
endures, he will receive a reward. 1 COR. 3:13:14

Let us get it clear once and for all: Heaven is a "free gift,"
not an "earned reward." I once saw a pamphlet with this question
on the cover: "What must you do to go to heaven?" I opened it
up, and the inside was blank! This pamphlet clearly communicated
the message that we can do nothing to earn our salvation. Jesus
has already paid the price in full for you and for me. Isn't
that an incredible truth?

We can't save ourselves through good deeds, but we can do good
works as a way of thanking God for our salvation. The Bible says
that God will reward us in heaven for these works of
thanksgiving. Scripture doesn't tell us what rewards we'll
receive, but it does tell us how to earn them. God sets aside
rewards for those who experience persecution for Christ's sake
(Matthew 5:12). He also rewards those who are good stewards of
the things God has given to them (Matthew 25:21). God has also
planned special rewards for those who love their enemies (Luke
6:35) and especially for those who faithfully witness to others
(John 4:35:36).

Keep in mind that at the Final Judgment the fire will try our
works to see which will last as heavenly rewards. According to
the Bible, some of us build with gold, silver, and precious
stones, while others of us build with wood, hay, and stubble.
Through the fire, the gold, silver, and precious stones will
remain, but the wood, hay, and stubble will go up in smoke. The
worst disaster that could befall a human being is to lose his or
her soul, but those of us who believe in Jesus' gift needn't
fear that fate. However, we may face the second-worst
disaster--watching all the work of our lifetimes burned up in
the fire at the Final Judgment (1 Corinthians 3:15).

Are you investing your time this day to make an eternal impact?
Are you building with gold, silver, and precious stone or with
wood, hay, and stubble? I encourage you to do good deeds with
eternity in mind, so that at the Final Judgment you may receive
the best reward of all--hearing God say to you, "Well done, good
and faithful servant!"

The only test that really matters in life is that ultimate one,
which will test the quality of our life's work.

1996 by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means--electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise--without prior written permission. Copyright 2004
.All Rights Reserved.

Brian Masinick,
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