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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Mar 2001: What do Pie in the Face Contests have to do with Faith?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As is often his custom, my friend Larry Davies uses humor and an
unusual look at the events around us to help us take a closer
look at our own lives and our relationship with our Creator, the
Lord Jesus Christ. Today, Larry discusses the 'Pie in the Face' and
'Pat on the Back' contest.

As I think about my own life, I can see many cases where I have
deserved a 'Pie in the Face'. People have done that and more,
often giving me at least as much as I have deserved. Yet there
have always been others, who have done it the other way. They
have given me a pat on the back or some other form of
encouragement. I certainly did not deserve it, but it was
precisely what I NEEDED. These same people prayed for me when
even I was ready to give up.

As a result of their selfless acts of love, today *I* am an
encourager, and I desire to 'pat you on the back' and give you
encouragement, whether you think you have earned it or not. I do
that because I now know that my source of strength, my hope, and
my ability to give comes not just from my own means, but it comes
from a spirit deep within - and that spirit is a gift of the Holy
Spirit, which comes from God - and IS God.

It's still fun to poke at others - especially when we can poke at
ourselves - and recognize our own deep needs. So I encourage you
to read and enjoy Larry's message today, and take something with
you --- please --- let it be MORE than just a pie in the face!

Dear Lord,

I need You today - every moment of this day - and every day, for
that matter. There is not a breath that I can take or a
heartbeat that moves unless it has been ordained and approved by
Your Word. I know that, I recognize that, and I appreciate
everything You do.

Please allow the words that I say and the things that I do spring
up out of gratitude for who You are and what You have done. So
often, I feel that my response is inadequate, barely recognizing
Your wonder. Accept these humble words of praise today, and may
my life praise You. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
To: <>
Subject: 3rd Annual 'Pie in the Face' or 'Pat on the Back' Awards
Sowng Seeds Miinistry Devotion 3/15/2001

I seldom venture into politics but once a year I just can't
resist poking a little fun at people and groups who stand out for
whatever reason as particularly deserving of either a pie in the
face or a pat on the back. At the same time I use it as a way of
encouraging you and I to take a long look at ourselves.
Obviously, I do not publicly endorse any particular politics or

Sowing Seeds of Faith

3rd Annual Pie in the Face or Pat on the Back Awards
Larry Davies

It all started when I wrote about a company that for a modest fee
would visit anyone you choose and cream him/her with a pie. What
a great idea! Think of the possibilities!

Do insensitive jerks to walk all over you? Let them have
a fresh piece of your pie! Has your boss been a pain lately?
Apply some first aid and enjoy the last laugh! Do you
know a preacher who's been a little stiff in the collar? (Forget
I said that!)

Does this sound like fun to you? I thought so and wrote a story
about some folks who definitely needed a pie in the eye. What
happened next surprised even me.

I received an email complimenting the pie-in-the-face article.
But then the writer asked: I love being hit with pies. Dont
you? Would you like to see some pictures? (No! I wouldnt!) More
letters came with the same type of message. For months, I was
bombarded with weird photos of folks creamed from every angle and
loving every minute of it. Does that sound strange to you?

What is wrong with you folks? Get a life and leave me alone!
Dont you know the difference between satire and cheap thrills?
Youre sick, sick, sick! Stop sending those pictures! This year
I throw my first pie at Creamed Pie Whackos! I know, I know.
Its what they want. I cant win!

Now, who else could benefit from a little "humble" pie? After
all, this is the season of Lent. Confession and repentance is
good for the soul. Right? So here is my third (maybe last?)
annual pie in the face award for those notable individuals who
refuse to repent of their arrogance and display a grave need for
a "whip-cream-filled" dose of humility. But, this year to appease
my sense of fairness and my innate desire to be positive, I am
also giving a pat on the back of recognition to individuals who
accomplish great feats yet display a Christ-like humility.

Enough of introductions lets get started. Who gets the next

Pie Splat! Enough is enough! Would someone please tell the media
that Bill Clinton is no longer president? Shades of Monica-gate
Now its unethical pardons, missing furniture, last minute deals,
and hidden money transactions: Its enough to make you gag!
Please Bill, no more.

Pat on the Back! Our always-professional, former Vice President
Gore has behaved quite honorably after all the confusion and
questions surrounding the recent election. He is quickly finding
his role as teacher and statesman. Newspaper articles report him
as content and adjusting to his new lifestyle. Who knows? If he
ran again, I might even vote for him. Congratulations!

Pie Splat! Robert Noel and Marjorie Knoller were known to spoil
their two Presa Camario mastiff dogs with special food and walks
along the beach. Unfortunately there was not as much attention
or remorse expressed over the cruel death of Diane Whipple mauled
by one of those same dogs.

Pat on the Back! Father Fortunato Di Noto who spent more than
four years tracking down Child Pornography sites on the internet
and proved to be a key factor in breaking an international ring
of pedophiles. Asked why, he simply remarked: Silence is what
allows pedophiles to win.

Pie Splat! For the times you had a golden opportunity to witness
your faith and lacked courage.

Pat on the Back! For when you had the same opportunity and found
the courage to reach out.

Maybe this is where Proverbs speaks with such authority:

Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Good people are guided by their honesty; treacherous people are
destroyed by their dishonesty. (Proverbs 11:2-3)

Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor.
(Proverbs 29:23)

Admittedly, we all could use a "creamed pie" occasionally to
smash our pride. As Easter looms, remember how much God loves you
and wants to enjoy an honest, intimate relationship with you,
warts and all. Act now! Don't wait for a "pie in the eye" to be
your wake-up call!

For another Pie in the Face devotion:

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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Do you need prayer?

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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