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Word for Today, Thu, 15 Nov 2001: How are mishaps and Thanksgiving Related?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

What do you suppose my brother in Christ, Larry Davies has been
up to lately? Do you think he has had a "problem"? Well, I can
tell you that he is more like me than I previously thought.
Neither of us excel at outdoor sports, even though we enjoy
them. But we have one difference: I know when to sit on the

Since Larry also mentions football, I'm sure he is NOT refering
to the Baltimore Ravens, but instead to a team that, years ago,
used to have the nickname of "The Hogs" but now has a new
nickname: "The Girls". There is even a recent VISA advertisement
where former "Hogs" fans dress up as "girls" for their Redskins.
I'm referring to the Washington Redskins, who seem to be almost
as good as the Detroit Lions (the team from my town of birth).

Well, enough sports talk. What we really think about this time
of year are the many ways in which we can give thanks. I am
thankful that I can joke about such matters with a friend, Larry,
who, without this technology, I would have never met. We still
have not met face to face, yet we connect in spirit, week after
week, and throughout the week, as we pray for people around the

I rejoice in my current lack of employment, not because I enjoy
being out of work - I don't. But I have had time to pray, time
to think, time to spend with my family, time to teach myself new
skills, time to learn from others. I have had many people pray
for me, and we have discovered faith in a common Lord, who lives
and reigns within our spirits.

Today I sing the song,

Purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart, let me be as gold - pure gold!

Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be Holy
Set apart for You, Lord
I choose to be Holy
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will. --- Refiner's Fire
Mercy/Vineyard Music

That is one of the cries of my heart today. I thank God that He
is faithful, and He continually draws people to His irresistable
love. May the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be present in each of your lives today!

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: Sudden Mishaps & Thanksgiving

We are exoeriencing problems with the software that delivers this
devotion. You may receive it several times today. Please accept
my apology. I'm doing my best to fix it and don't know any other
way to test it. God bless. Larry

Sowing Seeds of Faith

Sudden Mishaps: Thanksgiving Larry Davies

"Larry, why do you have a cast on your hand?"

I experimented with three possible explanations:

1. My wife did it. (They either don't believe me or say: "You
probably deserved it.")

2. My favorite football team has been losing lately. (You should
see the TV set!)

3. Attempting to catch a line drive on our church softball
team. (Shouldn't you use a glove?)

When I sheepishly admit to playing softball, I get two very
different reactions: Women look at me like I've lost my mind but
express sympathy for the injury. Men, on the other hand seek an
answer to two critical questions: "Did you catch the ball? Did
your team win?" Unfortunately, it is "No" to both questions,
which makes me a wimp. Although, I did continue playing? Does
that help my manhood? I try to laugh but wearing a cast is no
fun. Driving, typing and even taking a shower now become more
difficult and time-consuming. So, if my replies to your emails
seem short, you know why.

Who would have guessed that at my age, I would be wearing a cast?
Mishaps happen!

A few days later, while driving home, I noticed everyone moving
to the right lane because of a construction project ahead. The
left lane however, suddenly and miraculously cleared: A
completely open lane just for me. Wow! Who could resist? Like
a VIP, I serenely sliced through stalled traffic as a hot knife
through butter until a car entering from a side street
suddenly moved directly in my path.

There was no time to think. I remember jerking the car to the
left and back to the right missing cars on both sides of the road
by mere inches. Everything happened so fast, I didn't even have
a chance to scream at the other driver. As the reality of what
almost occurred sunk in, I pulled over to the side of the road to
calm frayed nerves and utter a prayer of thanks to God for a
miracle. Mishaps happen!

So, the question is How can God help us deal with those
inevitable, mishaps?

The Apostle Paul wrote to churches feeling the sting of
persecution. Overwhelmed and devastated they were pleading for
help. In other words, they were dealing with serious
mishaps. What could Paul write to ease their suffering and
provide hope in the midst of fear? The answer may surprise you.

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we
know that they are good for us-they help us learn to endure. And
endurance develops strength of character and character
strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this
expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God
loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our
hearts with his love. (Romans 5:3-5) Rejoice while enduring
mishaps? Are you crazy? Maybe but I found four crucial
lessons that offer enduring hope:

1. Mishaps can hit anyone and everyone from a potential
fender bender to a terrorist attack.

2. Mishaps can actually be good because we develop
endurance. No pain no gain.

3. Mishaps strengthen our character as we endure. Our
endurance becomes our witness.

4. Mishaps lead us to rely on God's Holy Spirit. Our faith
deepens. Our ministry broadens.

How many honors we receive our accomplishments, our financial
rewards, our years of service don't matter near as much to God as
a tested faith strengthened and purified by struggle. In other
words, how we learn to cope with mishaps shapes our outlook on
life and defines our relationship with God. How we overcome
mishaps represents our witness to the outside world. For this,
we can be thankful.

Is it easy? Of course not! This is why you and I need a church
community to help us pursue a deeper relationship with God. So,
on Thanksgiving, I will rejoice my many mishaps for lessons
learned, character strengthened and for the strengthening
presence of God's Holy Spirit. May my heart be filled with God's
love and grace. Now, if I can just learn to catch a
softball with my glove this time.

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